He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1757 Hansen's Boss

"Damn it, the clowns of Team Galaxy!"

"How dare you copy our methods!"

After getting off the hot air balloon, Musashi kept fanning his face, but he could still smell a faint stench.

The poisonous gas smell of the tank skunk is much stronger than that of Kojiro's double bomb gas.

"Then, let's part here."

Hansen looked at the three of them, and did not intend to continue to form a team.

It's just that they climbed up Tianguan Mountain with the help of tool people.

"As for the cooperation that your boss Sakagi said, I will tell my superiors."

Before Hansen left, he suddenly spoke.

Every region is entrenched with villains like Team Rocket and Team Galaxy. Many of their actions will affect the safety of the region and even the entire world.

This is also Hansen's task as an international patrol.

Stop the actions of these villainous organizations.

If you can use the power of Team Rocket, it is not unacceptable to attack villain organizations in other regions.

The Rockets need the intelligence of the International Patrol, and they need the huge strength of the Rockets for mutual benefit and win-win.

At least for now, what the Rockets show is just a gray profit-making organization, and it seems that the goal is not to destroy, rule, and change the crazy ambitions of the world.

Even if the Rockets really do something out of the ordinary in the end.

If they cooperate, the International Patrol can also obtain more favorable information related to the Rockets.

"Hmph~ It's the luck of your international patrols to cooperate with our team Rocket~!"

Miaomiao crossed her arms and said triumphantly.

But then, it suddenly sneezed

It is close to the top of Tianguan Mountain, there is snow everywhere, and Miaomiao, who is not wearing anything, feels extremely cold.

"That's right, our Rockets are the greatest."

"Remember the boss who called you, answer quickly, Ah Qiu!"

Musashi and Kojiro were also trembling, hugging their bodies and trembling for a while.

Then they hurried back into the basket of the hot air balloon to keep warm with the help of the fireball above.

As for the pillar of the gun, they were too lazy to go up.

Just lie in ambush below, if one of the Galaxy team comes out, kill one!

This time they have made great achievements, but they have made a good face in front of Boss Sakagi, and they have to be promoted several levels in a row!

Although it doesn't seem to be doing anything?

"Goodbye, then."

Hansen turned his head, and he ran up the stairs quickly in a windbreaker.

As for the boss he said, this is not perfunctory to the Rockets.

In the international patrol, he does have a direct supervisor, but he is not currently in the Sinnoh area, but in the Hezhong area next door, monitoring the villain organization on the other side.

An organization called "Team Plasma".

This organization is somewhat similar to the Galaxy team, and it also makes good use of brainwashing methods.

However, the target is not the subordinates in his own organization, but the method of propaganda and popularization to brainwash many residents in the Hezhong area.

Thinking of this, Hansen couldn't help but see his boss in his mind.

It is also very curious to say that his boss is a boy who is only 12 years old.

Possesses powerful gymnastics fighting skills, clear mind logic, and superb trainer ability.

Although Hansen was much older than him, even he had to obey the latter's dispatch from the bottom of his heart and voluntarily became a subordinate.

"Compared to Xiaozhi in Zhenxin Town"

While climbing the stairs, Hansen subconsciously compared his boss with Xiaozhi.

After all, Xiaozhi is the most outstanding young trainer he has ever seen.

If the news is not exaggerated, Xiaozhi is the man who defeated the league champion Mi Keli head-on.

But even so, Hansen still feels that his boss is not inferior to Xiaozhi, or even slightly higher?

When Hansen ran up the pillar of the gun, he saw all kinds of distorted and collapsed scenes.

The ground tilted up weirdly, or showed a weird twisted vortex, which made Hansen wipe off his sweat and carefully avoid these collapsed places.

Hansen was not relieved until he walked up to the dilapidated Spear Pillar Temple and saw the figures of Xiaozhi and Zhulan.

From the looks of it, he really didn't come a step late. He missed it completely!

The international policeman is also a policeman. It seems that since he took up this profession, he has become like Miss Junsha, who only wipes his ass.

"Mr. Hansen? Are you here too?"

Xiaozhi noticed Hansen who came suddenly, and said hello.

Zhulan nodded slightly as a signal.

The two had talked on the phone once before, and she only knew that the other party was an international patrol policeman who provided information, and had never seen Hansen in person.

And at this moment, on the pillar of the gun, except for Xiao Gang who was still silently treating the three saints in the rear, the other four were staring straight at the space-time twin gods lying on the ground.

"Dialga, Palkia"

Perhaps because of the red sun, Zhulan gradually recovered her frenzied and surging mood after realizing it later.

After all, the twin gods of time and space, whom I had heard about since I was a child, have actually appeared in front of my eyes. It can be said that Zhulan is the most excited among them.

"Aren't you supposed to be angry?"

Xiaozhi is also carefully looking at the two ancient gods.

Forcibly summoned by Chiri, and controlled to fight. Next, it will not become a venting battle between these two ancient gods, will it?

But it seems that his concerns are unnecessary.

"Wood drink...!


The two who recovered their strength were re-suspended in mid-air, making a strange and sharp hissing sound.

However, the eyes looked quite normal, and the hostility before was much less.

It seems that they don't intend to fight each other.

This made Xiaozhi breathe a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't look like the relationship between Gulardo and Kyoka."

Like the two ancient gods in the Fangyuan area, Gulardo even heard Rogia's name of "Sea God", and started beating people without thinking.

But now Xiaozhi has come into contact with quite a few ancient gods, and he faintly discovered a pattern.

It seems that the ancient gods have no brains?

Except for Fengwang and Rogia, they can still communicate normally.

Others seem to act according to the instinct of the body.

They don't even know how to use telepathy to communicate. After all, this ability is completely bad for the magic Pokémon.

As for the ancient gods of a higher level, as the oldest existence, they can release powerful power with every move.

But they use God's will more to forcibly radiate their own will.

Instead of communicating telepathically.

Xiaozhi secretly wrote down this point, and he can communicate with Dr. Oki after returning home, maybe he can publish a paper himself.

And above the Pillar of Spears, Dialga and Palkia circled and flew, and the body of the former's beast-shaped dragon glowed with blue light.

And Palkia's erect dragon body radiated pink light.

It seems that they all plan to use their abilities and leave here.

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