He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3168 Lilia is missing! ?


Xiaozhi was stunned. Is that the name of the Nebula Pokémon?

Moreover, Lusamine's demeanor and tone seemed to be very different from before.


Lillie raised her head and was stunned when she faced Lusamine's cold voice.

This was the first time Lusamine spoke to her in this tone.

Consciously losing her composure, Lusamine also rubbed her temples, and the coldness around her body immediately dissipated a lot.

"I'm sorry Lillie, mom's tone was a bit harsh."

"Anyway, please return Cosmog to your uncles quickly."

However, before Lillie could make a move, Cosmog suddenly jumped out from her bag.

His whole body hugged Lillie's arm.


After letting out a crisp shout, Lillie and her figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Cosmogu activated teleportation again!

This scene immediately made everyone panic.

Especially Lusamine's face, which had softened, became serious and cold again.

He raised his hand and pointed, and scolded sternly:

"Quickly mobilize everyone to find Cosmogugu!! It's not capable of teleporting to other places. It must still be somewhere in the Ethereal Paradise!"


All the members of the Aether Foundation scattered around and started looking for him in a hurry.

Lusamine then looked at Xiaozhi and his group, her tone was slower but still commanding:

"Sorry everyone, something unexpected happened today. Bi Ke will take you to the rest area. Please don't wander around casually."

Then he turned around and left quickly.

Ash and the others looked at each other, and even Dr. Barnett and Dr. Kukui were startled by Lusamine's expression.

"Haha, maybe it's because the eldest lady is missing that the chairman is a little rude. Please follow me."

Bi Ke quickly smiled and comforted, preparing to take everyone to the rest area.

Banette and Kukui looked at each other, the look of confusion on their faces getting even worse.

She had known Lusamine for more than a day or two. According to her past understanding, Lusamine was a gentle mother.

And during the teleportation just now, Lusamine was calling for "Cosmog" instead of looking for her daughter?

How strange!

Man Yue remained silent and followed the others at the back.

When she was interning here half a year ago, she had a vague feeling that the chairman's character was very extreme.

It's usually pretty normal.

Whenever something happens, he seems to be a completely different person.

The look in her eyes doesn't look like that of a mother. It looks more like that of a fanatical careerist?

"What should I do, Teacher Xiaozhi!"

"Is Lillie in danger?"

And everyone gathered around Xiaozhi. At this time, they still had to rely on Teacher Xiaozhi.

"Don't panic, I'll look for Lillie's waveguide first."

Xiaozhi reminded him in a low voice and then closed his eyes.

Kaqi, Mao and others understood, and quickly sandwiched Xiaozhi in the middle and dragged him along.

The next moment, the power of the waveguide spread, covering almost the entire Ether Paradise.

"Huh? How strange."

Xiaozhi was shocked and found that many places in the Ether Paradise seemed to have some kind of force field barrier to isolate perception, and even his own waveguide power could not penetrate deep into it.

However, on the second-floor square on the other side of the Aether Paradise deck, he felt a few familiar waveguide breaths.

"This is Gladion, and his Silver Companion Beast, right?"

Xiaozhi realized that Gladion had indeed come to see him before and said that he would sneak into the Aether Paradise while they were exchanging internships.

Has this already sneaked in?

"No, it seems like they are fighting."

Waveguide's aura was sharp, and he was obviously fighting fiercely.

Xiaozhi is also quite familiar with the waveguide on the opposite side.

"This waveguide seems to be Guzma and his armored warrior, right?"

Xiaozhi remembered that Serena's decisive opponent at the Miare Conference was this pair.

Why did he suddenly appear in the Aether Paradise and start a fight with Gladion?

But these are not the point.

Xiaozhi focused on Lillie's waveguide aura.

After a while, the target was sensed somewhere in the Etheric Paradise.

"Found it!"

He opened his eyes suddenly, making the friends around him look happy.

"It seems to be in the middle building, on the second floor on the west side. There seems to be a long corridor there?"

Hearing this, Mao hurriedly informed Biko of the information.

"How did you know...?"

Bi Ke was stunned for a moment, the search had just begun.

However, seeing the serious expressions on their faces, she quickly took out her mobile phone and broadcast Lillie's location.

"Jiejie, I understand~"

There was a sneer on the other end of the phone.

Bi Ke: "."

If you know Zaobo, this old man, you will know what the hell he is laughing at!

Only Zaobo's laughter also reached Xiaozhi's ears.

Although he was on the phone, this sneer tone always gave him a bad feeling.

And he also cares about Cosmog's Pokémon.

Judging from the tone of the Aether Foundation just now, it is definitely not a simple Pokémon in need of rescue.

Maybe it has something to do with the Ultimate Cave! ?

Thinking of this and looking at Bike leading the way, Xiaozhi suddenly had an idea.

So he whispered:

"Hey Kaki, help me block it. I'll sneak out to find Lillie."

Hearing this, Kaqi's eyes suddenly brightened.

He believes in Teacher Xiaozhi more than the Aether Foundation.

So he immediately stood in front of Xiaozhi, raised his arms, and showed off his toned muscles.

It's like an athlete walking on the road and inexplicably starting to shoot in place.

"I'm really worried about Lillie~"

"Yeah, it should be fine."

Shui Lian and Mao also leaned on both sides of Kaqi, laughing and chatting awkwardly, covering their vision.

Bike turned around and saw the three people looking strange, and was a little confused.

"By the way, information about the events that occurred at our Space Research Institute last week."

Barnett quickly moved forward to attract attention.

Biko turned his head and started communicating.

Xiaozhi also raised his finger towards Dr. Kukui, and then rolled violently into the rescue habitat area next to him.

In a flash, he had already run out of the protected area through the exit on the other side and arrived on the deck of Aetherland.

As I trotted along, I found that the number of people patrolling around had increased significantly.

There are also staff members wearing golden helmets, who look very curious.

But relying on the power of the waveguide, he could easily avoid everyone.

On the way, they even passed by the square where Gladion and Guzma were fighting. The Silver Beast was fighting fiercely with the armored warrior.

"Teacher Xiaozhi?!"

"Well, this guy...?"

Seeing Xiaozhi suddenly passing by, Gladion and Guzma paused.

Especially the latter, with his brows furrowed, as if he had seen this face somewhere before.

"You guys keep fighting, I'm just passing by!"

Xiaozhi ran directly behind Gladion. There was indeed a secret door here that could lead directly to the hinterland of the research building.

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