Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 98: Nurmengard

Watching Claures go away, Julian turned his head to look at his Dumbledore, then blinked.

Dumbledore nodded to signal the two to follow, and then chased after Claus.

Julian pulled Vanessa and followed behind Dumbledore, and the three of them followed behind Klaus, all the way to an abandoned two-story bungalow that looked like a haunted house.

Cloris stopped in her tracks and said, "Here we are."

Julian looked at the dilapidated bungalow with doubts on his face. Could it be that this is Nurmengard? Impossible. If this is Nurmengard, it would be too bad. After all, it is also a wizard prison with the same reputation as Acikaban. Ah, this is too broken.

Seeing Julian's confusion, Vanessa immediately explained, "Julian's here is not Nurmengard, and the specific location of a place like Nurmengard is generally not disclosed, so I want to go to Nurmengard. We can only get to Nurmengard through the Portkey, and the Portkey to Nurmengard is held by the Ministry of Magic, so only they know where the Portkey is. This should be where the Nurmengard is stored. Where the Portkeys are."

Klauris glanced at Vanessa, and then came to the outside of the iron gate 09 of the outer fence of the abandoned bungalow, pulled out her wand and tapped on several vertical iron bars of the iron gate.

Just after Clauris clicked on the iron door, Julian suddenly felt an unknown energy sweeping through his body.

Vanessa explained to Julian in a low voice, "This is a check mechanism, if someone tries to sneak in, the iron gate will sound an alarm, and all the intruder's disguise will be eliminated by the energy just now .”

Julian nodded, then continued to watch Clarice's movements.

After clicking on the iron door, Clauris turned her attention to the three of Dumbledore, and after realizing that the three were undoubtedly different, she turned around and continued to knock on the iron door with her wand. high speed.

After a while, Claus finished knocking on the iron door. After Claus knocked on the iron gate for the last time, the iron gate opened inward by itself.

After Clause said please again, she walked into the iron gate on her own, and Dumbledore followed closely behind Clause and walked into the iron gate.

Julian and Vanessa looked at each other, and then walked into the iron gate one after the other.

The moment Yuli stepped into the iron gate, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

The dilapidated bungalow looked even more weird at this time. It was clearly sunny outside the iron gate and the sun was shining brightly, but although there was also the sun inside the iron gate, it looked even more eerie.

At this time, the voice of Clauris came over, "Follow my pace closely, don't walk around randomly, there are many traps set up here, if you walk around, you will be directly teleported to the deepest part of Nurmengard, if you If you want to go to Nurmengard as quickly as possible, I don't mind if you take this shortcut, it will save me trouble."

Dumbledore said gently, "I think it's better for us to follow the rules. After all, this is a place we are not familiar with."

Claire nodded uninterestedly and said, "Follow me closely", and then walked towards the bungalow in a strange route.

The three of Dumbledore followed closely behind.

For a distance of less than 50 meters, the four of them actually walked for 20 minutes, which is enough to show how outrageously complicated this section of the road is.

When the four of them finally reached the gate of the bungalow, Claire pulled out her wand again and tapped it outside the gate of the bungalow, muttering something, but because the voice was too low, Julian also Didn't hear clearly.

Just after Claures finished chanting, a magic circle shone on the stone bricks under the four people's feet. After a flash of light, Julian felt that he had fallen into a state of weightlessness.

After an unknown amount of time, Julian broke away from the weightlessness and landed on both feet. After Julian stood up straight, a tall, dark and daunting building appeared in front of Julian.

The tower is surrounded by pitch-black rocks. There is not much sunlight here, and the darkness seems like hell.

Standing far away from the tower, Julian could clearly see a sentence engraved on the top of the gate of the tower, for the greater good

Looking at Julian who was staring at this sentence, Claures said in a slightly mocking tone, "The devil himself built this place to detain his opponents. It is ridiculous that the devil himself built this place. How ironic that the prison was used to imprison himself in the end."

After hearing what Claire said, Vanessa said, "He has been imprisoned for fifty years, isn't it enough?"

"Not enough", Claures shouted loudly, "This monster can't be treated too much, do you know how many people died for no reason because of him back then, my grandfather, a kind man, lived The reason for being tortured to death by that devil here is because my grandfather objected to that devil killing an Auror by hand, what a ridiculous reason.

Claus shouted and her voice became hoarse.

Looking at Clauris with red eye circles, Dumbledore stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, and said softly, "The suffering is over, and the future is still bright, so there is no need to worry about it.

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Clauris nodded, then bowed to Dumbledore, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, thank you.

Dumbledore didn't dodge, because he knew that this was the obsession of the woman in front of him, the most stubborn obsession.

When Clauris straightened up, her face was no longer weak, but returned to the state of a capable female leader in the workplace.

Klauris said hoarsely, "You have a total of two hours of visiting time. After two hours, whether you want to or not, you will be teleported away from here, and return to the bungalow where we came. Go, Grindelwald will At the top, by the way, it's best not to use magic here."

Then Claus disappeared.

Looking at the place where Klauris disappeared, Julian murmured, "Didn't you still look worried about us just now, and now you just go straight away, and you are not afraid that we will take Grindelwald away."

Hearing Julian's muttering, Vanessa said, "Because she knows we can't take Grandpa away, because Grandpa built this place after all, no matter how much she hates Grandpa, she has to admit that the safety here is indeed Outstanding, of course, what she doesn't know is that grandpa has left a secret passage here, so that grandpa can go out for a walk when he is bored."

Looking at Vanessa with a proud face, Julian stroked his forehead, and thought silently, unexpectedly, Grindelwald's life is quite comfortable, and he escaped from prison and went out for a stroll when he was bored. It's the prison I wish I built, where I live comfortably.

But here is really depressing, and there is an unpleasant atmosphere, this atmosphere seems to be familiar, but why can't I remember it?

Just as Julian struggled with the familiar disgusting smell, Dumbledore said, "Let's go, we don't have much time, only two hours, and we also need to count the time we spent climbing the tower, this tower doesn't look like it Low."

Julian raised his head to look at the towering tower, smacked his lips and said, "Your grandpa's artistic accomplishment is pretty good, just looking at the shape, I can give it eight points, but the size is a bit uncoordinated, so I have to deduct it." integral."

Vanessa rolled her eyes at Julian and said, "Don't be poor, you can tell my grandfather these words later, hurry up now, we will start climbing the tower."

After finishing speaking, Vanessa ran towards the tower. Looking at Vanessa who had run away, Julian and Dumbledore looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then walked towards the tower.

PS: Hey, I'm just asking for something, that, that, don't you know that?.

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