He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 872 Mr. Dache, who is so arrogant!

"Next, please invite contestant No. 41 to appear!"

This time, the people who appeared on the stage made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes brighten, and they suddenly became energetic.

Still an acquaintance.

This person is tall and well-proportioned, with a handsome face, and even has a strong aristocratic atmosphere.

Wearing a hot, crisp dark purple suit and short silver-white hair, she brought this temperament to the extreme.

Properly tall, rich and handsome.

"Mr. Dache?!"

"Why did he come to participate in this competition?!"

Xiaozhi and the two immediately recognized the silver-haired man on the stage. He was the league champion of the Fangyuan area and Dawu's cousin——Dache.

But now it should be called the former league champion. It is said that Fangyuan League just completed the championship handover ceremony last year.

Regardless of his image and temperament, Dache will not lose to his relative at all.

But unlike Dawu, Dache is average in Pokémon battles, and is more involved in the business field.

Because the Devon Manufacturing Company behind it intends to set up a branch in the Kanto region, it came out specially to expand its territory.

When Xiaozhi was traveling in the Kanto region before, he became friends with him, and even got a mega bracelet made by Dache himself.

The two immediately became very interested in what Pokémon Dache would send to the competition.

Backed by a large company at the regional level, there are definitely a lot of rare Pokémon!


Under the signal of the host, Da Che nodded gracefully, and then threw five poke balls in front of him at the same time.

boom! boom!

There were noises everywhere, and the next moment, there were five more identical Pokémon on the stage in front of Dache.

They are all gray-blue bodies, and their bodies are smooth and exude a metallic luster.

There is an extra spherical steel stone in the front section, and a single eye stands on it.

Suspended in the air out of thin air, gently undulating.

Iron dumbbells!

Five iron dumbbells!

Dache directly dispatched five rare quasi-gods in the initial stage!


Although they are all in ordinary form, it is this kind of embarrassment that makes everyone gasp now.

You must know that quasi-gods are extremely rare.

Not to mention the iron dumbbell... To breed this kind of Pokémon, the feed must first be rare minerals and metals.

Just the cultivation and evolution of an iron dumbbell is not something that ordinary trainers can afford...

"As expected of Mr. Dache..."

"The scalp is numb..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang scratched their heads, Dache's astonishing aura of richness and handsomeness made their faces confused.

But right now Dache only released five Pokémon, and the sixth Poké Ball is still in his hand, Xiaozhi immediately widened his eyes, not daring to be careless.


The next moment, with this elf ball opened.

A metal Pokémon with a silver-white body and a flat body appeared in front of Dache.

The whole body is glowing with beautiful platinum. There are no lower limbs, except for the two arms that are like "iron dumbbells", both of which are noble and luxurious silver white.

The claws on the tip of the arms and the few spikes on the head are golden yellow.

Like the five iron dumbbells around them, they are all suspended in mid-air, and it can be clearly seen that they are of the same race.

"It's appeared, it's a metal monster of a different color!!"

Xiao Gang's father, Wu Neng, immediately growled and growled.

Not only different-color Pokémon, but also ultra-rare quasi-gods, and even the metal streamers around the body are extremely noble...

Destined, this will be a high-scoring Pokémon!

Soon, after a flurry of restlessness among the judges, the scores came out.

"Five iron dumbbells, 15 points each, 75 points in total!"

Rare is rarer, but it is still an ordinary Pokémon, so each one only increases the rarity of quasi-god by 10 points.

Dache is a quasi-god even the Pokémon used to make up the numbers.

As for the sixth...

"Odd-colored metal monster, score, 82 points!!"

The personal score of this strange-colored metal monster surpassed that of the previous special flame flame horse in one fell swoop, and temporarily won the single championship score!

"Otoru's final score is... 157 points!"

However, Dache's total score is not high.

The special Pokémon competition still depends on the number of special Pokémon. Once the number is made up, the total score will naturally decrease a lot.



Standing on the stage, Da Che didn't look angry, but just let out a helpless chuckle.

He is a fan of this special Pokémon competition, and the focus is on participating, but he never thought of winning the championship.

Otherwise, with his background, he can completely mobilize the Devon Company behind him to help him collect special Pokémon.

At his cousin Dawu's place, there is also a giant golden monster of a different color.

Putting away the iron dumbbells and metal monsters, with a very high appearance, elegant temperament, and a proper local tyrant, Da Che won the applause of most of the female audience.

"Mr. Dache, this way!! This way!!!"

When Dache was about to step off the stage, he heard a loud roar from the audience on the side of the field.

It was so loud that it startled him.

Seeing the figures of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, Dache seemed to meet old friends, with a smile on his face, he walked towards them immediately.

"Mr. Dache, long time no see."

Coming to the front, hearing the greetings of the two, Dache scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Haha, the total score is a bit low, I'm making a fool of myself..."

He is different from the ordinary tall, rich and handsome, he seems very easy-going.

Of course, Da Che would not show such an attitude towards anyone.

Dache already knows all about Xiaozhi's performance at the Silver Conference.

The performance in the Tianwang Challenge, even if he is not a pure trainer, his blood is boiling with excitement!

He was right at the beginning, the future of this young man is definitely not easy!

The same is true for Xiao Gang next to him.

In an interview not long ago, Celestial King Xiba revealed his identity as a closed disciple, and even threatened that his future achievements would not be lower than his own.

On the one hand, Dache is easy-going, on the other hand, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi are also worthy of Dache's deep friendship.


"Mr. Dache, Mr. Dache...!"

It's just that Xiaozhi and the three hadn't talked in detail for a long time, and there was a sound after Dache.

The three of them subconsciously turned around, only to see Xiaohao running over at some point, with Yantu'er on his shoulder, and his expression was quite eager.

"Mr. Otoru, that... Could you please tell me where I can catch a Pokémon like Iron Dumbbell...?"

Xiaohao got straight to the point.

This kind of rare Pokémon, even Dr. Sakuragi doesn't know where it lives, but the person in front of him has five of them with him?

Xiaohao is eager to get information on the iron dumbbell, so he goes to conquer it!

However, Dache waved his hand, glanced at Xiaohao, and replied casually:

"Um, sorry, it's not convenient."

Afterwards, Dache turned his head again, ignoring Xiaohao's existence.

The information about the iron dumbbell is a family secret, so Dache would not casually hand it over to passers-by with unknown origins.

Especially this kind of person who just wants to ask for it.

It's better to keep a distance from this kind of person.

"Well, it's okay to be inconvenient..."

Only Xiao Hao was left on the spot, standing there in embarrassment.

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