Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1353: Pride of the sky

With a look of arrogance, Ao Zongxiao stood there, looking at his feet.

There, Chen Taiyi and Wu Nianzhi, at this moment they were kneeling on the ground and looked at Ao Zixiao with absolute expression.

"Pride, kill us! Use me to threaten my son, don't you think, are you too mean?"

Mrs. Chen yelled. On this way, he also knew the beginning and end of the matter, and knew a lot.

"Threat Chen Yu with you?"

Hearing this, everyone laughed, looking very relaxed.

"Oh, you are so interesting, how dare you say such a thing? Do n’t you know, we need to threaten Chen Yu as our proud son?"

"Exactly! What do you think you are? Ao Gongzi just wants to let Chen Yu taste it too, and lose his loved one! Let him understand the pain of Ao Gongzi!"

"Yeah, Chen Yu is so brave and dare to kill Ao Gong's younger brother? It's just trying to die! You are here today, but it's just a tool, do you think you are heavy?"

Howling whispers came from all around.

Ao Zixiao stood there, glanced at the few people who had just spoken, and then flicked his fingers!

Suddenly a silver light flashed, and I saw that the people who had just spoken were all beheaded!

Everyone was startled, afraid to say one more word.

"I didn't let you speak, so don't talk more."

Ao Zongxiao spoke faintly before turning to look at Chen Taiyi and Wu Nianzhi.

"The two of you are very good. The son you gave birth to is very powerful and killed Aoyun."

Ao Zongxiao opened her mouth, playing with a broken piece of jade Jane in her hand, which was Aoyun's destiny.

When Aoyun died before, this piece of jade was also directly broken. Almost instantly, Ao Zixiao was determined. Ao Yun was killed by Chen Yu!

Aoyun's strength, but he is very clear, it is already half a step to condense the state of achievement! Chen Yu can kill Aoyun, it is enough to imagine that Chen Yu's strength is at least half a step above the state of mind!

And what is Chen Yu's realm now?

Not even Ningjing Realm!

This wicked talent, even if it is proud of the sky, is extremely amazing.

"I give Chen Yu a chance, and when he comes, you advise him to be my servant, and I can let him go."

Ao Zixiao said.


Hearing this, all of them were shocked, and looked at Pride Sky inconceivably. You know, when Chen Yu fell asleep in the palace, she was wearing a green hat for Ao Zixiao!

Now, instead of killing him, Ao Zixiao wants to make him his own servant?

What is this operation?

"Pride of the sky, so generous?"

Someone said in shock.

Someone immediately shook his head gravely.

"It's not generosity, it's the pattern! I'm afraid in the eyes of Ao Zixiao, the value of this Chen Yu has made him think that it is better to accept it as His Majesty!"

The crowd froze and looked at the man in wonder.

"What do you mean?"

The man stood far away, looking at Ao Zixiao, with a touch of worship in his eyes.

"I already knew that the reason why Ao Zongxiao wanted to marry Gong Nian was because Gong Nian was helpful to his exercises. To put it plainly, Gong Nian was just a tool for venting and promoting cultivation. In the eyes of Ao Zixiao, Gong Nian was not treated as a person! "

"The pattern of pride is too big! Even Chen Yu who did this kind of thing didn't care, because his vision was not confined to a woman at all, what he wanted, I am afraid, far Far more than a hundred domains! "


Hearing this, everyone was shaking.

Land of more than 100 domains! What an ambition! Looking at the whole hundred domains, who are they with such courage? No!

"It's worthy of pride! It really isn't what we can do!"

"Yeah, if it were me, it would never be the same as Pride, so Chen Yu was taken as His Majesty!"

While everyone was feeling, the person who had just analyzed spoke again.

"Yes, this step of Ao Zong Xiao, it is too great to go! Chen Yu killed Ao Zong Xiao's servant, and slept his fiancee, but in the end, he was accepted as a servant by Ao Zong Xiao! You said In the whole hundred domains, how would you look at this matter? Being a person ca n’t do what you want, you ca n’t think about it. The reputation of Pride is bound to rise to a whole new level! ”

"Think about it, the vice president of Baiyu Alchemy Association, the super arrogant of Baiyu College, kneels in front of Ao Zixiao. This kind of scene can be imagined just by thinking about it, the status of Ao Zixiao To what extent! "

"Killing Chen Yu is not difficult for Ao Zixiao, but making Chen Yu a dog at the foot of Ao Zixiao, for Chen Yu, I am afraid it is a great shame!"

Everyone nodded, and worshiped proudly and proudly!

When Chen Taiyi heard Ao Zongxiao's words, he slightly hesitated, and then laughed, very heroic.

"Awesomeness, what you think is too beautiful! What kind of character is my little bird? How could he surrender to you? Even if you kill me, my son won't be a dog under your feet! You think To step on my son? Impossible! "

Wu Nianzhi clinged to Chen Taiyi, his face was equally firm.

"Really? That's a pity."

Ao Zongxiao heard this without any special expression, neither disappointed nor angry, only indifferent, as indifferent as the ancient well!

Everyone saw this scene and had a higher evaluation of Ao Zixiao!

look! After the rejection, Ao Zongxiao was still so high. Mrs. Chen, a mortal like you, even if you shouted your throat against the sky, would the sky be angry with you? moron!

Lord Pride, like a god, he was interested in Chen Yu, and he gave a word at random and gave him a chance. After he refused, he didn't have any anger, just like crushing an ant and stepping on it. Death, there will not be any anger, this magnificent, big pattern, too great!

At this moment, there are thousands of people here, and everyone is worshipped with a look of pride.

"Ha ha, such a wonderful opportunity, Chen Taiyi has refused, this time, Chen Yu is dead!"

Someone laughed ironically.

"That's it! How much can it be to be proud of being a servant of Ao Gongzi? Ao Gong gave me elixir, and I took it on the spot. That's the Aojia's special elixir. The effect is excellent. If Chen Yu Becoming a servant of the proud family, the exercises and elixir are definitely better than what he has now! Unfortunately, he did it himself! "

"Yes, I don't know when Chen Yu will come. I want to see when that happens. How will this Chen Yu die in the hands of proud son!"

Just as everyone laughed, an exclamation sounded, and someone pointed at the distance and shouted with a throat.

"Look, Chen Yu is here!"

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