Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 8 Pushing The Boss With Harry

Julian, took a step forward, passed Harry to Diagon Alley, looked back at Harry who was still in a daze, and couldn't help urging, "Harry, what are you waiting for, I'm not a human trafficker, I won't sell you. Hurry up!" Follow up."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just thought, I thought it was all so magical, until just now I thought it was a prank, I grew up in the Muggle world, so I'm not very familiar with the wizarding world .”

An apologetic Harry looked at Julian anxiously, for fear that Julian would dislike him.

Looking at Harry in front of him who seemed to admit he had done something wrong, Julian smiled and said,

"You are too nervous, Harry, the wizarding world is actually not much different from the Muggle world, wizards use magic, Muggles use technology, or you can think of magic as wizards' technology.".

"And Harry, I want to make it clear that I also grew up in the Muggle world, and there's nothing shameful about it. Nowadays, many wizards are not pure-blooded, and there are more and more Muggle-born wizards."

"Besides, you're not Muggle-born, aren't you? Your parents are wizards, aren't they? They're still very powerful wizards."

"You know my parents?" Harry looked at Julian in disbelief.

"Don't you know, about your parents, what about yourself?" Julian asked strangely, it seems that this hero is not quite what he imagined.

"Sorry, I don't know." Harry blushed.

"Alright Harry, after the scene at the bar just now, you should have a clear understanding of how famous you are in the wizarding world, right?" Julian looked at Harry helplessly.

Harry looked a little uncomfortable with Julian's eyes, and he said dryly, "You are the second person in the wizarding world I have contacted, Hagrid didn't say much to me, so I'm not very clear, you can tell About me, about me, and about my parents."

Although it felt a little weird to beg someone to tell you about yourself, Harry, who was eager to know his own background, begged.

"Of course, let's talk as we go, we have to go to Gringotts to get you some gold coins first," Julian told him all about Harry's life experience, of course only those recorded in the books.

What? Harry is a hero in the wizarding world, the hero who killed the Great Demon King, his parents died to protect him, and so on.

This topic was a bit dull, which made Harry very quiet all the way, and Harry's eyes were red when he heard that his parents had sacrificed for him.

Until Julian's last sentence, "Voldemort's death curse was rebounded for some reason, he didn't kill you, he killed himself, and that curse only left you with a scar, oh, here we are , Harry."

Harry, who lowered his head and touched his scar because of this sentence, subconsciously raised his head and looked at the building in front of him.

"That's pretty cool, isn't it?" Harry said to Julian, holding himself back.

"Is this cool? There's something even cooler in it, Harry, have you ever been on a Muggle roller coaster?" Julian asked playfully.

"No, no," Harry stumbled as if startled by Julian's tone, "I grew up with my aunt, and their family didn't treat me very well. They went out to play and never took me. So Muggle I've never been to an amusement park."

"Well, you are really pitiful, but that's just right, you can experience it today." Julian said maliciously, and then walked into Gringotts ignoring Harry.

Harry, who followed quickly, didn't seem to realize what he was about to face, but happily followed Julian into Gringotts.

Julian walked towards the counter with ease, and said to Yinhuan who seemed to be busy all the time, "Yinhuan, Mr. Harry. Potter needs to get some gold coins."

After finishing speaking, he put the key Hagrid gave in front of Yinhuan, Yinhuan checked the key carefully, then looked at Harry, and said softly, "The key should be fine, Griphook took the two gentlemen to get the gold coins. "

"Okay, please follow me, distinguished guest." Griphook picked up a miner's lamp and walked towards the hole behind the counter.

Julian and Harry followed behind Griphook until they walked to the side of the vehicle like a mine cart (let’s call it a mine cart). Griphook got on the car first, and Julian urged Harry to get on the car first, and then Julian followed Get in the car, because the pull ring is very short, so Harry's line of sight will not be blocked, and the scene in front of him can be seen clearly.

After a while, when the three of them were ready, the minecart started to start, racing all the way. Julian, who wanted to see Harry's jokes, found that Harry was motionless as if frightened.

When the mine cart stopped in front of Harry's vault, Julian leaned up to Harry and said, "How about Harry, is it exciting?"

"Oh, it feels pretty good." Harry turned around and said flatly.

The scene was very embarrassing for a moment, Julian felt a flock of crows flying over his head, saying 'stupid' and 'stupid' while flying.

"Mr. Potter's key, thank you." Griphook bravely broke the calm as if he didn't see Julian's embarrassment.

Julian, who seized the opportunity, quickly took out the key and gave it to Griphook. Griphook looked at the key carefully, then inserted the key into the door of the vault, and turned it slowly.

The door to Harry's vault swung open with a click, and the sight inside stunned Julian and Harry himself.

The vaults were filled with piles of galleons of gold, Sickles of silver, and Knuts of copper.

Julian, who was hit by Harry again, seemed to have lost his soul, sitting at the door in a daze, and kept muttering, "I'm a dog now, I'm a dog now" (God knows how Julian knew this word, ask Merlin Bar).

Harry, who was listening to Griphook explaining the exchange rates between the three currencies, and looking at Julian who had lost his mind, suddenly had a sense of satisfaction and confidence that came from nowhere.

Julian, who had returned from his soul, hurriedly packed a bag of gold coins for Harry, and then got into the mine cart without looking back.

Helpless Harry, looking at Julian who had just been hit by him (twice), could only follow Julian's wishes and leave.

After leaving the vault, Julian recovered his blood quickly, and rushed to Madam Malkin's robe store with Harry.

Walking into the store, Julian greeted Mrs. Malkin loudly, and received a warm response from Mrs. Malkin, which made Julian, who had just been slapped in the face invisible by Harry, feel much better.

But when she knew that the thin boy next to Julian was Harry. Potter, Madam Malkin's enthusiasm quickly changed to another object.

Seeing Harry being greeted by Mrs. Malkin, Julian's world, which was left behind, quickly turned gray again, and the whole person fell into a state of vomiting again.

"So, are you Harry Potter?" asked the customer who had been in the shop before.

It was a thin boy with a pale face, with pride on his face, his head tilted up like a proud swan.

Looking at the proud boy, Julian smiled, how interesting this scene is, isn't it the same as the routine of the novels he read since he was a child, the scene where the villain first appeared.

The boy who turned to look at him because he heard his laughter looked at him contemptuously, and said,

"What are you laughing at, I'm talking to Harry Potter, you must be a dirty mudblood for being so rude...

Before the boy could finish his sentence, he smashed through the door of Mrs. Mojin's store and flew to the street outside as if he had been hit by a huge force.

Time seemed to be stopped all of a sudden. Madam Malkin was not worried about the boy who broke through the door and flew out, because Madam Malkin did not think that a Hogwarts freshman would use such powerful magic. The smashed door.

Instead, he said to Julian, "You shouldn't be such an impulsive kid, you're going to get in big trouble."

"It's okay, Mrs. Malkin, nothing will happen."

As soon as Julian finished speaking, there was a scream from the crowd outside, "Draco, how are you, what's going on, who attacked you?"

"You're his mother?" Julian asked as she walked out of Madam Malkin's shop, wand in hand, to the screaming woman holding Draco in her arms.

"It was you, you who attacked Draco, didn't you?" the woman demanded loudly and pulled out her wand, intending to cast a jinx on Julian.

However, Julian just waved his wand casually to break up the curse that was about to be fired, and with another wave, he knocked the woman's wand into the air and got it into his hands.

"A person who can casually say something like 'dirty mudblood', I think you, as a mother, haven't taught him what manners and family education are."

"What, just because of this, aren't you a dirty Mudblood, you dirty Mudblood...

Before the woman finished speaking, she flew backwards like her son and hit the wall behind.

"Rang Rang, Rang Rang, what happened, why are you all gathered here?"

At this time, a man's voice came over. Hearing the man's voice, the faces of the people around him were strange, while the people in front of the man retreated spontaneously to both sides. (So ​​watching the excitement is the patent of the whole world, whoever said wizards don't watch the excitement)

When the man saw his wife and son on the ground, his anger surged to his head instantly, and he looked at Julian holding the wand and said loudly, "It's you, they are the ones attacking, right?"

After speaking, without waiting for Julian to reply, a spell was fired.

But the result was different from what he had imagined. Julian finished complaining, "It's really a family, even the words are the same."

Then he waved the magic wand in his hand to disperse the man's magic, and then hit the 'expel you weapon' to knock the man flying in front of the boy and the woman.

Julian held two magic wands in his left hand, and with his right hand, he said 'clear water like a spring' and rushed towards the family's face. "

People around looked at Julian's actions and all suppressed their smiles.

Looking at his masterpiece, Julian looked back at Harry and said gently, "A family needs to be neat and tidy. Are you right, Harry?"

Seeing Julian's (fierce) and (evil) expressions, Harry was smiling on the surface, but in his heart he said MMP, "Are I right?"

After finishing these, Julian threw the couple's wands to them, and then took Harry back to Madam Malkin's robe store to continue customizing robes for Harry.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the Malfoy family on the ground, who cares about them.

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