He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2980 Grass attribute decisive battle, Lizard King vs. Monarch Snake!

Finally, the grass attribute finals began.

Since the previous matches were not too fierce, the finals were not held on the next day, but in the afternoon.

"Who will be stronger...?"

Xiaozhi stood aside, looking at the King Serpent and the Lizard King who had appeared at both ends of the lawn, his eyes full of expectation.

As Bulbasaur raised the vine whip, the game officially began!

The King Serpent twisted its body at the first time, swung its tail tip out, and the grass leaves and hurricane began to gather...This is the beginning of the Leaf Storm again!


However, a small and sharp shadow of a hidden weapon broke through the air and shot over first!

The Lizard King spit out the branch from its mouth, and the front end of the sharp tree thorns attacked the vital part of the King Serpent's pupil.


This made the King Serpent frown in dissatisfaction, and he had to turn his head to dodge, and the Leaf Storm trick at the tail was interrupted.


Xiaozhi couldn't help but applaud. The branch from the Lizard King's mouth is not only used to show off, but also very functional.

After successfully interrupting the opponent's moves, the Lizard King has already rushed up close, and a deep purple poisonous blade is condensed on one of its arms, which is enough to kill with one blow.

Cross Poison Blade!!

The landing point of the chop is exactly the seven-inch part of the monarch snake... It can be said that every move of the Lizard King can accurately aim at the opponent's vital parts.

Although the monarch snake's movement speed is not fast, it relies on its snake-like flexible body to have a strong ability to dodge.


Its body wriggles and curls, and it relaxes its body like a spring, so that the cross poison blade still misses even though it has overlapped with the body area.


Even the monarch snake suddenly shrinks its body, and its flexible snake body immediately entangles the Lizard King's arm, making it unable to withdraw its arm.


The Lizard King stared, and the opponent was indeed not as easy to deal with as that guy Brikaron.

It's not a big problem if it can't withdraw its hand, it still has another hand.

The other arm of the Lizard King also condensed a dangerous poisonous sickle, using the bound arm as a point of force, and slashed it with great force.

However, the Monarch Snake used the same trick again, expanding its body again, and retracted its body at the moment of avoiding the cross poison blade.


This time, both arms of the Lizard King were tightly bound by the snake's body.

"Seeing the knife...?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and noticed the strange green light in Monarch Snake's eyes.

They are all well-thought-out grass-attributed starter Pokémons, and Monarch Snake, like the Lizard King, also knows how to use the tactics of seeing the knife.

He even exerted force suddenly, dragged the Lizard King's arms, and finally threw it to the ground.

Bang! !

Even the Lizard King was dizzy for a while.

The advantage of the situation was temporarily occupied by Monarch Snake.

Although the speed of the Monarch Snake was not as fast as the Lizard King, it was just as sharp when it performed its moves. It swung its tail again at the moment of separation, and the flying leaves began to linger...

The Lizard King quickly shook himself up, not letting the opponent easily stack his abilities.

It could still withstand the first two attacks... but it would be difficult if it was the third one.


The Lizard King shouted, but it was too late to rush forward at this moment. It condensed the energy sickle and chopped directly at the void in front of it.

Swish! !

The next moment, a beam of extremely sharp blue-white air slashed through the air, causing the Monarch Snake to change his face!

Air blade? !

Wait a minute, how could the Lizard King use this move? !

Swish! !

The air blade cut through the air and finally chopped the Monarch Snake's seven-inch part fiercely, and the blue-white energy exploded...

The effect was outstanding, hitting the vital part! !

Even in this situation, the Lizard King still aimed at the vital part.

Swoosh! !

The attack also knocked half of the body of the King Serpent over, and the body lost its center of gravity. Although the Leaf Storm was successfully launched, it completely lost its aim and blasted into the sky.

After a while, broken leaves continued to fall on the field, adding a bit of solemnity to the final.

"You even mastered the flying attribute of the air blade...?"

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised.

Although this move is a long-range special attack move that shoots energy slashes, it still belongs to the category of cutting moves.

It seems that the Lizard King has been honing his slashing skills. Now he can even break through the limits of his race and master the slashing moves that he could not master before.


However, the red light of the King Serpent has already lit up, and the special attack ability has been greatly improved.

The situation has entered a stalemate, and the two Pokémon are staring at each other closely.

Although the King Serpent wants to launch a second Leaf Storm to increase the amplification, the Lizard King can also throw out the air blade that can hit its vital points at any time.

Using a powerful blow to exchange for an amplification opportunity... Serpenti began to hesitate.

Even it could only withstand three shots of such dangerous air blades at most.

On the other side, Lizard King was also concentrating.

Damn it, it couldn't fight alongside its trainer, it couldn't enter its strongest mega evolution state... You know, Serpenti on the other side couldn't mega evolve.

However, just as the two looked at each other, Serpenti's pupils suddenly shrank, and an extremely fierce look emerged in his eyes.

Just like when a prey is stared at by a predator, it will be frightened and lose its ability to move... Lizard King froze.

Since everyone is staring at each other, then...Snake's glare!

This is a move that all snake Pokémon can master.


For a moment, the Lizard King suffered a heavy blow. Although his legs did not go weak under the threatening gaze of the snake, his whole body was covered with arcs...

The Lizard King fell into a paralyzed state!

"It's over...!"

Professor Oak exclaimed when he saw this. In the paralyzed state, the speed that the Lizard King was proud of would also drop significantly. Wouldn't it be a complete crushing situation for the Monarch Snake?

What a trick! Who would have thought that in a stalemate, staring eyes would also be a dangerous move?


Monarch Snake grinned, raised its tail to the front and aimed at the Lizard King, and the flying leaves and hurricanes began to linger.

Even though it fell into a paralyzed state, the Lizard King did not give up completely. It even ignored the arcs around it and rushed towards the Monarch Snake.

This scene made the Monarch Snake want to laugh. At this time, even the sharp air blade could not be released, and it still wanted to get close physically?

You are even slower!

Swoosh, boom, boom!

Sure enough, when the Lizard King rushed to the halfway point, the Leaf Storm had already been released. The vast and majestic hurricane mixed with countless sharp leaves rushed out and directly swallowed up the tiny figure of the Lizard King.

Countless green leaves even covered everything on the route in the center of the stadium.

"Hey, this is..."

Just when everyone was secretly thinking that the game was over, Xiaozhi was surprised and asked.

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