He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2419 Snow scene, a duel of ice attributes!

Bonnie's Diya sea lion has a thick body of fat, which has a strong dominance over fire-type opponents, and is completely immune to the scorching of high-temperature flames.

But facing Sister Mi Lip, it can be regarded as encountering a nemesis.

"Psychic thoughts!"

Following Kona's command, Miss Milip's eyes glowed with a deep blue light, and her powerful thoughts turned into a big hand, which abruptly twisted the extremely heavy Diya sea lion up into the air.

Whether it is the Taishan summit or the waterfall climbing moves, they can't work, and they are completely frozen in midair.

In the end, under the waving of Miss Michun's palm, the Diya Sea Lion's figure suddenly fell and hit the ground heavily.


The ground trembled violently, and the ice cubes on the surface layer also crumbled and shattered one after another, causing countless white mist of ice chips to bounce back.

Although it is an ordinary arena, it has long been transformed into an ice arena during the battle between two ice-type Pokémon, and the entire arena is filled with a biting chill of ice fog.

"Emperor Ya"

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the Diya sea lion fainted and fell into the ice ruins with a cry similar to that of Diya Luka.

"The Diya sea lion has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee Don George hurriedly said loudly, it seems that the Ice King in the Kanto region is even better.

"Well done, Diya Sea Lion"

Bonnie retracted the Diya sea lion with a solemn expression, but the movement in her hand did not slow down, and she threw the second poke ball backhand.

Compared with the first fat and bloated Diya sea lion, this time the Pokémon is very small and exquisite.

With the figure of a human Snow Maiden, the appearance is like wearing a wide-sleeved white kimono, and the dark purple ghost body under the ice shell is quite mysterious.

"Snow Fairy?"

Seeing this, Kona frowned slightly, the snow demon girl with ghost attribute, and her sister Mizui couldn't continue to display the almost omnipotent power of thought.

"Snow Demon Girl, use the snow scene~!"

Bonnie, on the other hand, focused on the weather on the field, and yelled softly at the beginning.

Since both parties are ice-type Pokémon, the hailstorm that hurts and deducts blood every round is meaningless, and the move of Snow Scene is more suitable for her Snow Fairy.

In snowy weather, the falling snowflakes will not cause any damage, but the effect of visual occlusion is better than that of hail weather.

It can fully display the characteristic effect of "Snow Hidden" of the Snow Demon Girl.


There were only long, shrill and gloomy sounds, and the figure of the Snow Demon Girl was completely hidden in the heavy snow, and she completely lost her figure.

Although the Snow Fairy is a new evolution found in the Sinnoh region

But Yukidouji and Ice Ghost Guard are the specialty Pokémon in the Yoshien area.

After learning that the female snow boy can complete a new evolution through the Awakening Stone, Bonnie bred this snow girl a long time ago.

The goose feather snow combined with the sound of whirling ghosts around, obviously it was most of the day, but it made the center of the arena look very dark and weird

"Miss lip, use the shadow ball!"

"Shadow ball? Snow Fairy, we also use shadow balls!"

Although it is the same move, but in such an environment, it is obvious that the Snow Demon Girl has the upper hand.


The shadow ball thrown by sister Milip completely missed, and only blasted a vacuum in the snowflakes.

However, the next moment, the figure of Snow Demon Girl appeared in front of Sister Michun out of thin air, not even half a meter away.

"Missing lips?!"

This startled Sister Michun, subconsciously raised her hand, and used her best combo of slaps to fight back.


It was just a slap, but it went right through the Snow Demon Girl. Only then did Sister Michun realize that the general attribute moves have no effect on ghost Pokémon.

And the Snow Demon Girl was also rubbing a shadow ball in her hand, and she threw it along the way, almost hitting Miss Michun's abdomen from zero distance.


In the snowflakes all over the sky, there was a huge explosion sound, and the dark energy of the shadow ball stirred and exploded, making the entire arena even more gloomy and dark.

The effect is outstanding!

"Miss Lip Lost the ability to fight!"

After staring wide-eyed outside the arena and looking for it for a long time, the referee Don George finally managed to see Miss Milip who fell down in the arena. His hands were drooping weakly and his eyes were spinning, and then he opened his mouth to pronounce the verdict.

The situation has temporarily returned to one to one.


Although he lost a game, Kona didn't have too many ups and downs in his expression, he raised his hand and silently sent Miss Mi Lip back.

I don't know what I was thinking in my heart, and then released the second Pokémon.


This time, the Pokémon was a bit heavy, and there was a sound on the ground after landing, and the airflow raised slightly scattered the surrounding snowflakes.

This Snow Fairy is still carrying icy rocks, which can greatly extend the time round in snowy weather.

But after seeing Kona's Pokémon clearly, Bonnie's fair and delicate face became more dignified.

"Oh~ Miss Kona sent Chenglong so soon!"

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi also said excitedly.

Chenglong is Kona's strongest trump card, so this is a determined decision. Is it necessary to completely end this battle with the second Pokémon?

"Or just sing a song of death and leave the field to change?"

Beside her, Xiaoxia couldn't help interjecting.

Before, she played a tactic of destroying songs in front of Kona, although the ending was ruthlessly overthrown by the other party

On the field, the battle continues.

The continuous ice attribute duel made the audience in the front row clearly feel the cold wind blowing from their crotches, and many frail people were so cold that they stomped their feet.

"Snow Fairy, use the Aurora Curtain!


The battle started again, and this time the Snow Demoness gave a loud cry first, and a burst of colorful aurora bloomed around her body, covering her like a curtain of light

This can greatly reduce the attack damage the Snow Fairy will take.

If it is a gorgeous game now, Kona's side will already have to deduct a portion of the points.

In this regard, Kona's tactics are also extremely simple, commanding:

"Pray for rain!"

Chenglong understood, his eyes glowed with dark blue light, and he uttered a melodious cry towards the sky.

In an instant, the snowflakes that filled the sky above the stadium dissipated and were covered by downpours instead.

At the same time, the gorgeous and beautiful aurora curtain on Snow Demon Girl's body also dissipated in an instant.

This move is a move that can only be effective in hail or snowy days.

Immediately, Kona Tong Kong shrank, and suddenly shouted:



In the rainy sky, a bolt of lightning crashed down, hitting the Snow Demon Girl.

Without the cover of the snowy sky, the Snow Demon Girl's proud "Snow Hidden" characteristic could not be displayed at all, and the exposed body was a little at a loss.


The lightning exploded, and the straight beam of lightning hit the Snow Demon Girl, causing an electric current to explode at one end of the arena, splashing countless splashes and raindrops to the surroundings.


(One more, Calvin)

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