Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 874 Guardian (Part 2)

The next day, the public occasion where His Majesty's will was read out.

His Royal Highness, please live in Yuanfan Port City with peace of mind in the future. Witnessed by the priest of the God of Order, on the spot, he announced his acceptance of the appointment on this document, and gave a courtesy hug to the little Prince Meduai. Thank you, Count Tertashaw.

In front of everyone, on this kind of public occasion, the little prince Medoue appeared very decent. He not only expressed his thanks to Romon, but also went to the special envoy to express his thanks, and asked him to express his gratitude to the king and everyone on his behalf. Greetings from members of the royal family. Although the little Prince Medoue is young, his temperament has gradually begun to show.

Seeing the aura of Prince Xiu Senya exuded from the little prince, those present who were familiar with His Highness Xiu Senya all sighed inwardly.

Okay, it's getting late, so I'll go back and report. I hope His Highness Meduai can live a happy and worry-free life here. I will truthfully convey what His Highness brings to His Majesty the King. The special envoy secretly sighed, saluted everyone, and said goodbye to the little prince. The little prince tried to persuade him to stay, and when he saw that the other party insisted on going back, he nodded in agreement.

As the lord of this place, although Romon didn't hold a banquet for the special envoy, in order to show his respect to the royal family, he took people with him and saved the special envoy to send J1 to the boat.

Standing on the pier, looking at the big ship going away, Luo Rong turned his head and looked at the little prince standing beside him. He saw something different in the eyes of the little prince. There was something special on his small face. , The expression revealed is not at all like what a young man should have. Especially at this moment, the expression and posture of the little prince, he was very much like Prince Xiu Senya! From his expression, Romon saw that the child missed his father so much. Romon sighed secretly, not disturbing the child's gaze. And Qiannia who was standing on the side of the little prince~', Lord, obviously noticed this move of Romon, and saw the flash of unbearable on his face.

She felt a little relieved in her heart, no matter what, Romon and her were better than the eldest prince as guardians of the little highness.

After a while, when the big ship in the distance was no longer visible, the little prince finally looked away, and said to Romon in a low voice, My lord, I want to go to the temple to pray for my father. Okay, go, kid. Romon nodded and replied, For the next few days, you should take a good rest, and we will talk about homework later. No, I will go to class again tomorrow, as long as one day, as long as today is one day. Good. The little prince shook his head and said firmly. Aunt Qiannia, will you accompany me to the temple later, okay? Turning his head, the little prince looked at Princess Qiannia. Facing such a strong and sad child, how could Princess Qiannia say no? Okay, let's go there now. Princess Qiannia forced a smile and said.

My lord,

Let's go to the temple first, so let's say goodbye. Hello the carriage to come over

Princess Qiannia told Romon that she felt that she also needed to go to God and cry a little to relieve her mood.

Okay, let's go. Knowing that they are extremely strong people in front of outsiders, they will only cry when they are in front of God', c, completely release themselves, Romon can understand their kind Feeling very considerate, I sent a few guards to escort one big and one small to the temple of the spring and river goddess. The two thanked Romon again, and then left in a carriage.

Romon, this child is really pitiful. Nick and Farfer, who had been staying a little far away just now, came over, and Farfer looked at the direction the carriage was leaving, and said with a sigh: Other children, what happened to you? When it comes to this kind of thing, everyone has the right to cry, has the right to cry, only he has to maintain an image in front of others, this kind of thing, for a child like him, is too cruel, and Farfell is no longer the bad boy he used to be. Those who know how to read words and expressions can understand the sadness of the little son under the calm appearance.

Yeah, fortunately his guardian is not His Royal Highness, if it were him, the child would be even more pitiful. Nick interjected, Guardians have the right to education, how to educate is really hard to say.

If you become his guardian, you will be able to protect him better. I feel like this child is very similar to Prince Xiu Senya, and he will definitely be a likable person in the future. Farfell said.

However, when he thought of the excellence of this child, Farfell became worried about his own child.

In the future, if there is such an excellent opponent in the long run, will the chances of my boy's embrace of the beauty be greatly reduced?

Romon actually thought more, but he didn't want to say more about these two good friends, he just nodded: Just do what I should do, as for other things, I don't care if I think about it now. It's useless, it depends on his future. At this moment, on the side of the mage's tower, an alarm signal suddenly flashed.

Others don't know what's going on, how could the three of Romon, who are the Big Three led by Tetashaw, not know?

What's going on? Is there an enemy? The three of them exchanged quickly, and they all felt a little unusual. Go! Go to the Mage Tower! Luo Rong said.

The three of them quickly came to the mage's tower, walked to the room monitoring the situation on the sea, and saw a few mages observing the situation on the magic screen. What's going on? When Shi came in, Romon asked.

Seeing that the three lords came in person, these mages quickly saluted, and one mage replied: My lord, we now have a small fleet that has entered the waters under our jurisdiction! The structure of their warships, as well as the personnel on board, look very suspicious. They are coming towards Yuanfan Port City! We have already issued a warning to the port defense team, and they have already begun to deploy troops here in the port, ready to fight! If we continue to issue warnings and cannot make this fleet give a reasonable explanation, A higher warning is about to be issued. Well, well done. Romon nodded: It can be observed, what is the origin of this small fleet?

According to the information sent back, there are five medium-sized ships in this fleet. The structure of the ships is not a merchant ship, but a battleship structure that is often used for sea operations. On their ships, professionals with spell abilities were detected. Therefore, this small fleet is very suspicious. Another mage replied. Nick and Farfell listened and nodded secretly.

It has to be said that although the mage tower built by Romon didn't play a big role at the time, with the war and the continuous progress of mages, the role of this mage tower has become more and more obvious.

...the first patrol team has been sent... The patrol team has already met them... The patrol team did not exchange fire with them. It seems that it is not the enemy who attacked the port—r, 11. Strange, The inspection team has been hovering around them, and sent a ship to add back: i;.r'+..The inspection team and this fleet stopped at the periphery of the port. The patrol team's ships have arrived at Cen. One by one ▲r, as the process continued to advance, there were more and more questions in Romon's mind.

At this time, the representative sent by the inspection team heard that Romon, Nick, and Farfell were all in the mage tower, so they came to ask for a visit. Let him in. Han Su said.

After a while, a supervisor of the inspection team came in from the outside and reported to Romon, My lord, according to our inquiries and inspections, the small fleet that appears around the port is owned by the elves... …

Elf?! Hearing this, almost everyone showed surprise.

Who is here? However, Romon thought of a possibility, so he asked. There was a female elf on the boat who claimed to be Ai Weixi. She said she had something to see the lord, and she also said that she represented the elf kingdom and asked to dock. A special envoy of the elf kingdom? Ai Weixi? Luo Rong smiled faintly. Is a good reason, no need to cover up.

After thinking for a while, she said: In this way, you let the ship that the elf envoy is on board to dock. However, although she can go ashore, other ships must continue to stay at a distance and must not dock. If they don't listen, Then fire. ▲r, Eleventh is o Soon, the elves sent a message, expressing their acceptance of Romon's proposal. Ten minutes later, Romon and Miss Avesy met at the port. Romon brought her to the city, and after some conversation, Romon knew the purpose of her coming out this time. She wanted to help herself and come in contact with the royal family of Esk Kingdom. My lord, I am here this time to represent the kingdom of elves and negotiate with your country. I hope that through you, I can communicate with your royal family.

Miss Avesy, so your destination is the Kingdom of Mesk? Romon looked at her calmly, Don't you know that the crown prince of the Kingdom of Esk died at the hands of elves? I'm sorry , I can't do anything about your request. Miss Aiweixi sighed and said: I regret this, but war is war, and your crown prince died in battle. Don't we elves have a high-level death? And , This is not a single kingdom, there are other envoys who have been sent to various countries to express our sincerity for peace. We just want independence and have no intention of invading the mainland. Of course, if the countries are not willing to make peace, then we will Another position had to be taken.

In that case, let me think about it carefully, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. Okay? Romon fell into deep thought after hearing this, and then spoke for a while. s! .

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