He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3169 Zaobo's ambition!

At the other end, the research area of ​​Aetherland.

Somewhere in the corner of the corridor on the second floor.


Lillie appeared here out of thin air and looked around at a loss.

Where have you been? !

There was still a strange feeling on his arm. When he looked down, he found that Cosmogu was hugging him tightly.

Normally, Lillie would have screamed and thrown it away.

However, this Pokémon Lillie's sense of strangeness and fear was not very strong.

So she slowly picked up Cosmog and held it up in front of her eyes to look at it.


There were no people from the Aether Foundation around, and Cosmogu's fear had weakened a bit, and he let out a cute cry.

Lillie suddenly smiled, looking at this Pokémon that looked like a star in the universe.

"I'll call you Little Nebula~!"

Just now those people from the Aether Foundation called Kos or something like that, it was too hard to pronounce.

"Geng Ga~!"

Little Nebula suddenly jumped up and down happily, narrowing her yellow eyes, seeming to like this name very much.

Then Lillie held the little nebula in her hands and looked around.

"Speaking of which, why do I feel familiar here?"

Lillie looked puzzled, her heart beating loudly, and her movements in hugging little Nebula became a little heavier.

She vaguely remembered that when she was a child, she seemed to have been in this corridor, walked in this direction, and then...


Lillie pushed open the door at the end, which was not locked.

The space inside looks very empty, with some monitoring equipment scattered around. It doesn't look like a serious research laboratory.

Suddenly, Lillie remembered something——

It seems that when she was a child, she came here for a vacation in Etherland and played hide-and-seek with her brother.

At that time, a hole suddenly opened in the air, and a strange Pokémon that looked like a jellyfish came out.

"Also, my brother's silver companion beast!"

Lillie's beautiful eyes widened and she finally remembered.

But the Silver Companion Battle Beast wasn't trying to attack her, but to protect her from the strange jellyfish Pokémon.

"It wasn't just my brother, there seemed to be other people in the room at that time...!"

Lillie's expression changed suddenly. She remembered that before the jellyfish Pokémon came out, she vaguely saw a figure behind a machine.

It seems so.


At this time, footsteps came from the door, and a short and thin man with green glasses walked in.

The appearance gradually overlapped with that of the person hiding in the darkness in her memory.

"It's Uncle Zaobo!"

Lillie finally remembered everything. It was Zaobo who was hiding behind the equipment at that time!

It's just that at that time, neither the brother nor the Silver Companion Beast focused on the jellyfish Pokémon, and no one noticed that there was another person behind it.

"Oh~ Isn't this the eldest lady? She actually ran here again~?"

Zaobo pushed open the door and showed a cold smile.

Next to him, there was a dream-inducing tapir who looked eagerly and looked very dangerous.

"Miss, please hand over Cosmogu, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety~"

Seeing Zaobo approaching, she stretched out her hand to grab Little Nebula, and Lillie quickly stuffed it into her satchel.

Lillie raised her pretty eyebrows and her tone gradually became louder:

"Uncle Zaobo, it turns out you did everything! It was you who opened the ultimate cave back then!!"

"I want to tell mom!"

Zaobo was stunned for a moment, and then his expression showed sarcasm again:

"Oh~? Has the eldest lady's memory been restored? But even if it is restored, it doesn't mean anything."

"Because Lusamine-sama personally asked me to handle that matter back then."

Back then, he was assigned by Lusamine to conduct an experiment to open the ultimate cave.

Unintentionally, Lillie accidentally broke in and almost caused a disaster.

However, he also concealed that disaster and did not tell Lusamine.

Otherwise, given the latter’s character of loving his daughter as much as her life, he would have banned the research on the Ultimate Cave on the spot.

But, it's different now.

"Right now, Lusamine-sama's desire to study the Ultimate Cave is even more fanatical than mine~!"

Zaobo sneered and stopped talking nonsense:

"Hand over Cosmogu!"

The opening of the Ultimate Cave requires the help of this Pokémon's unique power.

Lillie naturally shook her head and hugged the satchel tightly in her arms.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Zaobo snapped his fingers.

The humanoid Pokémon next to him who had a very similar temperament to him walked up, holding a hypnotic ring in one hand, showing a sinister and lewd expression.


Then he gently shook the ring in front of Lillie, and a layer of hypnotic ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, about to hypnotize the former.


At this time, Little Nebula suddenly popped out of the satchel with firm eyes.

The blue-purple Nebula body formed an energy shield, covering both himself and Lillie at the same time.

call out.!

The spreading hypnotic ripples were immediately bounced back, all falling on the dream-inducing tapir.


This caused the Dream Tapir's eyes to become confused and confused, and his steps staggered.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and walked in the direction of Zaobo, stretched out his hands, and began to pull up Zaobo's pants.

"Idiot! What are you doing? These are my custom-made pants, don't tear them apart!"

Zaobo cursed, but his skinny body couldn't stop the tall Dream Tapir, and he was pressed to the ground by the Dream Tapir.

"Awesome, Little Nebula!"

Lilia took Little Nebula back and said in surprise.

"Ga Geng~!"

Little Nebula raised her two little hands proudly and made a crisp cry.


In a panic, Zaaobo finally remembered that he still had a Poké Ball.

He took out the Poké Ball and took back the rutting Dream Tapir, but many parts of his clothes had been torn.

"Damn, Miss."

Zaobo's originally sinister expression became angry when he stood up again. He hated this kind of child the most.

Especially Gladion and Lilia!

He is the branch director of the Aether Foundation and the most capable person to take over the Aether Foundation!

Lillie's father founded the Aether Foundation.

After he disappeared inexplicably, the position fell into Lusamine's hands, which made him quite angry.

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that the Aether Foundation will also flow into the hands of Gladion or Lillie in the future.

Although he respects Lusamine on the surface, he has no good feelings for this crazy woman!

"Leave Cosmogu to me! Only in my hands can the Aether Foundation become the greatest organization in the world!!" (End of this chapter)

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