He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 871 Different-colored Pokémon are not as good as wild dogs

"This time, I actually have a secret weapon~"

Xiao Gang smiled meaningfully.

"Secret weapon...?"

Xiaozhi knows that Xiaogang has a huge steel snake, which belongs to a special form of Pokémon, so he probably can get a lot of points.

As for the rest...

"However, uh, let's forget about the championship. Since you are all here, this time I will focus on participating."

But thinking of something, Xiao Gang sighed and smiled helplessly.

Xiaozhi's information, he knows the bottom line.

No matter how powerful his secret weapon is, it can't match Xiaozhi's all-star lineup at all!

In this kind of competition that only looks at the uniqueness of Pokémon, Xiaozhi's existence is simply here to fry fish!


Xiaozhi chuckled quite proudly, since he wants to win the championship, he will naturally not be merciful!


Soon, the conference officially began.

"Welcome friends from all regions to gather in our city of Nibi today!"

Xiao Gang's father, Wu Neng, was on top, holding a microphone and speaking the opening remarks loudly.

The special Pokémon competition has been held in many regions, with a large number of fans, including trainers from all regions.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, the contestants, and countless audiences were all sitting under a huge open-air stage, taking their seats neatly.

It was dark and crowded with people.

"Then, let me introduce the rules of the competition to you."

Wu Neng's hosting style is straight to the point.

"The rules are very simple, each player can send at most six of his own Pokémon..."

The full score of a single Pokémon is 100 points, which means that the player's full score is at most 600 points.

"Ordinary Pokémon, the base is 5 points, and then according to the rarity, the points are added in turn..."

The rarity of the quasi-god level can probably reach 10 points.

"Abnormal body shape +10 points, special breath +10 points..."

The special aura here refers to the special effect that can be produced by just standing there without using any skills.

The special competition really only looks at the special appearance, and does not need to look at what is inside.

Pure appearanceism.

"And once there is a flashing different-color Pokémon defined in the official illustrated book, the starting point is 60 points!"

"As for the official illustrated book, there is no special form defined. The starting point is also 60 points, and the percentage of bonus points added will increase even higher!"

Compared to the rarity, or what kind of cute appearance, gorgeous fur, gorgeous skills... These are not the point.

Flashes of different colors, or special forms, are the most important things in this conference!

This is fundamentally different from the gorgeous contest or the performance contest!

On the one hand, it caters to the tastes and hobbies of trainers who are addicted to collecting special Pokémon of different colors.

On the other hand, the official league will also continue to obtain information on new types of special Pokémon in this kind of competition...

For officials, this is the main event.

This is much easier than finding special Pokémon one by one by yourself.

"And this time, there are a total of ten judges!"

Wu Neng only wanted to be the ten people sitting in the first row.

Including the president of the Pokémon Lovers Association, the official of the alliance, the researcher who focuses on special Pokémon, the owner of Silver Company in the golden city next door...

There are people from all walks of life in all walks of life, but they are all people of considerable status.


Wu Neng's introduction also caused Xiao Hao, who was full of confidence just now, to suddenly turn dark in the audience seats below.

Wait, isn't this a Pokémon beauty contest? !

He combed his Pokémon's fur to shine, and he was very energetic, so he brought it out for the competition!

Xiao Hao quickly took out the promotional flyer he saw in Dead Leaf City.

"Special Pokémon Beauty Contest!"

Xiaohao: "..."

He didn't see the first two words.

His Pokémon don't seem to be very special...

Otherwise, just slip away now?


It's just that Yantu'er was looking at the stage in front of him with a fiery face, holding Xiaohao's arm tightly, not letting the latter get up and leave at all.

In the end, Xiaohao could only stay in his position, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, secretly thinking to hurry over today...



Soon, the game officially begins!

The first trainer to appear on the stage seemed to have been prepared. He raised his hand and released a golden wrist.

It is completely different from the usual blue-gray.

"It has appeared, the first one is the different-color wrist power!!"

There was an uproar at the scene, a Pokémon of a different color is not so rare.


The golden wrist strength is even more on the stage, posing various bodybuilding poses again and again, raising his own score.

Next, the trainer released his other five Pokémon.

However, they are all Pokémon that can be seen everywhere, such as bibibirds and sparrows, there is nothing unusual about them.

From the looks of it, it's just there to make up points.

In the end, his score was also displayed under the scores of the ten judges.

"Different wrist strength, 63 points!"

"The other five normal Pokémon add up to 25 points!"

"The final score of player number one is 87 points!"

This is the scoring mode of the special competition.

The score of a special Pokémon will be much greater than the sum of the scores of several ordinary Pokémon.


"The second contestant is here!!"

"Contestant No. 3 is here!!"

Next, the contestants stepped onto the stage one by one in order.

As the "77th" and the last contestant, Xiaozhi could only applaud along with the audience in a short period of time.

The same is true for Xiao Gang beside him.

It's just that on the stage, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes widened and they were amazed by the super special different-colored Pokémon that appeared one after another.

On weekdays, it is rare to see the different-color Pokémon once a year, but at this moment, it seems to be everywhere, appearing frequently on the stage.

For someone who doesn't know the truth, they may still think that different-color Pokémon are not as good as wild dogs.

Most of these contestants are heterochromatic collectors, and basically each person has a heterochromatic flashing Pokémon.

There are even nearly half of the contestants, one with two!

And it's rare that all six of them are ordinary Pokémon.

After all, no one would choose to take the initiative to humiliate themselves.


Pikachu even saw a similar Pikachu with a different color on the stage.

It is not much different from it, but the color of Pikachu's fur is darker.

As if tanned, yellow-brown...

"Pickup~ (not so good~)!"

Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief.


The competition went on until more than 40 numbers.

At present, the highest score for a single Pokémon is a special form of flame horse.

Generally, the flame color of the heterochromatic flame horse is beige gray.

But the color of this flaming horse was not recorded in the official illustrated book, it was a strange blue color...

Even the attributes seem to have changed accordingly, and the aura has become strange.

"Special form flame horse, 76 points!"

This kind of shape and attribute variation made this flaming horse overwhelmingly the number one in the audience!

Of course, it is temporary.

At present, the trainer with the highest total score is a trainer who is pregnant with three flashing Pokémon at the same time, reaching a high score of 215!

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