Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 262 Scroll (Part 2)

At dusk in Pusi City, the gates had already been closed, but this couldn't stop Lightning from taking off from Changshan Lane, and Romon followed the flow of people, slowly strolling forward.

Because of the frequent outbreaks of demon disasters, people here are... panic... panic.

Although the store is still open for business, as long as you look carefully, you will find that although there are still products on the shelves in the store, in terms of variety, there are much fewer than usual, because many roads are blocked, so, except for some Some large commercial firms can continue to obtain goods through some underground channels, and those small commercial firms are almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

There are very few pedestrians in the road workers. Most people either gather in places like bars to get news, or stay at home and be obedient citizens honestly. hurry.

Regarding the situation of evil disasters in various places, gossip is now flying all over the sky.

Although this place does not have a profession like a storyteller, there is another kind of profession that can also make people famous, that is, a song poet.

Like the poets that Earthworkers once had, the poets of this world also shoulder the heavy responsibility of singing mountains and rivers and praising heroes. It feels, unlike them, that they even have some spells.

Because of the outbreak of the demon disaster, many roads leading to the outside were blocked. Therefore, some poets who traveled here were confined in this county. Therefore, during this period of time, many poems were released, some praised the heroic deeds of the soldiers, and some denounced the cruelty of war. After all, this kind of disaster will only break out once in hundreds of years. Yes, so, although it is a big disaster, it is not a bad thing for these poets who are constantly in need of inspiration.

And Romon didn't know about his private breeding deeds, which was also one of the sung stories.

At the same time, at the entrance of Xiaoqie, there were significantly more soldiers in charge of pan stupidity and guards. If you look closely, you will find that the weakest of these soldiers will not be lower than the third level, and the leaders in charge of these defenses have four Level, and teams of patrolling soldiers are also well-equipped.

At this critical moment, no matter how stingy the city lord is, he would not be so foolish as to be stingy in such matters. After all, the safety of the entire city is the most important thing.

Because of the outbreak of the demonic disaster, people fleeing from all directions continued to rush in. The number of people was quite large, because some church organizations headed by the Church of the Radiant Lord donated a lot of money, and even set aside some large vacant buildings. Simple assistance is provided for those who wander here, so although people continue to come,... the lord of the small town has not issued an order to prohibit it. So far,

There was no starvation to death in the city, and everything was in order.

As usual, today's weather is fine, and the soldiers guarding the city are still looking out cautiously. On that road, people came over one after another, picking up their children and taking their daughters. It's really miserable. Even these soldiers who have always been known for their hard-heartedness couldn't help but sigh secretly.

After entering the city, Romon rushed to a magic shop according to the map. Looking in from the door, the shop was very big, so Romon walked in.

This is where the famous Mage's House is located at the back of the main street.

When he stepped in, Romon noticed that, like the detection circle at the entrance of the trade union, a green light was lit up. This green light was very bright, and the expressions of the people in the shop could not help but change, which represented strength. the power of!

This is the only open storefront, and it deals in businesses such as spell-casting props and magic items.

At a glance, there are rows of staffs. Boxes of scrolls, as well as exquisite and beautiful magic equipment, made Romon's eyes dazzled.

Master Druid, what do you want to buy? A woman greeted her with a smile. She was a mature and beautiful woman, wearing a purple dress with a wide opening at the neckline. Once she bent down, she could see the plumpness inside It's all white.

However, Romon discovered from the moment he met her that this woman was not simple. It seemed that she was a not very low-level mage, of course, not above level four.

Now it was dusk and night, there were very few pedestrians passing by outside the store, and apart from this woman, there was only one customer who was watching in the store.

Luo Meng glanced at it from the corner of his eye, then stopped paying attention, and turned to look at the people in the store.

If you look carefully, most of it contains spell-casting materials commonly used by mages, experimental equipment, and semi-finished scrolls and wands. After all, mages are the mainstream here.

Especially the shelf workers, all kinds of magic potions with different purposes are mainly for mages.

Romon stopped at Faguagong first, and then looked at the magic scroll.

To be honest, this is the biggest advantage of druids. It spans the two types of spells, priest and mage. It can be used whether it is a sacred magic item or a mage's mage supplies. Ma'am, are there enough attack magic scrolls here? Romon asked politely.

Enough? My lord Druid, it can be said that this store has the largest supply of spell scrolls in the city, and should be able to meet any of your requirements. The female mage said politely.

Romon raised his eyebrows. The female mage's tone was very doggy. However, judging from the situation of this store, there might really be a lot of stock, so he smiled: I want to replace all these items with a third-level fireball technique. Or a lightning scroll!

As he said that, he mentioned a small bag that he was carrying to the counter worker, and when the bag opened, it immediately shone brightly.

Can I exchange it with jewels? The female mage thought for a while, and then agreed: Yes, we can also pay directly with jewels in our store. Let me see how many things there are.

She opened the pocket, took out the contents one by one, and evaluated them carefully.

After a while, he said with a familiar smile: Master Druid, you can only buy seven third-level scrolls for your jewelry.

Seven third-level scrolls? Romon couldn't help being startled. These jewels are only worth this, at least fifteen copies!

Yes, Drew Dogman, you are not a member of the mage guild, and now is the time when prices are soaring, and your jewelry can only be exchanged for this. The female mage said politely and resolutely: This store buys and sells magic items, it is always fair, and it will not bargain.

It's changed!, I dare not be presumptuous here, after all, there is the mage union behind it, so Romon could only say depressedly: How about changing all of them to fireball?

Okay, all the magic scrolls you want are here, just wait for a moment, I'll go get them for you. Saying that, the female mage went inside.

After a while, he took out the box, opened it, and saw that there were eight magic scrolls inside. Romon knew that they were genuine just by feeling them for a while.

Depressed, he only had a few words with the female mage, and left with these things. When he got to a place where there was no one, he was put into the space by Romon.

Although it was still early at this time, because he was worried about the troops, Romon didn't stay longer in the city, but went out of the city directly, and returned to the camp by lightning.

Back at the camp, Romon touched the scroll and felt that he still had some confidence.

I have three fireball spells, four lightning spells, and seven fireball spells. With my army, it is not a problem to kill five or six hundred little devils. The key is whether the baron can cooperate.

And at this time, it was late at night, in the baron's castle, in the meeting room.

What do you say, what should we do? To send troops or not? Baron Rocas walked back and forth in the conference room with a gloomy expression. Here, sat several of his confidantes, including an interior officer and a knight.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, of course Baron Rocas also wanted to send troops. After all, among the people surrounded by the temple, there were his daughters and his subjects. The small town of Rika is the richest town in his territory, not only with a superior geographical location, but also with many shops, which provide very generous taxes every year.

Of course he also wants to regain the lost ground, but the problem is that he has no confidence at all in dealing with the demon army.

My lord, I think we should agree to Romon's request. The speaker was Baron Rocas' confidant, Knight Kerrillo.

He was in his early thirties, with a thin build, but his eyes were bright, which made people feel that he had infinite explosive power.

Oh? Tell me about it. Baron Rocas's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly.

Knight Kerrillo said: First of all, Rica Town is your town, we are obliged to recover it, and secondly, although we don't have the ability to recover it immediately, if we only want to contain the main force of the demons, we can still do it. get!

As he said that, Knight Corello talked about the current strength of his side. He is the specific host of the army. Baron Rocas nodded after hearing this.

Seeing that Knight Kerrillo was determined to fight decisively, Baron Rocas hesitated for a while and finally made up his mind: Okay, then we will immediately... reply to Romon's envoy, and you will understand with my brother that in the morning, I will send troops to contain the enemy. The main force of the demons, please destroy the demons in Rika Town within one day, and as a reward, I can hand over Suda Village to him.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Suda Village is actually a semi-independent territory, but the volunteers belong to him. When all the people die, they will automatically belong to them. Now they have to hand them over again. It's like digging up a piece of meat.

It's just that when Lu Lun talked about the drought just now, he already clearly expressed his meaning. This is your business, Baron Rocas, and you can't do it without paying the price!

Baron Rocas didn't have the extravagant hope of getting Romon's service for free, because the rules of this world don't allow it either.

So, only agreed.

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