Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1354: Amazing discovery, Sun, Goku? !!


Everyone's eyes looked at it!

I saw a few dark spots flying fast in the sky in the distance, making waves of sounds!

It is Chen Yu and others!

"His! Is this Douwutai? It's so majestic !!!!!"

Mo Zi saw the sight in front of her, and the whole person took a breath of air. Ren Tai and others looked at Douwu Tai in the distance, and were also astounded.

Even Chen Yu saw the sight in front of her eyes, her eyes shrinking, her face shocked.

They saw in front of them a vast plain, but above this plain, there were scattered soldiers all over the place, including broken swords, spears, etc., but without exception, none of them was intact of!

On the earth, there are dense and crisscrossing gullies, which can be dozens of miles long at a glance! Every gully is bottomless, and even after so long, you can feel the incomparable domineering!

It is enough to imagine what kind of battle was happening here!

But all this was not the reason that Chen Yu was most shocked. The reason why he was shocked was because here he saw a character whom he never imagined!

One, legendary character!

Just before Chen Yu's eyes, two huge creatures stood opposite each other!

Each one is thousands of feet high! On the left is the huge ape, the hair on his body is still clearly visible, wearing a set of broken armor, covered with dense wounds.

The ape opened his mouth wide with blood, with a fierce face, his eyes widened, four fangs, exuding a wild and fierce momentum!

And in his heart position, there is a huge hole! It's empty inside, transparent before and after!

"This is, Sun ... Goku ..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu's pupils shrank fiercely, taking a sip of air-conditioner, and her head rumbling!

Even here, saw the characters in ancient myths? This is almost like dreaming, but now, such a scene is in front of my eyes!

The reason to be sure this is Sun Wukong, because in the hand of the huge ape, a very thick stick is being held in his hand, and it is severely inserted into the monster's chest on the opposite side!

On that iron rod, the five characters of Ruyi Jinhuabang, although it has lost its luster under the years of rust, but! Can still be seen.

The monster opposite the giant ape was dark and black all over his body, covered with heavy armor, and the monster's hand was pointing at the position of the giant ape's heart. Ape pierces through the chest ~!

Especially the eyes of this monster, even if it does n’t know how long, it still emits a cruel bloodthirsty light, just a glance is enough to make ordinary people feel great fear!

Battle of two big beasts! Even after so many years, I can still see the horrors before!

So strong!

Although these two haven't reached Tianzun Realm, they have approached infinitely!

"Oh my gosh, what kind of existence is this so fierce, even though they are dead, even now it looks scared. Just a glance makes my heart beat."

Ren Tai's emotions filled her eyes, looking up.

At a glance, they knew that at this level of existence, no one in the whole hundred domains could compare! Even if it is proud, it cannot be compared with it!

The crowd was full of emotion, but Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and a deep shock and doubt appeared in her heart.

Is this the power of fighting the Holy Buddha?

Chen Yu's heart turned into turbulent waves. As an Earthling, even his achievements on the path to spiritual practice have reached the zenith. But I still have a special feeling for the name of Sun Wukong.

After all, many Chinese people grew up watching Sun Wukong as a child. Therefore, Chen Yu respects such a person very much.

"Sun Wukong, does Sun Wukong really exist? The previous Meng Po, the current giant ape Sun Wukong, these mythical figures have appeared one by one, and all of them have died. What is so amazing about them?"

Chen Yu was a little hesitant, but one day, he could see Sun Wukong appear in front of him in this posture!

Looking at the monster that was killed, Chen Yu could feel the familiar atmosphere from it, and it was an alien atmosphere! But it's not exactly the same feeling as the alien, it's weird.

"It seems that there is still a great secret here!"

Chen Yu sighed, her eyes were full of emotion. Sun Wukong, he never expected that he would die here?

"Huh? No! This guy!"

Chen Yu, who was still a bit sad, took a closer look again, and immediately frowned fiercely, a little puzzled and shocked.

In his eyes, although the giant ape was dead, it still gave him a weird feeling, in a very special state.

"Muffin ..."

Chen Yu frowned. She was very puzzled. There was some conjecture, but just thinking of his own thought, he felt very crazy.

"Little feather! Hurry up !!!"

A sudden roar made Chen Yu startled and turned her eyes. When she saw her parents, Chen Yu's heart shrank suddenly!

"Dad, mom! Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

Chen Yu shouted in haste, and then looked at Ao Zixiao, suddenly killing in his eyes!

"Awesome! You **** it!"

The sound is like waves, killer! When everyone heard this voice, they were all terrified, and suddenly panic came out of their hearts.

They looked at each other with incredible looks in their eyes.

"How is this possible? How could a guy with a great transcendent perfection make us feel this way?"

At this moment, they do not know how many people were killed before Chen Yu! In their eyes, Chen Yu was just an idiot who was stunned and arrogant.

But it was this idiot that scared them, and when they thought of it, they seemed particularly angry. It was like a big man, scared by a small milk cat who suddenly came out, very embarrassed.


Ao Zixiao narrowed her eyes and looked at Chen Yu with some surprise.

"It's good to be murderous, it's a man who can kill Aoyun."

Ao Zixiao commented casually, sitting on the seat, nodding slightly, very domineering.

The many Tianjiao who reacted were almost all flushed, watching Chen Yu gritted his teeth, and then all laughed.

"Come on, there are ten meters left!"

The distance of ten meters was not blinking, and then suddenly! Chen Yu, Rentai and others, like birds without wings, all fell down!

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