Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 99 Reappearance Of The Gate Of Hell

The three of them came to the inside of the tower, because the environment here is already dark, and there is nothing in the tower that can provide heat, so the whole tower looks very gloomy and cold. The feeling of being drilled into the bone, the piercing want to make people leave this place.

Julian looked at Vanessa, who was pale, and Dumbledore, who looked normal. Julian thought for a while, and poured his own magic power into his eyes.

Driven by the magic power, the eyes shone brightly, and a silver transparent armor instantly enveloped the three of them.

The biting chill was blocked by the armor in an instant, and Vanessa's face returned to normal.

Vanessa poked the armor curiously, and then asked, "What kind of magic is this, it looks like a protective spell, but it's a little different.

After speaking, Vanessa turned around and looked at Julian. When she saw Julian's eyes, Vanessa exclaimed, "Wow, what beautiful eyes, are your eyes also magical? Teach me, okay?" good.

Vanessa grabbed Julian's arm with both hands, shook it constantly, and said while shaking.

Julian was dizzy from being shaken by Vanessa. Looking at Vanessa who was about to be shaken, Julian hurriedly pulled out his arm and said to Vanessa, "Vanessa, this is not magic. The eyes are blessed by the starry sky when I was in the unicorn tribe, and they are not normal to have, so I can't teach you, and this transparent armor is the same."

Vanessa pouted when she heard what Julian said, with an unhappy expression on her face.

Looking at Vanessa pouting in front of him, Julian shook his head, then stepped forward and led Vanessa up to the top of the tower.

The three of them continued to move towards the top of the tower, and encountered many empty prison cells in the middle. How cruel Grindelwald is, and how miserable the people who were imprisoned here were.

Thinking of what Claus said that his grandfather died here, Julian not only felt a burst of emotion, no wonder Claus didn't want to come up with them, it turned out that it was because she was afraid of touching the scene.

Vanessa, who was originally excited to see her grandfather, fell silent when she saw these cells and instruments of torture.

Looking at Vanessa who was not in a good mood, Julian didn't know how to comfort the girl in front of him. After all, what her grandfather did was so outrageous and disgusting.

Dumbledore looked at Vanessa, and said gently, "Don't worry about it, your grandfather may be a sinner, but he is also a hero, and he is making sacrifices and contributions for mankind now~々."

Vanessa raised her head and looked at Dumbledore, and said sadly, "What sacrifices, what contributions, I only feel endless resentment and sadness here, Dad and they told me that my grandfather was a hero, but now It appears that my grandfather was a demon after all."

Dumbledore opened his mouth, then sighed and said, "This is not something I should tell you. Your grandfather should tell you. Aha, here we are."

After half an hour of climbing, Dumbledore finally stopped outside an iron gate.

Julian stopped behind Dumbledore, looked at the iron door in front of him, and felt a little emotional for a moment, it was this iron door that locked a generation of Dark Lords.

Dumbledore stood at the iron gate for a long time, as if hesitating for something, he didn't move to push open the iron gate in front of him.

Just when Julian was wondering whether he should go forward and push the iron door open, a young but full of vicissitudes came from the iron door, "Albus, since you are here, why don't you come in."

As soon as the words fell, the iron door in front of the three of them opened by itself.

Hearing this sound, Dumbledore's body trembled, and then he stretched out his trembling hand and opened the iron door.

After Dumbledore walked into the iron gate, Vanessa wanted to follow Dumbledore into the iron gate, but Julian stopped her.

Vanessa looked back at Julian puzzled, Julian pouted her mouth and signaled Vanessa to look at the iron gate, Vanessa turned her head and looked at the iron gate, the iron gate that had been opened at some time had been closed.

Julian looked at Vanessa and said, "Two old friends who haven't seen each other for decades, let them catch up."

After hearing Julian's words, Vanessa nodded helplessly, and then the two came to the stone window next to the iron gate to look at the scenery outside.

Although it is to see the scenery, there is actually nothing to see. The environment near the black tower tends to be dark, and there are no vegetation and creatures. If there are, there are only some bugs and bugs that can survive here.

Just as Julian was looking at the sun in the sky that was covered by layers of clouds and mist, he suddenly felt that Vanessa pulled him.

Just when Julian didn't know what happened, Vanessa's voice came over, "Julian, look at that, does it look like another huge tower?"

After hearing what Vanessa said, Julian hurriedly turned his gaze to the direction that Vanessa was pointing at, and saw a vague shadow on the other side of the mountain about one kilometer away, almost at the same height as the two of them. , because the height of the tower the two of them are in is not low, so this shadow also looks very high.

Due to the occlusion of clouds and mountains, Vanessa couldn't see it very clearly, but Julian could see it more clearly because of the astral eyes. The gate of hell seen in the secret realm.

No wonder I felt a familiar disgusting smell here, and it turned out to be the gate of hell.

Thinking of what Dumbledore said about Grindelwald's sacrifices and contributions to mankind, Julian had a realization in his heart. It seems that Grindelwald built this tower here to guard the gate of hell? ?

It seems that what happened back then seems to be hidden. The cells here do not seem to imprison the so-called opponents of Grindelwald. Thinking of the huge cell and the purple blood in the cell, Julian came to a conclusion that the people who were imprisoned here were not ordinary people who rebelled against Grindelwald, but all the demons were imprisoned here.

Having reached this conclusion, Julian made a decision.

||Vanessa, wait here for a moment, I'll go and have a look," Julian silently recited "Animagus" without waiting for Vanessa's response, turned into a crow and flew towards the gate of hell.

Flying out of the tower, Julian felt a sense of oppression in the air.

Julian lowered his figure and kept himself close to the ground. When Julian flew to the foot of the mountain that blocked the gate of hell, Julian was stunned by the sight in front of him.

All I could see were corpses and bones.

Julian changed back to human form, came to the side of a corpse, and observed the corpse carefully.

The corpse itself has been decayed by time, but the clothes on the corpse are still intact.

Judging from the clothes preserved on the corpse, it seems that this is a dé country Muggle (Liao Zhao) soldier, and judging from the style of the clothes, it seems to be the dé country Muggle military uniform during the world's second weapon fighting competition.

Julian looked around, and could vaguely see the remains of Muggle tanks and cannons, as well as guns and ammunition decayed by time.

Julian turned into a crow again and flew towards the top of the mountain. Along the way, all he saw were the corpses of German soldiers. It was not until Julian flew to the top of the mountain that Julian saw the whole picture of the gate of hell.

That's right, it's the same as what I saw in the secret realm of the starry sky.

Julian picked up a decaying gun from the corpse on the ground, took out his wand and cast a Restoration Charm on the gun.

The decayed gun was quickly restored by Julian to its new appearance. Recalling the contents of the book he read in the orphanage when he was a child, Julian basically concluded that it was a Stg44 assault rifle used by the dé country during World War II.

Straddling the gun to himself, Julian turned back into a crow and flew back towards the tower.

PS: Yes, yes, yes, that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right!!!!!!!

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