Although she lied to Krevy together with Alechino, Finina still seized the opportunity and won 10 delicious small cakes for herself.

However, Krevy cleverly divided them into 10 days.

However, Finina was not a greedy person, and she was satisfied to get 10 extra small cakes.

Uh... Which god needs to be controlled by an assistant when eating dessert?

Finina felt so embarrassed. After all, she was the water god of Fontaine and the supreme god. Little Vivi should be afraid of her.

However, Finina did not hate this kind of friendship with Krevy.

After Krevy found Finina, Alechino was not going to let Finina accompany her shopping anymore. She knew it was time to let Finina go back.

Anyway, there was still a lot of time, so Finina was not in a hurry.

At present, Fernina's impression of her is still more negative than positive. Even if Alechino tells her about her past, with the blessing of Little Pepe, it is difficult for her to get close to Fernina.

The influence of Alechino's identity is huge. Fernina will not change her way of getting along with her just because Alechino's past is Peruvian.

On the contrary, under the influence of negative impressions, if Fernina knows Alechino's past, the relationship between her and Alechino will become more awkward.

How did Little Pepe, who was very well-behaved, obedient, insightful, and cute when he was a child, become the murderous, cold-blooded, insidious and cunning Alechino now?

At that time, Fernina will fall into a contradiction. She wants to see Little Pepe, but is afraid of Alechino.

Therefore, Alechino is waiting for a suitable time. She wants Fernina to have the best and positive impression of her. She wants Fernina to accept her sincerely, not based on the friendship in the past.

Although, Alecino will also use the value of [Peruvili].

After all, isn't she such a bad woman?

And the eye contact with Krevy just now is telling Krevy not to expose their relationship at the moment. She still has things to do and needs to hide her identity.

Fortunately, although her current reputation is not very good, Krevy is still willing to trust her unconditionally.

This touched Alecino very much.

So, Funina was tricked by the two to return to Momang Palace.

And when there were only two old acquaintances left, Alecino, who had always maintained the cold and arrogant persona of a winter diplomat, finally showed a clear smile.

The two walked slowly on the streets of Fontaine, Alecino looked ahead from time to time, and looked at Krevy from time to time.

Krevy... It's great to see you again...

My mood has never been so calm.

Krevy had been keeping an eye on Alecino. Seeing Alecino always peeking at her, she couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong? Pepe. Don't you recognize me? Let's be apart for a year."

Krevy raised her eyebrows slightly, and her smile was so bright.

Compared to Alec's excitement when she saw her friend who was thought dead but was still alive, Krevy was calmer. She always knew that Peruvian was still alive, and she believed that Peruvian would be alive.

Well... if we hadn't seen someone excited before, we almost believed it.

Alecino heard the familiar name.

In this world, you are the only one who calls me like this, Krevy.

"Haha... Long time no see, Krevy."

Alecino chuckled. Since she became an executive, she has learned to be hypocritical and fake.

But at this moment, her smile was from the heart.

But she subconsciously smiled in a fake way.

Krevy naturally noticed this point of Alechino, and she inevitably felt a little sad in her heart.

Pepe, what have you been through in the past year?

What made you determined to kill [Mother]? And what made you become the one wearing a false mask now?

If I could be with you at that time, would you not be like this now?

"Yeah! Long time no see, Pepe!"

Krevy nodded and responded with a smile.

"... How have you been in the past year? I see that you seem to be working in Momang Palace. Are you used to it there?"

Alechino was silent for a while, she was looking for a topic for the two of them.

The sudden encounter made her at a loss, very confused, but very excited.

"Well... I should say that I am doing very well, right? Sister Funina offers a high salary, and there is not much work to do. Being Sister Funina's assistant is a good job with a lot of money and little work.I am now in a comfortable position. "

"Although my current job is different from what I learned, I adapted to it quickly. The seniors in Momang Palace are very caring for me..."

"Mr. Villette is very majestic, but he is very kind to me... Uncle Sols helped me solve many problems at work, and I am very grateful to him..."

"Sister Clorinde often comes to me to learn martial arts. Although she can't beat me yet, I estimate that she will surpass me in two years. She is a natural martial arts genius. I heard her say that she wants to become a duel agent in the future..."

"Oh, Pepe! If you have the chance, you should really meet Sister Navia. Do you know how much she looks like Yaya? The two are simply cast from the same mold. I think if Yaya was still alive, she would get along well with Navia..."

"Hey... Sorry, I mentioned something sad..."

Krewei's joyful expression suddenly turned into loss. She was so excited to reunite with Alechino that she subconsciously mentioned Sofia.

In Krewei's subconscious, she was still unwilling to admit Sofia's death. She hoped that Sofia was alive.

In fact, it was not just her, but Alechino as well.

Just like when she didn't know that Krewei was still alive, Alechino hoped that both Sofia and Krewei were still alive , even if someone must die, she hopes that person is herself.

All three of them, no matter who survives, will have this thought.

Because they are the best sisters in the world and the closest friends.

They know each other's dreams, support each other's dreams, and are willing to live with each other's dreams.

Facing Krewei's apology, Alechino just shook her head gently and said softly.

"Sophia is our best friend. She likes excitement and grandeur. We should not be sad, otherwise she will laugh at us if she knows."

"【Smile, little Weiwei】... Sophia will definitely say that."


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