Is Alechino usually in Fontaine Cemetery?

Why would she go to Fontaine Cemetery? What is she doing there?

Isn't Alechino an executive [servant] of the Fatui from Solstice? Why would she go to Fontaine Cemetery?

Could it be that Alechino...

Fenina felt that she had discovered the truth of the matter!

Alechino is indeed a super pervert! She is a born evil executive!

Damn Alechino, she actually wants to rob graves!

Exile, exile! Must be exiled to Melo Petersburg!

At this time, after hearing Alechino say that Lini and the others need to go to the cemetery to find her in the future, Fenina, who thinks she has discovered the truth, looks at Alechino with a serious, contemptuous, weird, hateful, and disgusted look.

In short, all kinds of bad emotions.

Noticing Fenina's strange gaze, Alechino glanced down at Fenina lightly.

"You are thinking about something impolite, right?"

"Ahem... I don't know what you are talking about~"

Fernina quickly looked away, pretending to be guilty.

Seeing Fernina's guilty look, the corners of Alechino's mouth slightly raised, and then she looked at Linny and explained to him.

Actually, it was for Fernina to hear.

"I usually go to the cemetery to visit graves and friends after finishing my work. You can find me there."

"As for other places... I won't appear regularly in places other than work, and you probably can't get into my workplace. So, if you need my help, go to Fontaine Cemetery to find me."

Alechino's expression was calm, she believed that Linny would need her help one day.

She knew the child who was struggling to live alone in Fontaine the best.

Because of his strength, he was liked by others, and because of his self-esteem, he was more likely to be hurt by others.

When Lini chose to live alone in Fontaine with his sister Linnet, he had already exposed his weakness, but he himself did not know that the darkness of Fontaine would find him sooner or later.

A young but highly skilled magician, an assistant who was born with a beautiful appearance at a young age, and the key is that there are orc features such as cat ears and cat tail.

Alechino could already foresee the day when Linnet was captured by some nobles with special fetishes.

Is there no such noble in Fontaine?

The answer is of course no, such nobles are definitely hidden in the dark.

However, the moment Lini rejected Funinna's kindness, Alechino had no reason to take the initiative to help.

Active kindness will only arouse suspicion from others. Lini is very smart and naturally knows this. It is precisely because of this that he rejected Funinna's kindness.

As for the 300,000 Mora reward from the two? That was earned by his wonderful magic performance, and it was legitimate income.

Therefore, Alechino gave up the idea of ​​actively helping. Although she admired Linny, she was not familiar with Linny and his sister at the moment, and actively helping would only make her look ill-intentioned.

Alechino did not deny that she did have other ideas, but that was all.

After explaining, Alechino and Funina said a simple goodbye to Linny and his sister and continued shopping.

Linny and Linnet watched the two leave.

"Brother, their identities are not ordinary, why don't you agree to that jellyfish-headed sister?"

Linnet tilted her head and asked curiously.

When there were no outsiders, Linnet would talk a little more, and her temperament would not be so depressed and gloomy.

"Of course I know that their identities are not ordinary. Linnet, do you know what day it is today?"

Linny smiled and asked back.

"I know, Fontaine and Zhidong have established diplomatic relations... Brother, are they..."

Linnet suddenly realized and understood what Linny meant in an instant.

"Yes, their status is higher than we thought. But because of this, we have to stay away from them. They are not something we can contact."

Linnie nodded, his eyes calm, and he did not regret his behavior at all.

"Well... brother, it's okay if you don't regret it. Obviously, you can stop working so hard..."

"Stupid, how can it be hard to perform magic with Linnet? I... but I really enjoy the time of performing magic with Linnet~"

Linnie turned sideways, raised his hand and gently touched Linnet's head, smiling dotingly.

Even though Linnie's hair was messed up by Linnie, Linnet did not avoid Linnie's hand. She just pouted and said sullenly.

"Stupid brother, your hair is messed up."

Hearing this, Linnie laughed even happier.

"Haha... I'll comb your hair when you go back, and I promise it will look better than now!"


Two siblingsThey got along very well, and this loving scene made many passers-by smile lovingly.

What a good relationship this brother and sister have!

Fenina and Alecino are still shopping.

Now, Alecino has nowhere to go, she just walks on the street with Finina.

Alecino enjoys the quiet time now, not to mention that Finina is by her side.

If possible, Alecino really hopes that time can stay at this moment forever.

However, time cannot stop.

After walking for a while, Finina looked at Alecino in a tangle.

Along the way, Finina always showed this strange expression, this kind of look of having something to say but not saying it made Alecino quite helpless.

Finally, Alecino sighed and said.

"Ms. Fininna, if you have anything to ask, just ask. You've been so confused for a long time, and if you don't ask now, you won't have the chance."

"I'm going back to work soon."

After saying that, Alechino gave a friendly reminder.

"Don't worry, I won't care even if it's a presumptuous question."

Hearing Alechino's words, Fininna was still confused. She frowned and hesitated for a long time before asking.

"Alechino... have you heard of the name [Peruvili]?"

"Hmm? No, what's wrong?"

Alechino asked calmly.

"Is this person an acquaintance of Ms. Fininna?"

"Well, Peruvili is my friend, or my sister. But she disappeared four years ago."

Getting a negative answer from Alechino, Fininna's mood immediately became depressed.

"Oh? The sister of the water god, is she also a god? Are there two gods in Fontaine?" Alechino showed a surprised expression, she was like a spy at this moment.

"No, Little Pepe is a human. She is an orphan. In a tragedy in Fontaine four years ago, Little Pepe disappeared. Her body has not been found yet."

Funina shook her head and said.

"Everyone said that a child like Little Pepe could not survive in a deserted mountain full of monsters. They said she was dead. I thought so too. But until I met you, Alechino..."

"Me?" Alechino raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, because you look very similar to Little Pepe. Even when you don't speak, I will still think of you as Little Pepe...but, you are not her. Little Pepe will not become a bad person."


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