Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 875: A Slap (Part 1)

Apus City. The Temple of the Lord of Radiance

This temple. Built of marble, in the main hall, there are two rows of marble columns, and the columns are covered with praises to the Lord of Radiance and his followers.

The Lord of Radiance is the only god without a statue. The altar and holy emblem exude a soft holy light, covering the entire temple.

The air in the morning is very fresh. Yesterday's continuous drizzle made the weather in early September finally start to cool down. After that, it will become cooler every day.

The archbishop knelt before the altar and began to pray.

In the face of eternal glory, I would like to use the most humble attitude to regard the glory of the Lord as my life and the greatest goal of life, and to guard and inherit it with the most pious heart so as to promote the progress of the Lord's cause and development...

With prayer. The holy light on the altar surged slowly like water.

Kneeling beside him were various bishops, who also prayed humbly and cautiously.

The fifty-year-old archbishop finished his morning prayers, stood up slowly, stared at the flames on the altar, feeling a little restless in his heart.

The Lord of Radiance can really control the five kingdoms, three of which are ruled by the descendants of Radiance, but in other kingdoms, faith is restricted.

In the Kingdom of Esk, the belief in the Goddess of Springs is not widespread, but the belief in the Lord of Radiance does not account for a high proportion.

Although the Lord of Radiance does not rely on faith like those gods, faith is a good thing after all, and it is also the basis for determining the rank of servants.

Every church is different in this respect.

From level 1 to level 5, the management is below the barony, and it cannot even be called a parish.

The viscounty and earldoms need bishops to manage them. This is a small diocese.

A county is a diocese, which is generally managed by an archbishop, and a country is a diocese, which is generally managed by a cardinal and archbishop above the fifteenth level.

When he was the archbishop himself. I used to have a long-term mind and wanted to expand the diocese so that I could serve as the archbishop of this county-the same is the archbishop, but there is still a difference.

However, after a few years, the belief in the Lord of Radiance has not expanded, and may even shrink a little.

Standing in the middle of the temple,

The archbishop swept his indifferent eyes, sighed, and left.

After reaching the door, a priest hurried forward and saluted the archbishop.

What's the matter? the Archbishop frowned.

We found the elves and landed at Far Sail Port.

...The elves attacked? The archbishop was startled and asked.

No, it landed, and there was no fighting. The pastor replied.

...The archbishop, that Romon, really colluded with the elves. Last time, he used the excuse of only trading with pirates. He didn't know that the pirates were behind the elves. Therefore, this heretic escaped. Now the elves go ashore openly, and there is no battle. Look at him How to justify! The pastor had just finished speaking, and a bishop behind him shouted.

This is Bishop Suxim of the Inquisition Office. In the past ten years, his rank has not improved at all. The archbishop has changed, but he still retains his original position.

Bishop Su Sim thought that this was the reason why Romon was not tried and burned to death, and he had always been brooding in his heart. At this time, after hearing this, he immediately shouted.

The archbishop glanced at him unhappily. Now Romon's status is completely different. The earl is fine. The status of patron and druid's new guild leader can no longer be disposed of at will.

Besides, the matter has not been clarified yet, this Romon would be so stupid to openly collude with the elves?

He frowned and asked, What is the specific situation, and what is the identity of the elf?

It's an envoy, a special envoy from the kingdom of elves.

The archbishop frowned. It was a messenger, so it was difficult to handle.

Bishop Su Sim said: The archbishop, even if he is the elf's emissary, but this Earl Tetashaw violated the oracle seven thousand years ago!

The archbishop ignored him, and he thought about it. Said to the priest: I authorize you to use the griffin, go to Yuansail Harbor immediately, and ask this Earl Tetashaw why he contacted the elves-if you want to prove that you did not intend to do so, take down the elves, or kill them!

Obey! The pastor immediately responded, took a few steps back, turned and left.

Romon's lightning also attracted some people's attention, so the local Church of the Lord of Glory specially bought a few griffins. Although they are not royal griffins that specialize in fighting, they are not bad.

Taking advantage of this, it only takes two hours to go back and forth.

The Archbishop... Bishop Su Sim said unwillingly.

Shut up, I make my own decision! the archbishop yelled angrily, frowning, and walked a few steps in the courtyard.

At this time, the villa of the lord of Yuanfan Harbor

It's early September, and it rained again yesterday, so the sun wasn't hot.

On the second floor, in the study next to the balcony, Romon was talking with Princess Qiannia. After this incident, the relationship between the two became closer.

The leather sofa is cool, and the milk tea is fragrant.

A little farther away, there are bookshelves and glass cabinets. The glass cabinets are carved from sandalwood and separated by glass. Some art treasures are placed inside.

According to the tradition of the mainland, the luxury of the nobility is to be reflected through collection. Just using gold and silver is the gesture of a nouveau riche.

So Alini has been collecting silently to enrich the family.

Romon also contributed a batch of treasures. This is an ancient treasure, which can fully satisfy the earl's taste. If it is not afraid of some influence, Romon can bring out all the treasures collected in Shennongjiao, which is enough to make the king lose face.

Princess Qiannia's eyes looked up and down at several treasures, and then she turned around and said, The elves sent special envoys? It seems that the war will not continue.

Oh, why do you say that, Your Highness Xiu Senya... Romon was a little surprised.

The mist of the milk tea rose, making her face a little foggy, and she couldn't see the expression clearly: I am very sad about the death of my brother, but my brother is my brother, and the state affairs are state affairs.

My brother took the second, third, and fourth fleets this time, but the whole army perished. Only the first fleet remained in the royal navy, which could not resist the attack of the elves.

Our Kingdom of Esk is a coastal kingdom. Half of our strength lies in the navy, and half of our income comes from trade. If the navy and trade are both destroyed, the kingdom will be difficult to support.

The elves are overwhelmed if they want to attack the entire continent, but with the current situation, it is more than enough to destroy the kingdoms along the coast.

Although it is said that if the kingdom is destroyed, the mainland humans will counterattack more fiercely, but in our coastal kingdom, no one in our coastal kingdom is willing to be this victim.

Besides, the evil disaster has just passed, and after another big defeat, it is really difficult to squeeze out the strength to carry out the war. The peace agreement of the elves is what they want and what we need. To a certain extent, the elves envoy It is a good thing to come here, and I think my royal father will accept this. At this point, Princess Qianniya couldn't suppress her emotions at last, she choked up, and big drops of tears fell on the ground. In a cup of milk tea.

Princess Qiannia choked with sobs, and Romon was a little embarrassed, sympathetic, and even melancholy.

Members of the royal family, such awareness is really necessary and helpless.

After waiting for a while, Romon said, Then I will send a letter to His Majesty, and His Majesty will make a decision.

En! Princess Qiannia nodded.

In fact, the situation is even worse. The trade has been interrupted, the main force of the navy has been wiped out, and the rule of the royal family is already in a shaky posture. The Kingdom of Esk is already like this, and the situation of the other kingdoms that were directly hit is even worse.

Behind all the countries, there are ancestor gods, and no god is willing to perish the kingdom of his descendants.

After all, in a country where descendants are kings, even if they cannot monopolize the faith, it is quite convenient to preach, accounting for the highest proportion.

... As for Lantu Island, I also want to further develop it. Since I am the guardian, I will not give up on the construction of Lantu Island. The land must continue to be reclaimed, and the port must be built. By the way, a castle must be built. All expenditures and plans will be written out and reviewed by you. Romon changed the subject and said.

Earl Tetashaw, about this, Meduai and I are very relieved. You are an expert in building territories. Presumably, in five years, Lantu Island will be improved. Speaking of this, Princess Qiannia rubbed The tears went away and a smile appeared.

You're too flattering... Romon smiled and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.


My lord, the Radiant Church has sent someone here, do you want to meet? The butler's voice came from outside.

...Call him up! Romon frowned and said, without any intention of welcoming him.

Yes, my lord! The butler responded and retreated.

Trouble again? Elf? Princess Qiannia sneered. The domineering style of the Radiance Church made many people feel uncomfortable.

However, few deny its achievements to mankind.

It should be like this! Romon said leisurely.

Do you want me to explain?

No, it's very simple to send them away. Romon said with a sneer.

After reading it on the demiplane for three months, there are many materials that he is already familiar with, and they happen to have this aspect of content.

At this moment, footsteps came from downstairs, and after knocking on the door, the figure of a priest appeared in front of Romon.

I'm here on the orders of the Archbishop of the Radiance Church. The pastor said proudly as soon as he entered, bowing slightly.

Then just talk! Romon didn't even invite him to sit down, and said coldly and straightforwardly.

The priest suddenly showed anger, and he said with a sneer: Earl Tetashaw, the archbishop asked you—why did you come into contact with the elves?

If you want to prove that this is not the case, take down the elf, or kill it!

The tone was very rude. Hearing all this, Romon was not surprised at all. He said with a sneer: Then you take my words back - Archbishop, you are dreaming!

As soon as the words came out, the priest opened his mouth wide and looked at Romon with dull eyes. He woke up after a while, and screamed, You sinner, how dare you blaspheme my lord...

Shut up! Luo Mengshen said, the powerful spiritual power even formed a force field in the study, forcing the pastor's words back.

5,000 years ago, the gods signed a sacred covenant.

Article 17 of the Holy Covenant stipulates: Even if they are hostile to the gods, their messengers represent the glory and majesty of the gods, and they must not be humiliated or killed.

Under the sacred covenant, a series of sub-agreements of the Continental Covenant and the Legendary Covenant were signed.

According to the Continental Convention, even if it is a hostile kingdom, its envoy represents the glory and majesty of the country where it is located. It cannot be humiliated or killed. This law is endorsed by the gods and enforced by the great God of Order.

Now the elves are fully qualified as messengers. Are you not awake, or are you out of your minds, to make such a stupid request to me? Romon said with a sneer.

...You sinner, how dare you...

With a sound of snap!, the pastor suddenly became dizzy, with five fingerprints on his face, and a few teeth fell out as soon as he tasted sweetness in his mouth.

Let me tell you one more thing. I am the favored person of Isidis. As long as the goddess does not withdraw my divine favor, you have already blasphemed the goddess if you dare to call me a sinner... According to the divine law, if I say one more thing, I Immediately kill you on the spot. Luo Meng narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of murderous intent.

...The kingdom of the elves is not recognized by the mainland! The priest stared at Romon, and said with a distorted expression, showing hatred in his eyes. However, he finally regained consciousness and sensed Romon's murderous intent. He finally didn't call out any more sinners.

Article 11 of the Holy Covenant stipulates: Any god has the right to establish a kingdom, and the day his kingdom is established, it will automatically be recognized by all gods and kingdoms.

Article 29 of the Sacred Covenant, since the signing of the Sacred Covenant, all the gods have spoken before, and anyone who violates this will automatically become invalid!

Now, do you understand your brain? Romon said with a sneer.

Having been humiliated by the Radiance Church many times, it is impossible for Romon to have no resentment in his heart.

Today, Romon finally heaved a sigh of relief.

...Okay, okay, I will tell the archbishop what you said and what you did. The priest twisted his face, spat out the fallen teeth in his palm, and said vaguely , blood and saliva mixed together, looking very embarrassed.

Very well, let me remind you again, this matter is related to the gods and kingdoms, as long as you dare to tamper with one sentence vaguely, you should know what is waiting for you! Just as the pastor ran out the door, a cold sentence, Follow from behind.

This consequence, of course, is the crime of blasphemy, death, and eternal punishment of the soul.

The pastor paused, and went straight out the door.

Earl Tetashaw, isn't this too... Princess Qiannia was dumbfounded.

Is it too much? It's okay! Romon smiled and didn't care.

Up to now, with the status and power of Yi Luomeng, if he hadn't been concerned about the huge church and the gods behind him, this small parish could be destroyed in a single blow.

Even if he is concerned about the huge power behind him, as long as Romon does not violate the laws of this world and has reason, he will dare to slap the priest and bishop of the Lord of Radiance severely in the face without hesitation.

Let their blood and teeth fly.

Otherwise, how can I get out of the depression in Romon's heart.

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