He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1764 Reverse the scene of the world

The next Giratina did not take the initiative to attack Xiaozhi.

The ghostly dragon-like body just slowly wandered in the air around Xiaozhi, seemingly patrolling his own territory, but firmly surrounded Xiaozhi and several Pokémon in the center.

For this, Xiaozhi could only spread his hands.

It seems that there is some purpose, but with Giratina's arrogant character, he doesn't intend to say it clearly. At least there is no malice.

"Let's go Rogia, let's go visit this reversed world."

The crisis was resolved, so Xiaozhi also became interested. He rolled up Lugia's back and patted the latter's dark blue skin.

Lugia's skin feels between snakes and beasts. The surface looks very smooth, but it doesn't slip directly off when touched.

At this moment, Diablo Rogia, with his head fully raised, is already over 3.5 meters high, and it is not a big problem to take two more people.


Manafei floated happily, and finally sat on top of Rogia's head, looking like he was directing the flight.

Dark Rogia raised its wings, with big red glowing eyes, looking with a bit of indignation at Giratina, who was constantly patrolling and awakening in the distant sky.

It was rare for him to be defeated once on stage, which made him very upset.

"It's okay, we can win next time!"

Xiaozhi patted the latter on the back and comforted him.

He almost watched Rogia grow from scratch. In less than a few years, he wanted to defeat a high-ranking person who had been famous for many years and whose attributes and moves were similar to his own. It was indeed a bit difficult.

After all, for other Pokémon, Rogia is a unique existence, and its aptitude and strength are ridiculously strong.

But in the world of ancient gods, everyone is a unique ancient god, and Rogia's aptitude is only half a head higher than other existences.

"Is it Rogia, going to wander outside for a while?"

Riding on the latter, Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking of something.

His Frozen Bird, which had just grown up, traveled outside alone for a period of time, almost two years after calculation.

You won't forget me, will you?

This seems to be a stage that all gods and beasts will go through.

Is this the journey that Rogia lacks?


Soon, riding on Rogia's body, the latter's wide wings spread out, like a small boat in the air, quickly passing through the sky above the reverse world.

Of course, Giratina still followed unhurriedly.

Xiaozhi could only temporarily ignore the idiotic Ghost Dragon following him, and looked at everything around him.

Most of the way along the way are some floating island gravel, scattered in the air.

A little farther away, you can see some slightly larger floating islands, which are less damaged.

Mountains, rivers, and jungles are no different from the real world except that they are all torn apart.

However, the scenes in many places are very strange, such as mountains and rivers tilted 90 degrees, or even 180 degrees completely upside down.


They even saw a huge river waterfall, but the water was pouring from the bottom up.

Lugia's body had just passed the waterfall, and the gravity around him suddenly changed, causing his whole body to "fall" upwards quickly.


Rogia quickly turned around and took off again so as not to fall into the water.

"This world is really amazing"

Hugging Lugia's neck tightly, feeling the flustered and changing direction of gravity, Xiao Zhi was surprised.

Not only these natural landscapes, Xiaozhi also saw a place similar to a human town. Although the building stones were also in the shape of floating islands, they were basically piled up together.

It seems that it should be Jiayuan City?

Xiaozhi even saw the gorgeous competition venue that Jiayuan City was very familiar with, and the Jiayuan gymnasium that was always empty.

However, the street buildings are all dilapidated, and a huge gully crack opened in the middle of the gorgeous venue, as if it had been split open by Palkia's Archon.

"Wait a moment."

But Xiaozhi straightened up a little bit, thinking in his heart.

The venue of the gorgeous competition is obviously a modern building, but now it appears in this ancient reverse world

This means that the scene in the inverted world has not been static since ancient times.

So this world, is it updating in real time with a very human touch?

"The treasures of the real world, can you not find them here?"

Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked down from Lugia's back to see if he could find any treasure.

For example, the mossy rocks in the Baidai Forest, and the frozen stones near Xuefeng City.

These things are all good babies!

But after all, it is not a stone that can be put in the backpack casually. It belongs to the public property of the Sinnoh area.

There are also ancient treasures in various ruins. These are also good things!


Sensing the greed rising in Xiao Zhi's heart, Giratina, who was following behind, uttered a low cry of demonstration from a distance.

The meaning is very simple, everything in the inverted world belongs to him.

Without his permission, even if all the treasures are smashed, they will not be given to outsiders!


This made Xiaozhi look back resentfully, the character of this ghost dragon is really weird.

This may be the case when a person has been alone for a long time. After living alone in the inverted world for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, his personality becomes not weird, but abnormal.

"Let's go, go see Teacher Gang, where is Miss Zhulan."

So Xiaozhi could only pat Lugia on the back and motioned.

Although he still wants to try to let Rogia fly in one direction to see if he can reach the end of the inverted world.

Maybe you can also see the reverse world of the Kanto region?

But he has been here for a while, and people outside are probably worried, so Xiaozhi decided to go back and have a round with his friends first.

Anyway, with Rogia, you can enter this reversed world at any time in the future.


Rogia nodded, and after sensing for a while, flapped his wings and flew in one direction.

The world in the reverse world does not completely correspond to the real world.

It's like Xiaozhi came in from the real Tianguan Mountain, but the inverted world he arrived at was an ordinary open space.

In the distance, the huge mountains and rivers hanging upside down in the air look like a fake background board

It is estimated that it is the Tianguan Mountain in the inverted world.

And mastering the move of "Shadow Runner", allows Rogia to also capture the corresponding positioning in the real world.

After a while, Xiaozhi has reached a cliff.

Some mirrored gravel drifted in front of him, from which Xiao Gang's dark and deep face could be seen.

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