Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 263 Fierce Battle (Part 1)

In the early morning, the sky was slightly pale. When the forest was still shrouded in a layer of grayness, Jayfa had already woken up from his sleep, pushed open the door of his room, and stepped into the forest house.

Most of Rika town was destroyed, and Jayfa didn't live in Rika town, so he moved the hut to the forest near the forest house.

It has to be said that moving to the vicinity of the Forest House is still beneficial.

In the morning, I went to Murakami and went to Aunt Occam’s bakery to buy some toast. The kind Aunt Occam would always spread a layer of butter on Jaffa’s toast, and then eat the soft After baking bread, Jaffar Druid would stand in the open space outside the training ground again, watching the soldiers who exuded a strong murderous aura gather, and practiced briefly.

Finally, slowly stepping out of the forest house amidst the greetings of the people here.

Because the relationship with Romon is getting better day by day, Jaffa has also started to get used to purchasing in Romon's territory. Although he is somewhat withdrawn, his personality is actually quite gentle.

For those ordinary tenants, he would sometimes use the power of druids to help them deal with some disease problems, and occasionally provide some guiding opinions to the people in the territory. Therefore, the people in the Forest House also began to get used to his existence, and some even felt grateful to him.

Jaffa, who is used to going to the forest house occasionally, will come here every morning, and then leave silently after having breakfast. The direction of going is usually outside the forest, although the outside is currently being haunted by demons. disaster, but with Jaffa's ability, self-protection is not a problem at all.

Outside the forest house, there are a lot of trees and plants planted by Romont. No matter what season it is every year, there will be one or two plants or trees that are evergreen. It is already autumn, but look around From a distance, the emerald green is still visible. With the cool autumn wind setting off layers of waves, bursts of unique fragrance of vegetation permeated the whole air.

Jaffa took a deep breath, walked loosely on the path, and slowly approached the edge of the edge of the forest, which was a piece of green grass, and he usually came here to practice druid spells every morning.

It's just that there seems to be a different atmosphere in the air today, and it's probably more than a thousand meters away. There were faint roars of demons, and the magic elements in the surrounding air surged restlessly, and waves of vindictiveness also swept over from a distance. Although it had weakened to the point where it could be ignored, Jiefa still Think about it.

Could it be that Romon has already acted today? Jaffa looked in that direction: Does the territory of Baron Rocas really need an outsider to help regain it? That's really surprising!

For the Baron,

Jaffa, who was indifferent, couldn't say how much he hated him, but he didn't like that lord, just because Romon once said that he would attack here, Jaffa was a little shaken.

Thinking that the attacking party might be Romon's army, Jiefa instantly turned into a gray shadow and jumped forward. With the strength of a sixth-level druid, some jumping spells were naturally no problem.

Druid itself is a professional who survives by relying on the power of nature. Stepping on the grass and trees, he only needs to use the power of nature to move forward at high speed.

Concealing his breath, the screeching sound brought by the wind, and covering up his footsteps that were so soft that they were almost undetectable, Jiefa easily approached a place about 400 meters away from the fight.

Hiding his figure on the trunk of a big tree, through the gaps between the leaves, Druid Jeffer could fully see the situation on the distant battlefield.

That's the perimeter of the castle. The infantry relied on the heavy crossbow on the castle, and the cavalry team was leading a knight, fighting against a large number of demons. The scene was so big that Jaffa, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help opening his eyes.

The strength of the human side is really not weak. The total number of people is a thousand, and the number of demons is only a lot more. On the large open space in front, the two sides are fighting fiercely. The level of shock in the battle is absolutely jaw-dropping.

This group of people is the team sent by Baron Rocas to fight against the demons. Speaking of which, Baron Rocas' strength is not too weak. There are 800 infantrymen under him. There were also 300 cavalrymen, led by Knight Kerrillo, fighting against the great demon.

In order to regain the small town of Rika, Baron Rocas spent all his money this time, and directly invested all his troops to contain most of the demon army, so as to ensure the rescue of the refugees in the small town of Rika.

The Corello knight was wearing heavy armor, and he also had wind-attribute vindictiveness, which erupted from his body and rampaged along the battlefield. Wherever he went, the little devils were smashed to pieces. This is the terrifying power of the knight!

At the same time, outside the forest, from the direction of Lika town, there was a violent bombing sound.

Jayfa on the tree suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked in that direction, and saw a black spot moving rapidly on the blue sky...

Half an hour before the time, outside the small town of Rika, a cavalry was full of energy and murderous, and above their heads, there was a giant eagle flying in the air, and a young man was sitting on the eagle. Under his leadership, The cavalry gradually came outside the small town of Rika.

The gate of the town had been destroyed and was wide open. Seeing the incoming soldiers, a large group of little demons rushed out of it, the first being a big one.

The three knights of the cavalry watched coldly. One of the knights slowly raised his hand, and suddenly, the team stopped, and the two sides faced each other like this.

Living on a high place, Romon had already seen the baron restraining the main force of the demons, and he couldn't help but think of this morning.

In the early hours of the morning, Lu Lun had already returned, and he brought back the reply letter and agreement from Baron Rocas.

The content of the letter is very simple, roughly meaning that Baron Rocas' side will lead away most of the demon army, and the remaining demons will be dealt with by Romon's side. The task of rescuing the people in the temple was also handed over to Romon, and the price was the territory of a village. Although it was not a formal agreement, Romon didn't worry about regretting the agreement.

Seeing that the battle at the castle had already started, Romon looked down and saw the 600 demon army in Rika Town below, and they had to break through head-on. This was a bloody battle.

Go down! Romon patted Lightning, and then took out a scroll.

The biggest convenience of the scroll is that the magic inside is already prepared, as soon as it is torn open, it will be guided down with a spell. Romon sneered, and with a fireball, it fell straight down.

Boom! A fireball fell, and the explosive spot landed on the little devil at the gate. Immediately, more than a dozen little devils were blown out.

Go in, cavalry, charge! Farfell immediately issued an order.

Immediately, two hundred and sixty riders all began to charge.

Almost at the same time, the little devil discovered that there was even a little devil who also blew the horn.

An ominous bass blew throughout the camp.

Squadron leader Shabid rushed to the front, and with only the second sound, he charged in front of the demon.

The spear pierced out, and the powerful impact was not something the little devil could resist, and blood spattered.

The only thing Shabid could do was to hold the spear firmly, letting the eight-meter spear pass through the little devil's body one after another.

Then, there was the crisp sound of the spear snapping.

Next, there was the sound of horseshoes stepping on the **.

Boom! Another explosion exploded not far away. A group of demons were blown out, and the front was immediately empty, Shabid bent down reflexively, dodging a fork.

Before he could be shocked, he drew out his long sword, and blood spattered.

Then, he rushed into the densely packed group of little demons. When he rushed in, he felt that there were demons all around him, and the sound of the long sword breaking through the chest was continuous.

Familiar power emerged from his body, and when he was killing wildly, he faintly felt that this power was deteriorating.

Shabid grinned grinningly, feeling the power surge into his body, and only saw the little devil slashing with a long sword in his eyes, and the sound of the horses bumping into it—making them melt into a puddle of meat sauce in the dull sound.

Shabid ruthlessly stepped on their bodies directly and continued to break through.

At this moment, the war horse suddenly hissed abnormally. Before Shabid could figure out what was going on, he fell out, and his body flipped on the ground.

The sudden impact made Shabid stunned, spinning around, and there was no time to react. At this moment, a shadow blocked the original light in his eyes, and the outstretched wings enveloped the sunlight.

There was only that ray of light beside the ear, and the long sword with black flames slashed down.

Pfft! A steel spear pierced through the air and was intercepted in the middle. The sword struck the spear, and sparks flew everywhere.

Shabid lay on the ground, bursts of pain filled his nerves, he felt that his thigh bone had been broken, and for a while, his brain was in a trance.

This is the aftereffect of falling from a galloping horse.

Only the breath of blood and death kept pouring in, Shabid struggled hard, and the murky and unreal killing sounds gradually became stronger and clearer.

Shabid began to scream in a low voice, struggling desperately with every ounce of strength in his body, at this moment, he suddenly felt the germ of fighting spirit, it was there

It gradually became clear before his eyes, and everything returned to reality. This is still a battlefield. Not far away, there is a big demon, and on the opposite side is Farfer wearing silver armor.

The terrifying power of the knight was undoubtedly revealed at this time. Although the big demon attacked fiercely, Farfell did not back down and directly confronted him. Moreover, all the little demons within three meters of him were all killed by the sword.

Not far away, two big demons were floating in the air.

Information error, are there three big demons in the town? Shabid finally woke up. (!)

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