He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1064 Meteorite Crisis

After sending the two of them away, the Meteor People around them also turned their attention back to Xiaozhi.

To be precise, it is the green scroll on the arm.

"Appeared, the legendary inheritor!!"

"I didn't expect it to be an outsider!"

"Can he really communicate with Lord Dragon God?!"

The surroundings suddenly became restless, and many people even bent down to pray in Xiaozhi's direction. Obviously, they all highly respected the identity of "inheritor".

This made Xiao Zhi feel rather cramped.

Seeing that the enthusiastic people of Meteor even wanted to keep him for ten days and half a month, Xiaozhi immediately refused.

Only when everyone was separated and only the old lady was left around, Xiaozhi said in a deep voice:

"Then I can't stay here for long, I'm leaving now."

He had already sent Xiaogang a message last night.

"It's something, don't read it."

Xiao Gang, who has a tacit understanding with him, should return to Qiuye Town with that doctor at this moment, waiting for him to go back, right?

Yushu is already going to conquer the sixth gym, he doesn't have time to stand still.

Hearing that the old lady didn't force her, she just told the words of Mushui Town and Sky Pillar again.

And Xiaozhi stepped on his thighs and was already riding on Latias's back, hugging his smooth and soft body.

Of course, Latias is in the shape of a beast.

boom boom...!

There were bursts of gas explosions like an engine, Latias folded his wings, his body was in the most perfect streamlined shape, his head was aimed at the gap in the sky, and he was ready to take off.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, there is a woman named Xijiana in our Meteor, who should be a few years older than you..."

At this time, the old lady suddenly thought of something and reminded:

"She has a strong obsession with the Dragon God Trial and the scroll in your hand. If she knows that you have completed the Dragon God Trial, she might come to her."

"She is the most powerful trainer among our meteors. If she finds you, you must remember to..."

The elder woman said with a serious face.

It's just that before the words were finished, Latias could no longer hold back his charged sprint, Xiao Zhi simply replied:

"Those who understand, are all my own, and I will give her the scroll when the time comes, and release her obsession!"

The words fell.

Boom bang! !

Latias shot out like a rocket into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the gap in the ceiling above.

Then, the layer of dragon-attribute enchantment that crossed the boundary and returned to the outside world.

Aiming in the direction of Akiba Town, Ladias broke out in the second stage and rushed out again.


It's just that the old woman with a sluggish face was left on the spot, her hair was blasted by Latias's jet, and she was a little embarrassed.

Wait a minute, I didn't tell you to hand over the scroll so easily!

This is an exclusive treasure belonging to the inheritor!

What she meant was that if Hijana came to her, she hoped that Xiaozhi would use his tyrannical strength to let this girl know what it means to be tall and strong, and what a true inheritor is!

What the hell is it for nothing? !


Just seeing that Xiaozhi has turned into a black spot and disappeared, the old woman's expression is messed up.




ten minutes later.

Autumn Leaf Town, at the entrance of the Elf Center.

"Thank you, Latias~!"

Xiaozhi took Ladias back into the ball, and then opened the door and walked in.

It seemed that Latias was born to be good at flying people at high altitudes. Even at super high speeds, Xiao Zhi still felt very stable and firm on his back.

Even high-altitude battles should be easily accomplished.

In the lobby of the Elf Center, Xiao Gang and Dr. Solans were sitting there drinking tea and chatting.

The latter looked quite nervous, for fear that Xiao Zhi would not be able to get the meteorite back.

But at this moment, Xiaolan was sitting beside her in a pretty way, drinking tea leisurely.

"Hey Xiaolan, have you been eliminated yet?"

Xiaozhi walked up and couldn't help asking first.

"Hey Xiaozhi, I have successfully won the ribbon~!"

However, Xiao Lan just smiled like a flower, as if she had found a mouth to talk to, she hurriedly went up to her, and began to show off her self-satisfaction to Xiao Zhi.

There is also a very delicate and lovely ribbon in his hand.

Compared to the two of Xiaogang... Xiaolan has no idea what happened, these days she has been concentrating on the gorgeous contest.

"Xiaozhi, you are finally back!"

"Young man, that..."

The two people next to him also stood up, and they hadn't seen each other for a few days, and Xiao Gang still missed him a lot.

It seems that what opportunity was triggered again, and experienced a big adventure?

"Don't worry, doctor, the meteorite is still in my hand!"

Xiaozhi untied his backpack and handed the egg-sized meteorite back to the doctor.

The latter's expression was as startled as Xiao Lan's, holding the meteorite and refusing to let go.

However, Xiaozhi's expression gradually became serious, and what Tianwang Huayue said flashed in his mind, that he seemed to be concealed by the people of the Green Ridge Universe Center.

And this doctor, if he remembers correctly, seems to be a researcher at the center of the universe?

"So doctor, is there a huge meteorite that is constantly approaching our planet?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out and asked.

This sentence immediately made Dr. Solans tremble, and quickly stepped forward to cover Xiaozhi's mouth, looking left and right, for fear of being overheard by others.

Fortunately, this kind of thing seems too far-fetched, even if the traffic around is not low, no one cares when they hear it.


Seeing this, Dr. Solance sighed, and carefully placed the meteorite on the table.

"Actually, I don't know the specifics. I'm a doctor who studies meteorites...not a department that specializes in remote surveys and planning of the universe."

By the way, how did this young man know this big secret?

Seeing that several people were staring at him closely, especially Xiaogang and Xiaolan who had just received the news, their expressions became tense, so Dr. Solance had no choice but to continue:

"Well, we have indeed detected a meteorite with a large enough diameter, which is rapidly approaching the planet. If it falls, it will indeed cause unpredictable consequences... But it may not necessarily fall on us right now."

According to the estimates of his experts, the probability of falling head-on on the planet is less than 5%.

There is a high probability that they will pass by and nothing will happen.

"It's unlikely to just pass by..."

Xiaozhi just said slowly.

With the prophecy of the Meteor People, it is impossible for such a huge meteorite to "pass by" at this juncture.

In this world, experts are not to be trusted.

"I don't know the specifics, but there is nothing completely certain yet, so naturally I can't announce it to the outside, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

Dr. Solans said seriously.

"As for the others, I only know that our Cosmic Center and Devon Company seem to be working on a joint project... Even if the meteorite does land by then, we are sure to intercept it on the spot."

"Devon Company?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something.

When passing through Kanaz City, the president of Devon, Zvqi, seemed to be plotting something... It seems that he was studying how to solve the meteorite crisis.

Even Mr. Dawu searched for the remains of the Sanshen Pillar for the same reason.

From this point of view, it seems that the people in the entire Fangyuan area are doing something to prepare for this impending crisis...

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