He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1063: Yuki vs Uranus Kagetsu!

"Sky Pillar, Twilight Town..."

After the trial was over, the two walked down from the high platform side by side, and Xiao Zhi was silently chanting these two words.

Although I don't know whether my method of hard pulling conforms to the rules or not.

Let's talk about it when we go to the Sky Pillar.

"Summon the Rift Seat..."

Xiaozhi's face was full of anticipation.

Maybe he can even ride on the cracked empty seat, showing off his might? !

"Are you looking forward to Pikachu, we think we can ride the empty seat."

"Pika pickup!"

Pikachu on the shoulder nodded again and again, so to speak, this is the most high-end mount it has ever ridden.

But this is definitely not the last one.

The eldest grandmother: "..."


Can it be summoned? I haven't written a word yet. Is this person and mouse already thinking about riding a dragon god? !

If Xiaozhi is not an important inheritor, she has turned her face now, which is the greatest disrespect to Lord Dragon God!

As for taking on such a big burden, the old lady wanted to give something in return.

There are still many precious dragon scales and dragon teeth in Meteor, which can enhance the combat power of dragon-type Pokémon.

"No need, I'm quite satisfied with just one Dragon God Pillar."

Xiaozhi didn't accept it.

By the way, it's time for Likongzuo to take a mouthful of dragon waves at the Dragon God Pillar... If the former's dragon energy can't activate the Dragon God Pillar, then it is estimated that no one else can play.


When the two walked out of the stone room, there were repeated explosions in the empty square ahead, as if a fierce battle was unfolding.

"Double-headed tyrannosaurus, use the breath of the dragon!!"

Heavenly King Huayue raised her hand and pointed, the blue-black two-headed dragon in front of her opened her teeth, and two blue-white gusts of wind whizzed out, intertwined again halfway.

Even though the double-headed tyrannosaurus has not yet completed its evolution, it already has considerable combat effectiveness.

After all, this kind of Pokémon, even if it is placed in all quasi-god queues, is the most difficult existence to evolve.

"Use the dragon claw!"

Yuki on the opposite side also didn't dare to be careless.

Although the red-faced dragon looks simple and simple, but its attack is not bad. The two sharp claws have already extended the blue energy claws, and it is a cross split to the attacking dragon's breath!


The energy exploded into smoke and spread with great momentum, causing the people of the meteor crowd to cry out in surprise.

I didn't expect outsiders to use dragon-type Pokémon to be so powerful... "Now, use Frozen Fang!!"

Heavenly King Huayue tilted her mouth, and commanded suddenly, with a hint of evil in the corner of her mouth.

I saw this double-headed tyrannosaurus suddenly rushing into the smoke and dust, and with the blessing of the short wings on the back that could not fly, the speed doubled even more.

Knock! !

Caught off guard, the red-faced dragon's arm was bitten from the front.


The rich ice attribute energy spread and spread, almost freezing the arm of the red-faced dragon into ice in the blink of an eye.

The effect is outstanding!

Cold knowledge, don't look at the three-headed dragon that finally evolved is a Pokémon that specializes in special attacks...but still in the second stage, the physical attack of the double-headed tyrannosaurus is even more outstanding.

Not to mention the unique "vitality" characteristic of this period, which can maximize the power of its frozen teeth.


The coldness was piercing, and most of his physical strength was cut off in an instant, which made the red-faced dragon half-kneel on the ground.

However, Yuki's battle has only just begun.

"Now, use brute force!!"

Suffering from the intense chill and pain, the red-faced dragon's gaze was fixed, and white smoke rose from his whole body like boiling, and even his rough skin was stained with a penetrating red.

This instantly melted the ice on its arm.


The red-faced dragon roared violently, and the recovered dragon claws slammed the head of the double-headed tyrannosaurus.

And the other arm clenched its fist and claws, and then smashed it out!

Boom! !

With a brute force punch, it hit the neck of the double-headed tyrannosaurus head-on. The unstoppable force made it retreat back and forth, leaving a black mark on the ground with its limbs.

The effect is outstanding!

The moves of the fighting attribute also have a good damage value against the double-headed Tyrannosaurus rex of the evil attribute.

"Not bad, brat~"

Tian Wang Huayue tilted her mouth and looked at Yuuki sinisterly, looking very much like a bum on the street.

Everyone is a Pokémon that has just been conquered, but with the command, the kid in front of him is not much inferior to himself.

Seems like he's still a rookie trainer?

Are newcomers like this now?


"Tianwang Huayue, it really is not easy..."

Yuuki was also staring at the target without flinching.

The battle strength of the two continued to rise, and the second round was about to start.

"Hey, hey! Add me!"

Seeing that there was a battle to intervene in, Xiao Zhi couldn't bear to be just a bystander, and immediately inserted himself into the battle between the two.

After trying for a long time, there was no battle at all, and it was terrible that he was suffocated.



However, when Tian Wang Huayue and You Shu saw Xiaozhi appearing, their expressions darkened and they remained silent.

Especially seeing the green scroll in Xiaozhi's hand...

"Come back, two-headed Tyrannosaurus...!"

"You too, Red Faced Dragon!"

Immediately afterwards, the two suddenly took back their Pokémon, and the battle came to an abrupt end.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is this ganging up to isolate him?

"Hmph, let's end the battle first, my uncle has something to slip away."

Tianwang Huayue was also straightforward, and directly released a huge black crow with feathers on its head like a hat.

Then he jumped directly onto the head of the crow head.

Next, he will go to Green Ridge City and ask the researchers at the Cosmos Center what they are hiding.

"Hey! My uncle is at the alliance meeting, waiting for you to challenge me!"

Before leaving, Huayue whispered in the direction of Yuki.

It can be seen that if there are no other fierce people, it is not a big problem for this kid to win the championship...

At that time, he will naturally be qualified to challenge the king of heaven.

"As for you..."

Tianwang Huayue looked at Xiaozhi again.

Anyway, this guy still trampled himself under his feet in this trial...

Although it is not easy to say anything directly, it is still possible to carry out cold violence.


So Tianwang Huayue snorted coldly, and was immediately grabbed by the head of the crow by the shoulder, and flew upwards.

The movement of one person and one bird is the same as that of the Meteor People, and they all fly directly from the gap in the ceiling and rock wall.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Humph, is this Heavenly King a primary school student?

On the other side, Yuki also released his Pokémon.

This is a huge dragon-type Pokémon with a slender neck and four wings like banana leaves on its back.

Yuki flipped over suddenly and stepped on the back of the tropical dragon.

With the latter's lift-off, Youshu's gaze on Xiaozhi turned into a condescending gaze.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town... At the alliance meeting, I will completely decide the outcome with you!"

Yuki shouted in a deep voice.

Now he is going to collect the sixth badge.

The tropical dragon flapped its wings, and soon followed the figure of the crow head, passed through the ceiling gap on the top floor, and flew to the outside world.

After a while, both of them completely disappeared from Xiaozhi's sight.

Xiaozhi: "..."

So these two guys waited for him to come out on purpose, and left after saying a word...?

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