He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2418 Infighting of ice attributes! Kona vs Bonnie!

"What kind of girl do you like...?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, and several girls appeared in his mind, flowing past his eyes one by one like running water.

In other regions, it would be inappropriate to ask this question, after all, Xiao Zhi is about 13 years old now...?

Puppy love is not advocated.

But the Carlos area is more open, and the average age of dating is much lower than other areas. Some newcomer trainers have just received their initial Pokémon, and they even travel directly with their male (female) friends.

Therefore, at the end of personal interviews, Miare Publishing House will add some personal love or marriage.

"Xiaozhi is so outstanding, maybe he can gain a lot of admired fans in our Carlos area~"

Pansy smiled, waiting for Xiaozhi's answer.

Soon, Xiaozhi had a fixed gaze and had the answer.

"Well, I prefer the kind of strong girls! It's best to be evenly matched with me and fight profusely with sweat!"


Her face turned slightly red, as if she had thought of something, she hurriedly and carefully recorded it.

I don't know what Xiaozhi said in this answer is just the literal meaning, or some black words...?

Mingyi \u0026 Xiaoxia: "..."

Well, it is indeed the answer that Xiaozhi will have.

It's not like looking for a girlfriend at all, it's more like looking for a rival!

Or...does Xiaozhi know the difference between a girlfriend and a rival? !

"Then the interview ends here, thank you very much for your cooperation~!"

Pansy put away the small book, smiled and stretched out her palm to Xiaozhi.


The Umbrella Electric Lizard beside him also took advantage of the situation and took the picture of Xiaozhi shaking hands with Pansy as the end.

"By the way, Miss Pansy, I just happen to have some questions to ask you, about the Carlos area... How about you sit here and watch the game together, as there are vacancies here too!"

Seeing the latter making a gesture to leave, Xiaozhi hastily interrupted.

He has heard about the Carlos area for a long time. If there is no accident, after this trip to the Hezhong area is over, maybe there will be his next stop?

Just find a local person first and ask.

Like a special diamond mine that allows my crystal rock snake to complete its evolution?

Or there are mega stones everywhere in the Carlos area, and there are rumors that any stone picked up on the ground may be a rare mega stone.

And there are any precious beasts over there, such as phantom beasts...

"Oh~Of course~"

Hearing this, Pansy nodded, smiled brightly, and hugged the Umbrella Electric Lizard on her shoulders.

If there is a chance, she can even act as a guide and take Xiaozhi on a trip to the Carlos area in person~!

At the same time, in the center of the venue, today's second round of 16 is about to begin. The two contestants walked onto the stage one by one. This interrupted their conversation slightly, and they looked forward.

The players on both sides are all Xiaozhi's acquaintances, and it's a very coincidence...

On one side is the ice king of his hometown, Miss Kona, and on the other side is the ice king of the Fangyuan area, Bonnie.

This is actually a civil war among ice attribute experts!

"What a coincidence... These two seniors actually bumped into each other?"

"I just said, why are Miss Bonnie and Miss Kona not here..."

This scene on the field also made Xiaozhi and his party amazed again and again.

After all, Kona and Bonnie sat with them before, and even often discussed the battles in the World Championships together.


Xiaozhi's eyes flickered, and he fixed his eyes on the field.

On one side is Ms. Kona, who is smartly dressed and dressed as a working girl. She wears gold-rimmed glasses on her pretty face, adding a bit of intellectual and mature beauty.

On the other side, Miss Bonnie is wearing a long dress, her fair face is covered with heavy makeup, her appearance is exquisite, and her gestures exude the charming temperament of a high-class lady.

Although they are completely different in dressing, both of them have the same cold and gorgeous aura, like two unshakable icebergs, looking at each other from a distance.

Such a wonderful duel allowed him to temporarily suppress his doubts about the Carlos area in his heart.

"Miss Bonnie... What a pity~"

At this time, Mr. Qianli, who had finished the previous game, also returned to the spectator seats, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he took his seat.

He also wanted to start a civil war with Miss Bonnie that belonged to the Fangyuan people, but he didn't expect that the ice attribute civil war would be staged first...

"Then in the sixth round of the top 16 of the Saiba World Championships, the two sides will be the Tianwang Boni player from the Fangyuan area, and the Tianwang Kona player from the Kanto area!"

As the referee Don George's voice fell, the stadium of Nuoda burst into loud applause in an instant, and everyone was looking forward to it.

A civil war of the same attribute, such a battle is full of topical gimmicks!

Leaving aside the number one trainer in the world... Is there a sense of déjà vu that is competing for the number one ice attribute trainer in the world? !

Not to mention that both sides of the confrontation are beauties with outstanding temperament!

"Kona, although we know each other well, this game is not the previous friendly match... Please do your best."

At the end of the arena, Bonnie's face darkened, and she said far away.

The expressions on the faces of the two of them at this moment, on the contrary, Kona looked more calm and calm.

Because the two had communicated many times when they were on vacation in Lianyi Town, and they even had battles and exchanges from time to time...

Although they were all friendly matches, there was no winner or loser until the point was reached.

But without exception, she was pressed and beaten by the opponent.

Today, they collided head-on, which still put a lot of pressure on Bonnie.

"It's natural, I also want to know which side of our two snowflakes is more biting and cold...!"

Kona pushed his glasses, and his expression was also extremely focused.

Although she is very confident in herself, the opponent in front of her is not a good opponent, and she may overturn if she is a little careless.

"Then you two, please send your Pokémon!"

Hearing the referee Don George's voice, Kona and Bonnie nodded at the same time, each throwing the first Poké Ball.


When the red light fell, Bonnie's first Pokémon was a huge sea lion.

Half slapped on the ground, a dark blue fat body with thick fat accumulated in the abdomen, white beard and hair on the top of the head scattered like snowflakes and waves, and a pair of long and pointed ivory around the mouth.

Diya sea lion, this is a famous ice-type Pokémon in the Yoshien area, which can sneak freely in the low-temperature deep sea.

"Losing lips~!"

And Kona's first battle Pokémon is a Mizulip sister, who raised two fingers to slap, a lavender face, and rather dull eyes.

The dual-attribute Miss Lips can not only release ice and snow moves, but also release powerful spiritual power!

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