He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 428 Explosive Muscle Mosquito vs Roaring Tiger!

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"Roaring Tiger, use high-five surprise attack!!"

At the beginning of the game, the masked man took the lead in attacking, still a familiar old routine.

Roaring Tiger has done this action countless times, and he is extremely proficient. He sprints in front of the target with a vigorous step, and clasps his palms together.


The crisp applause broke the waist of the muscle-exploding mosquito, and made the latter's body stop abruptly in place when it was about to move.

Then the masked man raised his hand and pointed:

"Now, use Loud Roar!!"

Knowing that the enemy's strength may not be weaker than his own, the masked man at this moment is extremely serious, instead of letting Xiaozhi take the initiative to attack like the previous game.

"Tiger Roar!!"

Hearing this, the Roaring Tiger sank on the spot, opened its teeth, and suddenly the terrifying roar of the tiger exploded like thunder, turning into dark sonic energy and rushing all over the sky.


However, amidst the terrifying roar, the Explosive Mosquito just shook his head, and it didn't seem to have any major effect except for feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Fighting attributes..."

The masked man focused his eyes, and secretly analyzed it in his mind.

No matter if you are an Ultra Beast or something else, you still have to obey the most basic attribute restraint, just like a person with superpowers is born to restrain a physically strong human being.

And it is resistant to evil attributes, and with that muscular body, it is easy to get the first attribute of Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

Fighting attribute!

"If there is a second attribute..."

Although the latter's whole body is as fiery as magma, it is different from the roaring tiger without the slightest heat. The redness is more like the color of the body's blood showing through the shell, and the body structure of the insect-like limbs and claws ...

"Is it a combination of fighting attributes and insect attributes?"

Although he didn't know any information about the Muscle Mosquito at all, the masked man analyzed the opponent's attribute combination in a very short period of time, which was crucial information for the follow-up battle.

Coincidentally, the opponent's fighting attribute restrains the roaring tiger's evil attribute, but the roaring tiger's fire attribute restrains the opponent's insect attribute. The two sides are a contradictory combination.

Thinking of this, the masked man waved his fingers:

"In that case, use jet flame!"

The Roaring Tiger took a deep breath, and spit out a ball of blazing flames from its mouth. The flames suddenly surged and rushed towards the target.

"Explosive Muscle Mosquito, use the DD golden hook arm to block it."

Chi's flat voice made the Muscle Mosquito a little more calm in the restless mood, and then raised two muscular fists, and moved the spiky limbs and hind feet, and the body also turned at a high speed? Energy coat? It seemed like a red and black flame was ignited.


The turbulent flames were all blocked out like this, and burst? Turned into faint sparks and fell? It did not cause any damage.

"This trick..."

The masked man frowned.

Looking at the familiar DD golden hook arm, is this the skill Roaring Tiger is best at? The masked man even thought it was Roaring Tiger's exclusive skill before, but he didn't expect it to be easily used by the opponent today.


Stop turning? The Explosive Muscle Mosquito re-exposed its body? It also made a provocative gesture towards the opponent to show off its muscles.

"Roaring Tiger, calm down, don't worry about the opponent's actions!"

The masked man hurriedly said, are the two old partners for many years? Roaring Tiger immediately took a deep breath? He restrained his breath, completely ignoring the provocative movement on the other side.

"Use the flame fist directly!"


As the words fell, a ball of flames exploded around the tiger's palm hanging on the left side of the Roaring Tiger, turning the tiger's palm into a flaming fist.

Don't look at it's been using the Hell Spike before? But that doesn't mean it doesn't know the Flame Fist, but the Hell Spike is easier? But at the moment, the effect of the evil attribute is not good.

"Tiger Roar!!"

The Roaring Tiger roared? It started to run vigorously on the field with its hind legs, not fast but powerful? After a while, it sprinted in front of the target? The fiery fist slammed heavily towards the opponent's head.

"Block it."

Chi's voice shook the muscle-explosive mosquito's body. A glint of insight appeared in the insect's eyes, and the muscular arm stretched out, passing the oncoming flame fist at a very fast speed. Pressed the palm on the wrist behind the opponent's fist.

This is the key point for the fist to exert strength. Once it exerts strength, Roaring Tiger's Flame Fist froze a few inches in front of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, but he couldn't move forward or retreat.

But Chi's instructions were not over yet.

"Then use the enhanced punch!"


Explosive Muscle Mosquito understands, grabbing the opponent's wrist with his left hand and exerting strength, but his closed right hand has already closed into a fist, and a light yellow energy coat is lit up on it, the strength is not bad, and the last punch is heavy Boom in front of you.

"Block it!!"

At the critical moment, the masked man suddenly roared loudly.

The eyes of the stabilizing and roaring tiger showed sharpness instantly, and the other tiger paw, which was still able to move freely, popped out actively, and when it found an opportunity to imitate, it also pinched it on the wrist of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

For a moment, the muscular tiger and the muscular mosquito were deadlocked in the center of the arena, urging their physical strength with all their strength, trying to suppress each other.

"Tiger Roar..."


The two faces were facing each other, with ferocious expressions, their arms exerted their strength to the extreme, and their body muscles swelled three layers, even trembling slightly.

"call out..."

The collision of pure physical strength turned into energy ripples and air waves, spreading towards the surroundings, giving people a rather depressing feeling.


Evenly matched.

The two muscular Pokémon were in a stalemate for two minutes, but neither of them knocked down the other.

Seeing this scene, Chi took the lead in giving up the contest of strength, as if he had already made up his mind.

"Don't worry, use the leverage first."


Muscle Explosive Mosquito felt a little more resentful for not defeating his opponent in terms of muscle, but he still secretly changed the direction of his force and used the opponent's strength to attack.

"Tiger roar?"

The strength of the stalemate changed, which made the Roaring Tiger lean forward and staggered. Instantly, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito found an opportunity, loosened and tightened his arms again, and threw the Roaring Tiger's entire body back onto the ground. A seven meat and eight vegetarian.

"Roaring Tiger, then we will kick with the lower body!"

But the Roaring Tiger is not low in fighting skills. He immediately adjusted his body shape when he fell to the ground, swept across with his hind legs, and kicked the knee of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, which made the latter groan suddenly. Also fell to the ground.



But soon, Explosive Muscle Mosquito and Roaring Tiger straightened up like a carp king at the same time, and stood up again, looking at each other from a distance, with serious faces and eyes fixed on each other.

"Is it evenly matched again..."

The masked man raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the other party was not inferior to him in terms of fighting skills.

Even if it is impossible to achieve results in terms of small skills, the masked man did not hesitate, took a step across, and roared loudly:

"Roaring Tiger, use Flame Charge directly!!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

The Roaring Tiger understood, raised its arms and roared on the spot, and the human-shaped tiger-headed body burst into a burst of fiery red flames to cover and engulf itself. Its whole body turned into a big fireball, and its hind legs kicked and rushed forward.

The flames burned violently. During the running process, the color of the deep red flames changed and turned into a dead blue flame. The energy aura suddenly became terrifying, and the ground along the way also had terrible burnt black marks.

Flame charge, this is a great fire attribute move, Chi naturally wouldn't just look at it so stupidly, and immediately issued a command.

"Explosive Muscle Mosquito, block it with brute force!"


The Explosive Muscle Mosquito immediately stood on the spot, lowered its weight and roared, and then exerted force. The muscles swelled visible to the naked eye, and the redness of the body gradually deepened, as if the blood in the body was running at high speed.

Even white smoke floated from the skin shell.

The crimson figure under the white smoke, as well as the curious organ structure, made the Explosive Mosquito infiltrate people like a demon god at this moment.

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