Alecino and Krevy changed their destination temporarily.

They were just wandering aimlessly on the street, but now they were going to take a boat to leave Fontaine and go to the distant Baisong Town.

At the dock, Alecino rented a boat, and she and Krevy boarded the boat, and the two of them sailed away from the port without anyone.

Alecino gave Mora a lot, so the boat owner was very cooperative and rented the boat to Alecino.

After all, who would have trouble with money?

On the boat, Alecino was at the helm.

[House of Fireplace] taught them a lot of things, especially in Fontaine, a water country, sailing is still the most basic, and even Alecino can drive an airship.

Krevy stood on the deck, quietly looking at the blue sea.

After the boat sailed on the sea for a while, Krevy turned and walked towards Alecino who was controlling the rudder.

Green eyes looked at Alecino with sadness and heartache.

"Pepe, you are still the same, just asking me how I am doing, but not mentioning yourself."

Krevy said softly.

"It's different now than before. You don't have to bear everything alone. If you have any emotions, please vent them, Pepe. I will accompany you."


Alecino responded, and she replied while controlling the rudder.

"Krevy, I'm used to it. You have left [Heart House] and are no longer a child of [Heart House], but I am different. I still stay there."

"Heart House is my cage and my safe house. If I leave there, I will die."

"Let the past go. Even if you still remember it, don't mention it again... The new life is hard-won. This is God's compensation for you."

"What about you? Pepe!"

Krevy suddenly became emotional.

"Should I call you Peruvili or Alecino?"

"Alecino... Peruvili is dead. After Kugavina died, Peruvili committed suicide."

Alecino replied coldly.

"No, Peruvili will not commit suicide. She will never allow herself to die cowardly... Pepe, no matter how you change, you are still Pepe."

"Although the mask can help you cover up your shortcomings, Pepe... the mask can't be taken off after wearing it for a long time."

Krevy hated Alecino's indifferent look and hated Alecino for excluding her.

They are obviously the best sisters and the closest friends.

Why do you reject me, Pepe?

Why do you have to bear everything alone? You are just an ordinary person, Pepe. Look around you, you are no longer alone. I'm back, you can rely on me!

Alechino looked at Krevy with indifference. How could she not know what Krevy was thinking?

Krevie wanted to help her, but Alecino would never let Krevie sink into the quagmire again.

I am already filthy, Krevie.

You finally got rid of the darkness and walked in the light, so don't come back here. You are my only friend. I didn't save Sofia, but Krevie... you, I can't let you be in danger again no matter what.

"I know, Krevie. I have always known. But I couldn't take it off a long time ago. For what I seek, I can only wear layer after layer of masks."

"I have no choice, and I won't choose. What I want, I will get it myself."

Alecino turned her head to one side, staring at the mountains in the distance and said.

"Krevie, you have been [expelled] from the Hearth House. There will be no place for you here anymore, and the Hearth House has nothing to do with you anymore."


Krevie wanted to argue something, but was interrupted by Alecino.

"Okay, Krevy... don't talk about this anymore."

"Alas... Pepe, you have never changed, you are still so gentle to your friends... your kindness is always hidden under ruthlessness."

Krevy sighed and said.

"Pepe, are you tired? The Fatui Executor [Servant]... sounds impressive, but this is not what you want. Don't try to deceive me, I can see it."

"Forget it, you will always be like this, I can't persuade you, and no one can persuade you. Pepe, I just hope you can be happier in the future... but I guess it's difficult."

"However, if you need it, you can come to me at any time. We are friends and sisters, I will listen to your troubles... Of course, I will keep it secret."

"Krevy, you talk too much."

Alechino chose to reject Krevy's kindness.

She couldn't have any contact with Krevy, her currentThe identity will bring endless troubles and dangers to Krevy.

Alechino will not let her friends be threatened.

"Ms. Krevy, thank you for accompanying me to visit my friend's grave. But blindly asking about other people's past will make people feel disgusted."

Suddenly, Alechino's tone became polite, but distant.

Seeing this, Krevy was helpless.

Pepe was determined to keep a distance from her. I don't know if I can see Pepe again after today... Pepe, Pepe, why are you always so stubborn?

Obviously I can help you now.

"I crossed the line, Ms. Alechino."

Krevy restrained the expression on her face, and showed the image of a polite and businesslike staff member like Alechino.

However, Krevy's appearance made Alechino unable to hold back.

This is really angry.

Krevy usually doesn't get angry easily, but when she gets angry, it's very unusual.

"Well... OK, there are only two of us on this ship. I admit that I am a bit ruthless."

Alechino took the initiative to give in. She didn't know how to coax Krevy, but she knew how to give in.

Moreover, Alechino really didn't want Krevy to get involved in her affairs.

"What is Ms. Alechino talking about? I don't understand. There are only two of us on the ship, but please don't forget, Ms. Alechino, this is Fontaine, and I am the assistant of the water goddess Furninna. If you want to kill people to silence them, I will stay in Fontaine."

"My trip is recorded in the Momang Palace. So, if Ms. Alechino still wants to return to the winter, please be rational and don't do irrational things."

Krevy smiled lightly and didn't buy it at all.

In this regard, Alechino was too lazy to coax her. Anyway, she would not give in. Krevy must be safe. This is her bottom line.

Seeing that Alechino stopped talking, Krevy became anxious.

How is this different from before?

Pepe, please keep talking! How can I leave this place?

There are only two of us on the boat, and you are making me look pretentious!

Ahhh! Speak up, Pepe!

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