He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1758 Pluto Dragon, Giratina!

Both Dialga and Palkia live in the cracks of their respective time and space, and they don't intersect with Xiao Zhi's world or the other's world.

Although they were forcibly recruited as thugs, the two were not angry, and they used their space-time energy one after another, preparing to go back to their lair to rest.

Seeing each other is bad luck!

It's just that these two ancient gods are still hovering in the air, with two colors of light, one blue and one pink, blooming all over their bodies.


At this time, a sound of space tearing suddenly sounded above the pillar of the gun.

Immediately afterwards, in the mid-air between Dialga and Palkia, a two-meter-wide space-time hole unexpectedly opened.

But unlike the "new world" that Chiri said before, this time inside the space-time wormhole, you can see scenes similar to the real world.

But obviously not their world.

All the scenes inside are wrapped in a deep red mist, like the end of the world.

There are still floating island rubble in the sky strangely, looking into the distance, Xiaozhi can even see some mountain peaks hanging upside down?

A creepy and weird aura emanated from it, and it also enveloped the entire pillar of the spear.

"What the hell?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened in an instant. What new plot direction is this?

One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

I saw that the hole in time and space was suddenly completely filled by a group of pitch-black shadows.

Whoosh! !

Immediately afterwards, two jet-black shadows flew out of it suddenly, like nothingness flames, continuously extending and flying out.

Blood-red spikes are also dotted in the black shadow, which is very ferocious.

The next moment, a flaming black shadow directly entangled Dialga and Palkia who were about to leave.

After wrapping around several times in a row, it actually locked the necks of the two ancient gods tightly.

"What the hell?!"

"Did something happen?!"

Xiaozhi, Zhulan, and Hansen all became vigilant in an instant, staring closely at the space-time crack that turned into pitch black.


But Wang Luo seemed to have expected it long ago, watching the scene in front of him with great interest.

This demeanor and murmur made Xiaozhi glance at Luo in astonishment.

This person. Is this what he has been waiting for? !

In other words, how do you feel that this black inflammation-like shadow and the background of the deep red filter that you saw at the beginning are somewhat familiar?


"Wood drink!!"

Being tightly entangled by the black shadow that turned into substance also made Dialga and Palkia angry. They hissed repeatedly and struggled violently in the air.

It was tightly embedded in the lower back before. This time it became the neck again.

And in front of Muggle humans

Is it true that they don't pay attention to their time and space gods!

Dialga immediately raised his head, the blue-purple energy mixed with chaotic time energy gathered in his mouth, ready to release his signature time roar!

Palkia also swung his powerful arm violently, the pearl on the back of his hand was shining brightly, and he was about to slash with an arcon split.

The crosshairs of the two are aimed at the source of the shadow below, ready to destroy it all at once!


But following the entrance of the cave, there was an equally majestic and ferocious dragon roar.

The black shadows of the two gods of time and space were entangled on the two sides, and they also suddenly pulled towards the entrance of the cave.

From the looks of it, these are a pair of energy-flame-like wings?

Under the vigorous pulling, the movements of the time and space gods were directly disrupted, and even the two moves were forcibly interrupted.

Even in the space-time rift at the source, a dragon head has gradually protruded from the black shadow.

It has a gray head and a jet-black face, with some contrasting and lovely facial features?

The black face was connected all the way down to the slender neck, showing blood red and jet black stripes.

The periphery of the head is also covered with golden horizontal spikes and a golden crown, and the golden ring surrounds the neck downward.

He just protruded a head and 1/3 of his neck from the space-time crack, and then seemed to be stuck, unable to fly out of it smoothly.

"Pluto Dragon, Giratina...!"

Zhulan opened her beautiful eyes, took a deep breath and said, recognizing the former.

In the myths and legends of the Sinnoh region, besides the Sansheng Mushroom and the Gods of Time and Space, there are naturally other ancient gods.

It is said that behind their real world, there is also a mirror world, or called reverse direct, which supports the operation of the present world behind the unknown.

And the Pluto dragon, Giratina, is the only creature in that world and the master of the reversed world.

"Unexpectedly, these are all true.!"

Zhulan suppressed her beating heart, and her expression gradually became excited and frenzied.

So the crimson filter world you saw just now is the inverted world? !

Such a scene is extremely precious to her as a researcher of mythology!

Just why, Giratina would suddenly run out, and also attack the other space-time gods?


Xiaozhi looked at the dragon's head protruding from the latter, and then he realized it.

That's right, he had seen this ancient god before.

At that time, it was still in the Fangyuan area. In the final champion exhibition match of the Caiyou Conference, his own Diablo Rogia seemed to have accidentally used a move that could travel to the reverse world.

As a result, Giratina was directly drawn out.

Although in the end he was forcefully thrown back by himself.

"Well, you should have forgotten about me."

Xiaozhi swallowed, quickly lowered his hat slightly, and secretly looked at Giratina who was struggling to get out.

The black flame-shaped wings directly entangled Dialga and Palkia, both of the ancient god level, one against two. Sure enough, this guy is stronger!

This is somewhat similar to the Third God's Rift Seat to Gulardo and Kioka, the former is obviously stronger.

Xiaozhi and Zhulan, who looked confused, subconsciously looked at Wangwangluo.

This person seems to know the reason.

"Because Palkia's and Dialga's previous moves collided, it may have affected Giratina's inverted world."

Wang Luo stared at the familiar Pokémon in front of him, smiled slightly, and said.

Since it was a battle between three powerful ancient gods, Xiaozhi and Zhulan didn't know how to intervene, so they could only watch in a daze while listening to Wangluo explain the reason.

Zhulan couldn't help turning her head, winked at Xiaozhi, and asked silently in her heart:

"Where did you find this understanding brother?"

Xiaozhi seemed to understand Zhulan's eyes, and turned his head, returning her a questioning expression.

"Miss Zhulan, isn't this your relative?"

Bamboo Orchid: "."

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