The big performance of Arecino and Funina was the first time Lini had seen it since he started street performance.

In the past, Lini had only heard about this kind of thing from his predecessors. Although he had only started performing magic not long ago.

When your performance is exciting enough and attracts enough people, and you just happened to have the bad luck in your life and met a big master, then you don’t have to perform on the stall for the next month.

Small hotel? Don’t go to that! Just stay at the Debo Hotel for a few days, and you will have big fish and meat every day, so happy!

People live to eat, drink and have fun! I eat every day, desserts, barbecue, and I will directly flip over the competitors who block the way with a Thomas Big Spin, and then hold my head and eat! If the law enforcer dares to stop me, I will just hug him and eat! People live to eat!

Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat my baby crazy eat eat!

The reason for this decadent idea is that for these street magicians, they are either scum that is not needed by the troupe, or outdated old guys who have been eliminated, or the disadvantaged who are forced to perform on the street to make a living due to difficulties in life, or third-rate magicians with poor magic performance skills and ugly performances.

Almost 90% of street magicians are like this.

Magicians with talent and reputation will inevitably be invited by magic troupes, or other opera troupes and circuses.

Gold will always shine.

Therefore, street magicians like them are really lucky to meet big masters like Arlecino and Finina who are generous.

No wonder even Linnet, who has always been shy and disguised herself with indifference, was shocked by Arlecino and Finina's actions and her expression showed flaws.

Linnet hid behind Linny, and the two siblings bowed to Alechino and Funinna.

Big bosses always deserve special treatment.

Even after the show ended, Linny kept Alechino and Funinna to thank them.

"Thank you very much, two beautiful ladies. Your kindness is as amazing as your beauty. Today is the most profitable day since I started performing magic."

Linny communicated with the two politely. Although he was so young, he behaved quite maturely and had good language etiquette.

"Two beautiful ladies, if you don't mind, can I invite you to have a meal as a host? Hahaha... Although I use the money you gave me, I still use it to express my gratitude to you two, as well as my inner joy and happiness."

Alechino looked at Linny talking like a little adult, and she really liked Linny more and more.

Linny's maturity reminded her of her past self.

However, her maturity is only for herself. In the eyes of others, she is withdrawn. She is not as outgoing as Linny.

But if it is just like this, it is not enough.

Alechino can see that in the performance just now, Linny's solo performance was wonderful, but once his sister Linnet joined in, Linny's attention was inevitably distracted.

He has been paying attention to Linnet, worried that Linnet is not used to this kind of street performance, even though they have performed street magic many times.

In Alechino's eyes, Linny cares too much about Linnet, and this excessive emotion will become Linny's flaw.

Alechino can already see that when Linnet is in danger, Linny will save Linnet at all costs, even if he loses his life, Linny will not care, he only has his sister in his eyes.

But has Linny ever thought about what Linnet should do if he dies saving Linnet?

Does Linnet want to be abandoned by him?

This is also Linnet's weakness.

The emotional bond between the siblings is too deep, which is also related to their experience.

Alechino did not respond to Linni's invitation. At this moment, she acted like a bystander, as if she was out to play with Fernina.

Fernina secretly glanced at Alechino, and when she saw that Alechino did not respond, she understood what Alechino meant.

So, Fernina waved to Linni and said with a smile.

"No, little brother. The big sister next to me and I have something to do, so we won't go~"

"Oh, right. Little brother, why are you performing magic on the street? You are so young, don't your family care?"

Fernina asked curiously.

Linni, who was originally smiling politely, immediately became lost and sad when he heard Fernina's question..

At this time, Linnett beside him whispered.

"We don't have family anymore. My brother and I are each other's family."

"Ah! Sorry... I didn't know it was like this..."

"Well, do you want to go to the welfare home? I know someone working in the welfare home, I can arrange it, so you don't have to be like this..."

Funina realized that her question had touched someone's heart, and hurriedly apologized awkwardly.

"It's okay, Linnett and I still have each other, we are not alone."

Linnie smiled strongly, put one hand on Linnett's shoulder, and said optimistically.

"I can perform magic, and my brother and I can support ourselves, so my sister doesn't have to worry! Besides, I will become a great magician!"

After saying that, Linnie also gave a thumbs up, not knowing whether he was encouraging himself or reassuring Funina.

"Uh... okay. But if you encounter any difficulties, remember to come to my sister, but my sister..."


Fenina was about to reveal her identity when she heard Alechino's cough. She instantly knew that this was Alechino reminding her not to reveal her identity casually.

But she was worried about Linni and Linnet living alone on the streets of Fontaine.

Fenina glanced at Alechino and saw that she looked normal. Thinking of Alechino's identity, she had an idea and continued.

"... You can find this sister. Let me tell you, this sister is a super ruthless person! She is very capable. If you have a problem that you can't solve, you must find her!"

As she said, Fenina asked where Alechino usually appeared.

Alechino thought about it. The Winter Diplomatic Embassy was not suitable for telling Linni and the others, and the New Hearth House was not suitable either. She might not be there. After thinking about it, there was only that place.

"Fontaine Cemetery, I usually visit the graves there..."

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