He knows Pokémon better than me

Four hundred and twenty ninth chapter Candle in the wind

With full strength, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito's strength reached its peak for a while, and it felt like it had inexhaustible energy all over its body. Immediately, its eyes were fixed, and it looked at the big blue fireball rushing forward.


Immediately, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito raised its two muscular fists, making a pair of dragons out of the sea, and also bombarded it head-on.


The fist collided with the flame, and there was a terrible burst of energy in an instant, which shocked everyone in the entire arena.

A violent explosion erupted at the junction, and the flames shot up into the sky and turned into hot wind dancing wildly. The smoke and black mist engulfed the two of them at the same time, and the energy ripples flowed wantonly in the arena...


"A battle at the level of a king."

In the VIP audience seats, Champion Du gave such an evaluation.

Although there is still some distance from the ultimate realm, it has to be said that whether it is the roaring tiger or this muscular mosquito that has never been seen before, they are already fighting at the level of a king.

Then he looked at one of them, the young trainer wearing a gray hat.

Let’s not talk about the masked man, a strong man from other places.

But the other person is just an ordinary novice trainer according to the information. According to the feedback from the gymnasium owner, even many badges are gifted out of friendship.

So how did he achieve such a terrifying combat power in a few days, even the traitor miniature dragons he used, or the never-before-seen Explosive Muscle Mosquito, have never been recorded before.

There is even a feeling in Du Mingming that the current combat level is far from the limit of this trainer named **...

"Oh~ Du-jun, are you afraid of being overtaken by newcomers?"

The red-haired woman who was also watching the battle suddenly spoke, with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

Tianwang Kona sat beside him in a capable uniform, with attractive eyes, elegant round eyes, and an elegant and intellectual temperament all over his body.


Champion Du just snorted coldly, flicking his cloak with a solemn expression, the coldness on this woman made him a little uncomfortable.

"Jie Jie... By the way, the quality of today's players is much better than in previous years..."

The white-haired old woman next to her suddenly interjected and sneered, with a gloomy expression, like a poisonous snake.

I heard that Oki's grandson had already left the Kanto area, and she couldn't carry out the operation of secretly throwing a sack into the sea after the game, which made Tianwang Juzi a little unhappy.

But she has already sent her subordinates to investigate Xiaomao's whereabouts, and when she finds the target...

"Jie jie..."

Chrysanthemum couldn't help laughing happily at the thought of Mirai Damu kneeling down in front of her and crying bitterly.

Du \u0026 Kona: "?"

What is this old woman laughing at...?


On the arena? The smoke and the flames from the sky dissipated? I saw that the bodies of the two Pokémon were no longer covered by the energy coat, but were locked in a fist-to-fist stalemate in the center of the arena.

It's evenly matched again.

"While now? Use Explosive Fist!"

Chi suddenly opened his mouth and said, this time his tone quickened? He became decisive and quick.

The Explosive Muscle Mosquito understood, and immediately raised the other muscle fist? At this moment, there was already a layer of terrifying energy lingering on it? There were violent noises around it from time to time, and it carried a huge force to face the opponent's frontal bombardment.

"Roaring Tiger, distance yourself!"

It's just that the Roaring Tiger was about to move, but a burst of blue electric arc suddenly exploded on his body? The brief pain made his eyes shrink? Even the movement was a bit slower.


In the next second, the Exploding Fist blasted with bursts of violent noise, and even made a terrifying explosion-like sound when it hit the target's body.

The effect is outstanding!


After being hit in the abdomen, the Roaring Tiger had no choice but to back up again and again, opening a distance.

However, this Explosive Punch didn't hit completely? Its power probably hit 50%, but even so, Roaring Tiger let out a muffled grunt, clutching his hit abdomen and gasping for breath.

The fighting attribute restrains the evil attribute, is this punch really full? I'm afraid it can directly make Roaring Tiger enter the state of being in the wind and candles.


Only then did the masked man realize that Flame Charge would cause back injury? And brute force lowers one's own defense? Is the opponent taking advantage of this momentary pain to gain the upper hand?

What a formidable opponent....

At this time, the masked man suddenly noticed a faint smile on the opposite face? It seemed that the plan had been carried out smoothly, which made the former fearful, and immediately looked back at the arena.


At this moment in the arena, Roaring Tiger's body suddenly staggered on the spot, as if he was drunk, and there were still a few phantom shadows of Mu Muxiao lingering around his head.

It went into chaos.

Exploding Fist is good for everything, but its weakness is too fatal, that is, its hit rate is extremely low.

Even with the anti-injury effect of Flame Charge, Chi never thought that this punch could hit completely, but as long as it hits the side, it is enough, all he wants is the additional effect of the burst punch.

Exploding Fist - Guaranteed confusion when hit!

But now that the opponent is in a state of confusion, when there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, it is the best time to make up for the hit rate of the Explosive Fist...

Chi showed his true hunter's claws, and shouted in a low voice:

"Explosive Muscle Mosquito, do it again, use Explosive Punch!"

After saying that, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito clenched its fist again and caused bursts of violent noises, and its four hind legs began to move, approaching the enemy quickly, unstoppable.

This terrifying attack also made the masked man panic immediately, and the explosive punch might really directly determine the winner...

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, his eyes became decisive, and he roared loudly like a strong man cutting off his wrist:

"Roaring Tiger, use the flame vortex on yourself!!"

Chaos has a certain chance of attacking myself, so I will directly choose to attack myself!

"Tiger Roar!"

The Roaring Tiger in a state of confusion barely heard the masked man's voice, and immediately opened its mouth to breathe fire, but when the skill was activated, its head became dizzy, and it pointed the tiger's mouth at its own chest, and then all the terrifying flames spewed out out.

The flames hit Roaring Tiger's chest muscles unhindered, making a piercing sound like "sizzling" roast meat. Even Roaring Tiger has a strong resistance to flames, it can't help but let out a whine, and the damage caused is not low.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Immediately after the flames exploded and fell around, they shot up into the sky, turning into a huge flame tornado centered on the Roaring Tiger, completely enveloping it.


The huge high-temperature flame made the worm-type Explosive Mosquito a bit wary for a while, and the explosive fist raised in mid-air also stayed outside the flame, not daring to move forward an inch.

"What a guts..."

Seeing this, even Chi couldn't help admiring, the masked man on the opposite side was simply a born fighter, and he used such a way of almost self-destructing to resist a fatal blow.


Soon, the vortex of flames dissipated, and the figure of the Roaring Tiger appeared in everyone's sight again, but at this moment its tiger's moo was shining brightly.

This move of the flame vortex not only protected itself, but the pain also made Roaring Tiger escape from the chaotic state.

"Tiger Roar..."

But Roaring Tiger frowned the next second, and began to gasp on the spot again.

This almost self-destruct method also made it completely enter the state of a candle in the wind.

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