Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 348: Idealist wizard

Chapter 348: The Idealist Wizard

He continued, "I don't mind if you violate the school rules, or if you violate the law, because I want you to understand. The important thing is not the rules, the important thing is not the punishment, but the respect for the rules and the hearts of others."

Hermione said, "If you don't have the heart to respect the rules, and the heart of others, once you have the opportunity to not be caught, you will easily ignore the law and commit a crime."

She said gravely, "We don’t respect the Ministry’s decision. We only consider Hagrid’s feelings, so we will recklessly think about saving Buckbeak. We don’t respect the Ministry’s law, so I will be complacent in order not to be caught for breaking the law."

Harry and Ron looked a little embarrassed. They violated the school rules many times, and often regarded these experiences as cool things. In essence, they do not respect the school rules, and they regard their resistance to the school rules as an honor.

As long as they are not caught, violating school rules is very interesting to them.

"That's right, Percy maintains the school rules stubbornly. He hates your violation of the school rules. It's because he regards himself as the party who maintains the rules. He believes that the school rules need to be respected. He believes that he needs to be respected for maintaining the school rules. George said flatly.

Hearing George complimenting Percy, Ron reluctantly said, "But there are also some inappropriate points in the school rules, and there are also some things wrong with Percy." He remembered that Percy would deduct their points for some trivial things. .

"So I didn't stop you from violating the school rules, and I told you how to save Buckbeak." George said lightly, "When you know how to judge things with your own heart, you will know which school rules can be violated. , Which school rules must be followed."

"This is true of school rules, and so is law. You must understand that there are many things we will never do, not because it violates the law, but because we know that this will harm innocent people and that this should not be done. Thing."

"There are many things we must do, even if these things violate the law. This is because we know that people have a heart, and the law cannot restrain people's hearts."

George's voice became a little erratic and distant, as if he was feeling emotional.

"Law has nothing to do with justice, but we have justice and respect in our hearts. As wizards, we are inherently powerful. The laws of the Muggle world cannot bind us, but our hearts can bind us. We can escape the Ministry of Magic. Control, but we can't escape the inner questioning."

"The wizard's life is too long and too long, so long that everyone can reveal their true colors. So don't go against your heart, be careful with your fangs, and don't do things that will make you regret your life."

George turned his gaze to Harry, Harry's expression was in a trance, he might have thought of something. Sirius Black, werewolf Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and his father. They have all experienced those momentary mistakes, lifelong regrets, momentary indulgences, and lifelong ruins.

What George said today is not so much for Harry and the others as for himself. As his power grew stronger, the school regulations and the Ministry of Magic's laws had long been unable to restrain him. And he did not become invincible, did not abuse his power wantonly, precisely because he truly believed in these principles.

The wizard's life is too long and too long, at least his life will be very long, he does not hope that his long wizard's life will leave something regrettable.

In the future, under his influence, the ordinary world will become more and more closely connected with the magical world. The thousand-year rule of refuge will eventually be broken. In that case, both worlds will have a huge impact.

How to minimize the impact of the impact. How should wizards face the current world. In the ordinary people's world, how to prevent the infringement of wizards, these are things that must be considered.

Many ignorant people think that the strong can disrespect the rules, and that the strong can ignore everything and talk about what goes against the sky and the earth. George can only say that those people are too young and naive, their postures are not good enough, and they need to learn more.

The strong are above the law, but the strong need the law more. The strong are above the rules, but the strong need rules. Not only will the strong not break the rules, on the contrary, the rules are the means by which the strong maintain order.

As a strong man in the magical world, Dumbledore is not only for justice, to maintain order and peace. But because order and peace are always the most favorable environment for the strong.

The poor need rules, because the poor are afraid of their money being taken away, and the poor rely on meagre income for their livelihoods. The rich need more rules, because of order and peace, money is meaningful and money can make more money.

The weak need rules ~www.NovelMTL.com~ because there are rules that the weak will not be bullied, and the weak do not have the ability to protect themselves. The strong need more rules, because of order and peace, power can exchange everything the strong needs.

The law is used to protect and restrain the weak, but the law is also used to facilitate the strong. I have always been barefoot, not afraid of stepping on dirty shoes, who worry about property. The stronger, the richer, the more things they have and the more things they care about, the more they need to maintain the rules.

Law has nothing to do with justice. Law only represents rules defined by society, and these rules are defined by the strong. This is the foundation for them to protect their property and let their property grow and develop.

When George became the richest man in the magic world, when George became the most powerful wizard in the ordinary world.

George has begun to regard the entire magical world, and even the entire world of ordinary people, as his own property. A world that is prosperous and developed, has an infinite future, and gradually moves toward the universe is what George really hopes to see and create.

George won't be like those who yell at breaking all rules, won't hit him today and kill someone tomorrow as they hope.

As a great wizard with a perfect outlook on life, world outlook and values. Let the world be filled with love, make the world a better place, eliminate hunger and poverty, eliminate wars and turbulence, and reduce natural disasters and diseases.

With the knowledge and technology of the two worlds, let the world of ordinary people and the magical world continue to flourish.

Let everyone in the streets and alleys become beautiful women, everyone becomes a beautiful woman, this is the ambition of a great wizard.

Let the world's movies and animation flourish, and let the world's games quickly iterate. The second world, the third world, the fourth world, and the nth world. This is the enlightenment that a great wizard should have.

(To be continued.)

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