Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter Nine Bringing Harry Up

After customizing the robes, Harry and Julian were caught up and stopped by the Ministry of Magic Aurors on their way to Ollivander.

The Malfoys followed the Auror, watching Julian and Harry smugly.

"Dirty Mudblood, you're out of luck now. Spix, that's the guy who attacked us."

The Auror looked at Julian with an ugly expression, "Did you attack the Malfoy family?"

Julian gave a very stiff 'hum' and said loudly, "No."

This made the Malfoy family and the Auror look like MMPs.

"Director, this guy didn't follow the script, why did he admit he was cowardly? Shouldn't you be the one who said yes, and then asked me to send you to the Azika class?" Malfoy twitched inwardly.

"Asshole, it's you, I have witnesses," Lucius Malfoy shouted.

"Shut up, Lucius, what do you look like yelling, remember you are a nobleman, don't you feel ashamed because this Mudblood lost his status?" the Auror said arrogantly.

"Yes, sorry Spix, I was a little impulsive."

"Mudblood, come with me." Spix said, looking at Julian contemptuously.

"Spex, don't you think you're an uneducated guy too," Julian said softly.

"You dirty Mudblood, what are you talking about..." Julian's magic coaxed onto him before the word 'what' could be said.

"You guys too," just as the words finished, another spell was awarded to the Malfoy family. Seeing the four of them lying neatly together, Julian drenched them with another spell of 'clear water like a spring', and was satisfied. Nodded, "Well, it's still a familiar recipe, and it's still a familiar taste."

Just when Julian was still proud, there was a 'cracking' sound all around.

Julian hurriedly knocked Harry down, and then only heard curses whistling over their heads, it turned out that the Auror reinforcements had arrived.

Just when Julian was about to strike back, someone yelled 'Stop', and all the Aurors stopped releasing the spell, but they didn't put down their wands. And Harry as the center, surrounded them.

"Who can explain to me what happened?" Rufus Scrimgeour's angry voice filled the entire street.

"Well, sir, if you want to know what's going on, I think I can explain it to you," Julian began.

"Julian, why are you here?" Rufus Scrimgeour wondered.

"Sir, after you listen to my explanation first, I think you will know why I am here." Julian then told Rufus Scrimgeour the whole story without adding any fuel or fuel. Vinegar, just like that.

Listening to Julian's narration, Rufus Scrimgeour's face kept turning black, and Rufus Scrimgeour's face when Spikes and the Malfoy family insulted Julian as a 'dirty mudblood' It was even more gloomy to the extreme.

After Julian finished describing the cause and result of the incident, he looked at Rufus Scrimgeour and said, "Sir, I've finished my description, do you have any questions?"

"Is what he said true?" Rufus Scrimgeour turned around and asked several of his subordinates.

"Yes, sir, we got some witnesses and Mrs. Malkin to testify, and what they said is basically the same as what Mr. Woolies said."

Rufus Scrimgeour nodded, turned around to look at Julian and said, "Don't worry Julian, you'll be fine, I'll give you an account of this matter."

"I'm fine at first, isn't it, sir, you know, I'm not yet eleven years old. It's normal for a little wizard under eleven years old to run away with magic power due to emotions, isn't it? After all, I I'm still a kid before I'm eleven, aren't I?"

Julian accentuated the pronunciation of 'children' and 'under the age of eleven'.

Hearing Julian's words, Rufus Scrimgeour's face twitched. Of course he knew what Julian was talking about, and he wanted benefits.

Rufus Scrimgeour cursed inwardly, "You're a fucking child, you're not yet eleven years old, and you've never seen a kid under eleven years old who can bring down three adult wizards, among them One is still a well-trained Auror elite, the magic power is rampant, I will go to your magic power and run away, do you think I am a fool? There is also Spix, it is simply hateful, if it is not because you are the child of my old friend, I will care about you Go to hell."

No matter how angry or unhappy Rufus Scrimgeour is in his heart, he has to get this matter done, otherwise he can imagine how those annoying reporters from the Daily Prophet will smear the Ministry of Magic and the magic Ministry of Aurors.

"Where's Spix?" Rufus Skrein asked angrily.

Aurors, look at me and look at you. Finally, two Aurors got out of the way, revealing Spikes who was unconscious on the ground.

"Wake him up." An angry Rufus Scrimgeour almost gritted his teeth and squeezed these four words out of his mouth.

Looking at the furious leader, the Auror, who had a strong desire to survive, subconsciously uttered "clear water like a spring" and directly smeared Spix's face.

Spix quickly woke up. Before Spix could say anything, Rufus Scrimgeour's scolding sound hit Spix in the face, and Spix was stunned. Rufus Scrimgeour When Lin Jie started to scold, he even slapped Spix twice, and the crisp sound resounded throughout Diagon Alley.

In the end, the matter was settled perfectly, Rufus Scrimgeour made the decision, Spix himself compensated Julian with five hundred gold Galleons, and the Malfoys paid Julian two thousand gold Galleons, after all, this matter was caused by them of.

The Malfoys really wanted to refuse, but Rufus Scrimgeour's lawsuit made the Malfoys speechless. After all, no one wanted to be labeled as racially discriminatory. Although everyone thought so, they didn't People dare to say this, it is like a layer of window paper, and it will not benefit everyone if it is broken.

The poor Malfoy family, not only lost a lot of money, but also got a bad reputation. The wizards and nobles thought the Malfoy family was too useless, even an eleven-year-old child (well, not yet eleven) .

And the commoner wizards hated the Malfoy family even more, although the Malfoy family didn't care much at all.

The disgraced Malfoy family fled home in embarrassment, until the day before Hogwarts started school, they came to Diagon Alley to buy Draco Malfoy's wand and school supplies.

However, what is ironic is that when Draco Malfoy went to buy a wand, Ollivander claimed that he did not have a wand suitable for Draco Malfoy and refused to sell the wand to Draco.

And when his father, Lucius Malfoy, bought him medicinal materials again, he was told by the clerk that the medicinal materials were sold out. What drove Lucius crazy was that he had seen a witch buy it blindly in front of him. The medicinal materials he needed, but the clerk turned a blind eye to this, and insisted that the medicinal materials were sold out.

Lucius finally got angry and pulled out his wand. Before he could recite the spell, he was picked up by several young and strong shop assistants and thrown out of the door. Well, it is said that this awesome medicine shop has the greatest pharmacist of this century, Master Marcus' shares.

Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, was directly refused to enter a shop that sold beauty potions. This shop was more direct, and a piece of paper was pasted directly at the door, which said, "The Malfoy family is banned for life." enter'. The shop was the property of an aristocrat who had trouble with Malfoy.

The poor Malfoy family was overtly or secretly squeezed out by almost the entire Diagon Alley shop.

In the end, the Malfoy family left Diagon Alley again in embarrassment. Of course, this is all for later.

------------------Dividing line-----------------

The situation with the Malfoy family was different for Julian. Julian, who got two bags of gold coins for nothing, almost burst into laughter.

He took out 100 Gold Galleons as a spare, and kept the rest in Gringotts.

Looking at the gold coins in his vault, Julian couldn't help but thank the Malfoy family in his heart, "The Malfoy family are really good people, I really have to thank them very much."

Julian said gleefully at Harry.

In the end, Julian took Harry to buy all the items on the list including the wand, and bought a snow owl for Harry as his eleventh birthday present, and then took Harry back to the Leaky Cauldron.

Looking at Hagrid who was already drunk, Julian reluctantly found Tom to pay for the drink, and then asked Tom to open two more rooms. After Hagrid was settled, Julian and Harry went downstairs to eat something.

And Harry, who saw Julian's appetite for the first time, was obviously stunned.

He couldn't believe that there were people in this world who could eat so much. After Julian finished eating, he stood up, and Harry found miraculously that not only could Julian eat, but his stomach was still flat after eating so much.

Harry couldn't help sighing, "Is this magic? It's really amazing." (In other words, Julian is just edible, why is it related to magic? It's not magic)

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