Chapter 2523 Axetooth Dragon, you are not a quasi-god

After calming down a bit, Alice wiped off her sweat, and then walked in front of Xiaozhi and the two of them. (Due to cache reasons, please visit the .\\nCOM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter update)

At that time, because of her impatience, she came directly on the day of the incident, but in the end, she was not as fast as Xiaozhi and his party!

Speaking of the streamer aircraft that I saw, what kind of ghost speed is that? !

I knew that according to the agreement at the beginning, I would come to Shuanglong City with Xiaozhi.

But now that she is at home, Alice is full of confidence, and her flat chest can't help but stand up.

Her hometown, Dragon Township, is located in a mountain village in the north of Shuanglong City, and has a great connection with Shuanglong Gymnasium.

Therefore, Alice has often slipped into the gymnasium since she was a child, secretly admiring the wonderful battles in the gymnasium, and thus developed a militant and passionate character.

It's like her second home here

"By the way, Alice, have you tried the Dragon Trial?"

Mingyi couldn't help but asked, seeing the confident introduction of the other party, it should have passed, right?

Hearing this question, Alice suddenly laughed dryly and scratched her head:

"Eh, this one, not yet."

She just heard that Xia Ka had mentioned it before, but she had never heard of the specific content, including the Bright Stone.

After all, she only became a trainer in the last two years.

And in the first year, she was basically active in Longzhi Township, and she didn't go out much to do her best. Alice was still a rookie trainer.

"It's just right, Alice, it's time for you and Xiaozhi to participate in this dragon trial today."

Xia Ka's tone sank, and he suddenly spoke.

What if?

If Alice had a relationship with Bright Stone, wouldn't it be better for her to be the partner of Bailonglai Hiram?

Although there is a relationship with Chi, Xia Ka still hopes that a native of Hezhong will become Hiram's trainer.

However, it is said that Xiaozhi has already subdued several phantom beasts in the Hezhong area

Xia Ka felt a little unsteady, but now there are always some opportunities.

"Alice, let's go together!"

Xiaozhi has no objection, fair competition.

"Hey! Xiaozhi, although I lost to you in the World Championships, I won't lose again today!"

Alice also clenched her small fists, looking radiant.

Seeing the two people looking at each other passionately, Ming Yi next to him suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Mingyi couldn't help but also raised her hand, weakly said:

"How about I accompany one too?"

Xia Ka turned his face straight, and explained to the three of them:

"First of all, this Dragon Trial is only for trainers with dragon-type Pokémon. Each of you choose a dragon-type Pokémon to fight."

"It doesn't need to be the strongest one, just follow the feeling in your heart."

Hearing this, Ming Yi immediately turned around and sat in the auditorium next to her.

She doesn't have a dragon-attribute partner, she just needs to be an ordinary and lovely audience.

It was also the first time for Alice to experience this trial, and she immediately looked at her Axe-toothed Dragon.

"Then please! Axetooth Dragon, don't lose!"

Although the strength of Kuailong is stronger, but the fit has to be his initial Pokémon Axetooth!

"Ax drink!"

The Ax-toothed Dragon beside him let out a low growl, his eyes excited, and when he shook his head a little, the sharp ax-tooth even pierced the air, making a sharp sound.

As for Ash

After thinking about it for a moment, the dragon-type Pokémon I am currently carrying on my body has a fire-breathing dragon, which is powerful.

After the latter completes the mega evolution, the fire-breathing dragon in x form naturally has dragon attributes.

But after thinking about it, Xiaozhi still took out a poke ball with his backhand.

"Follow the feeling in your heart? In that case, it's up to you!"


The red light fell, and a single-headed dragon landed in front of Xiaozhi.

It seems that the trial should not have much to do with the level strength of the Pokémon itself, so let the single-headed dragon also show its prestige!

"Ah! It's that one-headed dragon!"

Alice's eyes lit up. She had seen the latter at the World Championships. At that time, Xiaozhi was still tying the single-headed dragon with a rope like walking a dog.

Looking at the latter's current appearance, it seems that his personality has improved a lot?

"Ax drink!"


And the two dragon-type Pokémon naturally discovered each other immediately, and instantly gathered their momentum, and roared at each other like a demonstration.

Although Axetooth is a second-stage Pokémon

However, in terms of size, it is almost the same as that of a single-headed dragon.


The single-headed dragon even turned its head and let out a mocking cry of disdain.

As a noble quasi-god, I don't really want to compete with ordinary Pokémon who are not late bloomers~

After all, it is a Pokémon with evil attributes, and the single-headed dragon has already begun to do evil first, playing the chain of contempt.

"Ax drink!


Undoubtedly, it stepped on the tail of the Axe-toothed Dragon, and immediately screamed angrily, ready to slash a dragon claw!

After all, the axetooth dragon family, don't look like quasi-gods in appearance, they also resemble quasi-gods in terms of long-term evolution, and their strength and power are also similar.

However, it is not a quasi-god.

It can be said that "you are not a quasi-god" is the most heart-breaking words that can break the defense of the Axe-toothed Dragon family.

"Don't make trouble, Shan Shoulong!"

Xiaozhi quickly pressed Shan Shoulong's head, the thick black hair on the latter's head made it impossible to see the expression on his face clearly.

This little guy, I think he should really enjoy the quasi-god group in the backyard of the research institute!

That small group is also trolling everywhere, often playing discrimination in the Pokémon in the backyard!

"Well~ Axetooth Dragon, don't get excited~"

Alice grabbed the Axe-toothed Dragon who was about to riot, and comforted her repeatedly:

"You are indeed not a quasi-god Pokémon like Kuailong~ It's nothing."

It's just that her consolation was more like adding salt to the wound, causing the Axe-toothed Dragon to break through again, jumping around on the spot angrily.


Shaka: ""

This majestic old senior just silently watched the nonsense scene in front of him.

His brows gradually relaxed, and his tense and high-pressure expression in the past two days has also relaxed a lot.

It may be a good thing to make trouble at this time.


After relaxing for a while, Xia Ka coughed and regained his composure.

"In that case, you two come with me."

The location of the Dragon Trial was naturally not where the Gym challenge was taking place. Before Xia Ka turned his head to lead the way, he also nodded to Mingyi, indicating that the latter could also keep up with the observation.

"Hey~ That's great!"

Mingyi bent his eyes and quickly followed Xiaozhi's side.

Everyone walked in front, and the single-headed dragon and the axe-toothed dragon followed behind, walking head to head all the way, no one obeyed the other.

After a while, Xia Ka brought a few people to the back of the Shuanglong gymnasium.

The gymnasium is located in the northernmost position of Shuanglong City, and there is a trail behind it, far away, stretching to the Dragon Township behind.

Seeing her hometown, Alice thumped.

At home, nothing happened, right?

After all, in Dragon Village, the most common Pokémon are dragon-type Pokémon. If a snow and ice laser shoots down

Just thinking about it, Alice couldn't help shivering.

Forget it, let's focus on the Dragon Trial first!

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