He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1763 The Realm of the Ancient Gods

"Shadow sneak attack?"

Xiaozhi frowned greatly. At this moment, Giratina's whole body was bathed in the black light of the shadow, and her body also turned into a translucent posture, and she actually passed through the blast completely in the air.

It is Giratina's exclusive move, Shadow Rush!

Although this move is not like the Roar of Time and Yakong Cleave, it is the offensive big move of the flowery fox whistle

But Shadowrunner is more functional, and can completely penetrate the opponent's moves through nothingness.

Giratina, who entered the sneak attack state, was covered with dangerous black light all over her body.

call out.!

In the blink of an eye, as if passing through the void, the figure suddenly appeared at the position behind Rogia, and rushed towards the latter!

Being hit by such a move is definitely not a good thing, Xiaozhi's face tightened, and he quickly shouted:

"Lugia, we also use shadow sneak attack!"

After the words fell, Diablo Rogia also mobilized his own ghost dragon energy, covering his whole body with a similar shadow black light, which gradually turned translucent.

It's just that everyone has entered the state of ambush at this moment, which means that everyone has not entered this state.

Boom! !

Giratina's moves still hit Rogia's back solidly.

The ghost energy exploded, and even knocked it down from midair.

The effect is outstanding!

Unexpectedly, there is such a saying about Shadow Run, Xiaozhi looked anxious, and quickly jumped forward among the many floating islands. When he was close to Lugia's fall point, he commanded:

"Rogia Manafei, use Tide Spin!"


The Manafei on the hat immediately floated up, gathered a huge vortex of water flow, and threw it to the floating island under Lugia.


With the buffer of the water flow, Rogia did not suffer any secondary damage, and landed smoothly on a small floating island similar to a man-made park.

When Xiaozhi approached, Giratina had already hovered over several people, looking down at them.


He even let out a high-pitched roar of the dragon, showing his hegemony as the sole king of the inverted world.


Xiaozhi's eyes sank and he sighed.

Looking at Rogia who was struggling hard and raised his head, he could only touch the latter's head helplessly.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before the real ancient god.

In terms of strength, Rogia is not inferior to Giratina at all.

The most critical thing is the gap in combat experience.

Or something more mysterious?

Xiaozhi couldn't say what it was, but felt that Rogia was missing something, and he couldn't be called a perfect ancient god.

It seems that to truly enter the realm of the ancient gods, one more characteristic is required?


Manafei next to him waved his little hand, and in an instant a soft ring of water flowed around Lugia's body.

Water ring!

This move was originally just to add a continuous blood recovery state to himself, but Mana Fei can transfer this state to other targets for continuous blood recovery.

The gentle healing water even completely extinguished Lugia's burnt state.


Giratina flew low and landed in front of everyone.

Diablo Rogia stood up immediately, protected Xiao Zhi and the others behind him, and glared at the former.

But the next moment, there was a telepathy of low and ironic sarcasm in everyone's mind.

"Hmph, you loser, don't you think I didn't educate you enough?"

Xiaozhi quickly suppressed the enraged Lugia, and tried to walk a few meters before.

Although the other party's voice was taunting, it seemed that this ghost dragon didn't intend to continue fighting?

It would be great if we can communicate normally.

So Xiaozhi made a gesture to signal the other party to relax, and waved to Giratina.

"Giratina, you don't want to continue fighting, do you want everyone to stop fighting?"

Hearing this, Giratina raised his head and sent a proud telepathy.

"Hmph, I won't fight my defeated general again."

Hearing these words, Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then one person and one dragon fell into a weird staring silence.

There are no other creatures in the inverted world, everything is very silent, and there are pumice stones floating by in the background board in the distance.

Until two minutes passed, Xiaozhi could only bite the bullet and coughed to break the silence.

"Well, since we don't need to fight, what are you still doing here?"

Xiaozhi didn't say it clearly and let the latter leave.

He planned to let Rogia take everyone back to the real world after sightseeing around for a while.

I wonder if Miss Xiaogang Zhulan and the others are in a hurry?

As for what Rogia still lacks now. He doesn't know much about the existence above the ancient gods, so he can only wait for Brother Chi to come back and ask the latter what he said.

"Hmph, everything in the reverse world is my territory, I can be there wherever I want!"

Giratina's answer was very rude, looking directly at Xiaozhi with an arrogant attitude.

The huge dragon's mouth opened slightly, as if it could swallow Xiaozhi directly with one mouth.

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