Chapter 2524 double chin Pikachu

After a while, everyone has followed a small path in the north of Shuanglong City and officially entered the Dragon's Village. [.\\nCOM Situ updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to cache reasons, browsers are recommended to visit .\\nCOM official website]

"Totally frozen"

Alice looked around, feeling startled and worried.

In the past, it was a road that was like spring all year round. Now the grassland is covered with frost, and the road has been frozen into a trail of ice and snow. You need to be extremely careful when walking.

"Speaking of Mr. Shaka, can you leave Shuanglong City now?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, the latter should be in Shuanglong City now, right?

"It's not a big problem. Strictly speaking, Dragon's Township was originally considered part of Ssangyong City."

Xia Ka walked in the front and spoke calmly.

In ancient times, the two villages were connected together, and they were not separated until modern urbanization.

After a day and night of exhausting work, Xia Ka basically assigned the task division. As the mayor of Shuanglong City, he really doesn't need to do anything himself now.

If the white dragon can be summoned from Hiram, this will be a real big deal!

But as everyone entered the village of dragons, Alice became active instead, leading the way at the forefront.

"It's quite similar to our Zhenxin Town"

Xiaozhi looked at the low-rise houses around him, and there was no plan. More than a dozen houses were randomly scattered in this open field, and then simple roads and paths were connected between each house.

A primitive small village was born in this way.

Although now, Dragon Village is basically ice blue, and you can see many residents and dragon-type Pokémon shoveling ice on both sides of the road.

"Why is Mr. Shaka here?"

"Hey, isn't this Alice?"

"There are outsiders?"

The residents of Longzhi Township gathered at the entrance of the village, looking at everyone curiously, while Alice greeted the villagers with a lively expression, and it seemed that the relationship was very harmonious.

There are only a dozen people in the village, and they all know each other well.

"Oh~ Alice, are you back?"

At this time, an old woman came out from the crowd, she seemed to be of high status, and the people around her stood on both sides respectfully.

She is short in stature and has a kind face. She is dressed in a costume that looks like a fortune teller, and she also wears an orange turban hood on her head.

Beside him, there was also a double-headed tyrannosaur, one head was lowered, the other head was raised high, and its mouth was wide open.

"Oh grandma~!


Seeing this, Alice jumped up excitedly and hugged the latter.

The eldest mother-in-law is the most prestigious person in Longzhi Township, probably equivalent to the village head, and she has watched her grow up since she was a child.

Even Alice's initial Pokémon was obtained from the grandma.


The big granny showed a loving smile and rubbed Alice's head.

While looking at Xia Ka and Xiaozhi, he showed a playful smile.

"Xia Ka, it's not uncommon for you to bring outsiders to Dragon's Land~"

But when the big mother-in-law glanced at Xiaozhi

Or when Pikachu was on his shoulders, he couldn't help being stunned, and then looked at Xia Ka suspiciously.

"I see"

After seeing the latter nodding heavily, the eldest mother-in-law's face darkened.

"This Pikachu of yours reminds me of the one I saw a year ago."

As she spoke, she stepped forward and gently rubbed Pikachu's cheek.

"But the shape of the face is different. If that Pikachu has a round face, uh, why does the double chin come out?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

The Pikachu with the small round face is the one from Brother Chi, right?

By the way, Brother Chi participated in the Dragon Trial, so naturally he also had contact with this old lady.

"These two are Xiaozhi and Mingyi, but the ones who came to participate in the Dragon Trial this time are Xiaozhi and Alice."

Shaka introduced.

People in Longzhi Township don't pay much attention to the outside world, let alone watch the World Championships directly, so naturally they don't know Xiaozhi.

"Is Alice going to participate too? Well, it's about time."

The eldest mother-in-law nodded, not surprised.

"Well then, come with me"

This time, it was the grandma's turn to lead the way, while the head of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus next to her was still screaming, saying hello to Xiaozhi's one-headed dragon.

"By the way, Xia Ka, I haven't seen your Axetooth Dragon for a long time. Didn't you always carry it with you before?"

While walking, the old lady suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but turn around and ask.

Two years ago, a strange-colored Yaya was rarely hatched. Xia Ka regarded it as a treasure, and took it with him to show off almost every day.

"Mr. Shaka, I have already obtained six badges!"

"How do you know that I hatched a different-colored Fangya?"

"I'm here to challenge the Gym"

"Oh, do you want to see my strange-colored fang?"

This kind of dialogue happened frequently two years ago.

But it seems that in the past year, I haven't seen this Pokémon?

"That's right, Grandpa Shaka, where's your handsome Axe-toothed Dragon? I haven't seen it for a long time~"

Alice also looked around, followed by doubts.

Shaka: ""

His face was sullen, and the thick white beard on his chin made him look very serious, but there was already a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Haha, grandma, let's talk about the Dragon Trial~!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi hurriedly interrupted, it seems that Brother Chi is really "no harm"!

Speaking of which, it was hatched from the egg and has been accompanying it all the time. It stands to reason that the intimacy between the heterochromatic axe-toothed dragon and Mr. Shaka should be full.

Unexpectedly, this will be abducted by Chi Laoge

Soon, everyone entered a tent set up in the central open space of Dragon Village.

The roof of the tent is tied up with ropes and hung high. The interior area is spacious, like a small square.

This is generally the place where special festivals are held in Dragon Village.

On the ground at the end, there are two blue-gray stone pillars, one on the left and one on the right, about two meters high, wide at the bottom and sharp at the top, slightly curved inward.

From a distance, it looks like a pair of fangs growing out of the tent.

"There are three trials of the dragon. As long as you pass the three trials, you can try to own that bright stone."

The old lady said slowly, with a serious expression on her face.

Xiaozhi had been prepared for a long time and nodded accordingly, while Alice was confused.

What is a bright stone?

She had heard of the Dragon Trial before, and she simply thought it was an assessment test in the Dragon Village to judge whether she was a mature dragon attribute trainer.

In fact, basically the adult trainers in Longzhixiang will also try something similar to the rite of passage.

However, only Grandma and Xia Ka know that the final result of this trial has something to do with the Bright Stone.

After all, it is naturally the most perfect result for one of his own people to become Hiram's trainer.

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