He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2981 Xiaoxia: Remember to call me next time!

"This is…?"

The dense flying leaves covered everything, but they couldn't cover Xiaozhi's waveguide power.

Under Xiaozhi's waveguide perception, he could clearly "see" the Lizard King in the flying leaf storm, still holding on to the pressure and running forward.

The flying leaf storm, which only increased once, was not enough to completely overthrow it... This was a desperate wave, a final charge at close range!

However, the snake eyes of the monarch snake were obviously unable to detect the scene in the flying leaf storm, and they thought that the lizard king had been rushed out by the flying leaves.

Miso miso miso…!

Its whole body also began to light up with increasing red light, but it did not notice that the Lizard King had arrived less than three meters in front of it.

In the paralyzed state, only the speed is reduced.

It has no effect on the strength or accuracy of Lizard King's moves!

The moment the hurricane dissipated, the Lizard King also revealed his true form, with poisonous dark purple sickles already condensed on his arms!

Cross poison blade!

Whoops! !

Under the face of the Monarch Snake, the Lizard King made a cross, and the cross poison blade struck seven inches of the Monarch Snake's body!

Outstanding effect!

And, hit the nail on the head! !


The full blow made Monarch Snake finally turn his eyes white, lose all his strength, and fall to the ground.

Everyone around was shocked by this scene and fell silent for a long time. They just stared blankly at the Lizard King maintaining the posture of swinging the poison blade.


It wasn't until the purple energy sickle on the Lizard King's arm dispersed that everyone came back to their senses.

"Seed Seed! (The Monarch Snake cannot fight, the Lizard King wins!)"

Ivysaur stretched out his vine whip, bringing the game to an end.

"I see, it's not about not letting the opponent increase their amplification... but rather aiming at the moment when the amplification is completed?"

Akroma clapped his hands and said in surprise.

Even if it has been successfully increased for countless stages... but as long as there is no attack after the increase, it actually means that there is no increase.

Only when you take action can you talk about enhancement.

"It was the Monarch Snake who was careless."

Xiaozhi looked at the fallen Monarch Snake and couldn't help but sigh.

The success of the consecutive Big Snake Glare and Flying Leaf Storm made the Monarch Snake feel that he had a chance to win. Instead, he relaxed his guard and allowed the Lizard King to directly approach him.


"The Lizard King's calmness is even better."

Xiaozhi looked at his Lizard King with a smile and nodded repeatedly.

So at this point, the grass-type elimination matches in the group are all over, and he has the strongest grass-type combat power in the team -

An aloof warrior from the Fangyuan region, the Lizard King!

Suddenly, there was a lot of cheers around, celebrating the birth of the first "strongest person".


The Lizard King panted and calmed down his constantly heaving chest. There were still many scars scratched by flying leaves on his body.

It is really dangerous. In this battle, if the Monarch Snake has already increased its power twice, it will definitely not be able to survive the flying leaf storm that has increased its speed twice.

But now I have successfully won the title of the strongest...

The Lizard King couldn't help but grin, feeling a bit proud in his heart.

Then he turned his head, looked at Xiaozhi in the crowd, and nodded slightly.

The bond between the two is not strong enough, but it is very deep.

"Ahem, then as the strongest proof... this is it!"

Dr. Oki walked among the crowd and took out a green silk scarf.

Silk scarf, this is a prop that can enhance the power of general attribute moves...Based on this, Dr. Oki used the same material to make 18 more attribute silk scarves.

However, the effect is average. It can only be said that it can barely increase the attribute ability a little bit, right?

It has no effect, and it has not been officially recognized...so this is not considered a "carrying prop", it can only be regarded as a "decoration", and does not conflict with the Mega Stone carried by the Lizard King itself.

What a shame...!

Dr. Oak tied this small grass-type scarf on one side of the Lizard King's arm, turning it into a green armband.

Although it is of no use, it was made by his own hands and is the only one in the world.

It is also a proof for the strongest in the grass-type civil war!

From now on, when the Lizard King walks in the jungle in the backyard, as long as everyone sees this green armband, they will know that the strongest one is coming.

Seeing this, the people around Xie Mi and Bricalon showed envious expressions.


Xiaozhi spoke concisely and gave a thumbs up to the Lizard King.

Seeing the heated gazes of the Pokémon around him, he quickly comforted everyone:

"Don't worry, everyone, the champion is not eternal... When you can defeat the Lizard King in the future, then this green armband will be transferred to you~!"

If it was Semi, it would probably be tied around the neck like a scarf.

In the future, if you conquer a new grass-type Pokémon, you can also have a battle with the Lizard King for the green scarf.


The Lizard King glanced down at the green silk scarf on his shoulder, moved his arms slightly, and nodded with satisfaction.

It doesn't like to hand over things to others.

Well, we can’t slack off in the future and let the guys behind us catch up!

At the end of the grass attribute intra-group elimination round, although he was a spectator throughout the whole process and did not exert any effort, Xiaozhi still felt excited and consumed a lot of energy, as if he had watched it for several days.

As for the next Steel attribute civil war, it was put on the next day.

Why did they choose Steel attribute as the second attribute? Probably because Professor Oak and Mr. Akrom wanted to see the actual combat performance of Diamond Steelix?

"Hey, hey, hey, Xiaozhi, I heard that there is something amazing happening there?! Please let me witness the next Steel attribute civil war!"

Through the group chat of the Kanto small group, Xiaogang in Nibi City also learned about the situation here and immediately said that he would come to watch tomorrow.

As a man with the will of rock, he didn't want to miss the battle between Xiaozhi and Steel attribute Pokémon.

The same goes for Xiaoxia.

"Next time you are in the Water attribute elimination match, remember to call me!"


She sent Xiaozhi three repeated private messages in a row, emphasizing the importance of this matter.

And Xiaojian, who was doing outdoor shooting in the Blue Ter area, was also very regretful after learning that the first attribute elimination match was successfully completed.

Then he strongly requested that before he came back, at most one more Steel attribute elimination match could be held... For other attributes, he must wait for him to come back as a commentator!

As for Xiaomao, he was even surprised.

Classify your Pokémon, select the strongest one, and make better choices for your companions...

Isn't this a basic operation? Xiaozhi is just starting to do it now?

Xiaomao's classification is even more detailed. Not only are there 18 attributes, but there are also strong attack, agile attack, control and other types...!

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