Snow flakes are falling~

North wind is howling~

Alechino regretted it. If she had known it would turn out like this, she would not have teased Fernina.

Now, not only Fernina avoided her, but even Krevy did not come to see her. Originally, Alechino was planning to apologize to Fernina through Krevy.

After that day, the mining machine shipped from the winter finally arrived, and Alechino could be freed and devote all her body and mind to diplomatic work.

However, Alechino has not had the heart to work recently.

Since that incident, Alechino felt that there was a little bit of strange emotion in her heart.

This strange emotion was very faint, but it seemed to have taken root, deeply rooted in Alechino's heart, and it also beat Alechino's reason from time to time.

I want to see Ms. Funina...

I want to apologize to Ms. Funina, I want Ms. Funina to forgive me, I want to talk to Ms. Funina, I want to see Ms. Funina laugh, I want to play with Ms. Funina, I want Ms. Funina to accompany me when I work...

I want to play the cake-grabbing game with Ms. Funina again... No, not just once, but every day!

Ms. Funina, I never realized... I would be so eager to get close to you!

Tell me, what's wrong with me?

Am I poisoned? Or cursed?

Why... why do I have these thoughts, and I am eager to take action to turn my thoughts into reality!

What's wrong with me?

Alecino asked herself, she didn't understand why her emotions fluctuated so violently.

In order not to let emotions become shackles that constrain her reason, Alecino has always managed her emotions very well.

This also made her appear indifferent when she reunited with Krevi. She hid her emotions in her heart, and let outsiders see her as always confident, indifferent but elegant, with madness in her eyes.

This is one of the masks that Alecino needs.

But why can't I control my emotions when I see Ms. Finina?

Alecino put her hands on her chest, trying to feel her heartbeat and listen to her heart.

But no one can give her an answer.

Alecino admitted that she did have some different feelings for Finina.

She liked to see Finina's smile and enjoyed spending time with Finina. Being with Finina would make her feel relaxed.

However, Alecino didn't understand what this emotion was.

Is it like? Is it love?

Alecino once asked herself this question, but she knew clearly that it was not love.

She liked Finina only because Finina was the light of her childhood and because she had no pressure when she was with Finina.

But that's all...

Alechino never thought she had the ability to love, nor did she think she had the qualifications to love.

She was the ember of the two worlds, a remnant that should not exist, a mistake born out of the world's negligence...

Whether it's Alechino or Peruvili, you are just a source of curse that will bring misfortune to others.

Lady Funina is the god of Fontaine, the sun in the sky, the bright moon at night, and the pure water of the ocean... And you, Alechino, Peruvili, you are just the embers after the ember of the two worlds burned.

What qualifications do you have to say you like, and what qualifications do you have to say you love?

These days of comfort have given you an illusion that you naively think you can like someone.

Are you worthy?

The burning fire of the red moon flows in the body, the blackened arms gradually spread and erode your body as time goes by, the wrong eyes that are not recognized by the world, the cold-blooded and cruel character, the hypocritical and crazy person...

These things remind Alecino not to have illusions every moment.

She is just a wrong person, her birth is wrong, her life is wrong, and her existence is also wrong!

Fantasy will only make her fragile and reveal her weaknesses. She can't have illusions, she needs to make herself indestructible.


Alecino groaned, she sat in the office, handling official business in the diplomatic embassy of Zhidong in Fontaine.

However, she couldn't concentrate at all.

She actually read four or five Teyvat systems for a simple invitation letter.

"As expected... I'm still unwilling to give up. Is it because of my current position?"

"I feel that I can climb to the position of Fatui's executive officer and kill Kugavina, so why can't I give it a try... The change in my status has driven the change in my state of mind, making me feel that there is nothing impossible in this world...."

"Such impetuous emotions must not be left! Don't be emotional, be rational, and think calmly. "

Alechino talked to himself, as if trying to convince himself.

"My current identity is the executive officer of the Fatui and the diplomat of Zhidong. This will be the fundamental position of my future actions. Do your job in your position."

"Since I am now in the position of Zhidong, I must focus on Zhidong. What I do in Fontaine must be based on the interests of Zhidong."

"I offended the Fontaine Water God before. For the interests of Zhidong, I must apologize to Him. Even if He doesn't want to see me, I have to show my sincerity. Whether to forgive or not is Ms. Funina's business. I just need to show my sincerity and a sincere attitude. "

"Then Villette is Ms. Funina's confidant. There were other people present at the time. Logically, he should have known what happened that day. Why hasn't he taken any action until now? "

Once Alecino enters the working state, she will become a different person.

At this moment, she completely abandons personal emotions. She sees herself as a machine, a machine called the Fatui Executive [Servant].

It is not accurate to call her a machine. Alecino is more like an actor now.

She has entered the play and devoted herself to the role of the Fatui Executive [Servant].

She should have done this a long time ago. There were too many personal subjective emotions in her previous actions, which led her to think that she and Finina were good friends. What she did was not in line with her identity at all.

As the Fatui Executive and the Winter Diplomat, why should she play with the gods of other countries?

A mortal is also worthy of being friends with gods? Naive and arrogant.

"Since Ms. Finina doesn't want to see me, I will force her out. Make a big fuss about this, let everyone in Fontaine know about it, and then go to the Momang Palace to apologize sincerely and show the sincerity of a diplomat of Zhidong..."

Thinking like this, Alechino soon shook his head and denied this idea.

"No, this will be detrimental to Zhidong's reputation. I need a plan that will gain both fame and fortune."

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