Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 347: Break the law

Chapter 347

In the writing of those authors, this is a very ridiculous scene. There are even some wizards who find it interesting. A wizard named Wendelin the fortuneteller likes to participate in this "fun" carnival.

He went through various disguise and transformations, allowing himself to be burned more than 47 times in this farce.

It wasn't until he got tired of playing this game that he broke off the rope on the pillar of fire and left. It also frightened those Muggles who burned him, leaving behind a lot of terrible legends.

"When the law cannot judge guilt, the law loses its meaning and becomes a dead letter." George said solemnly, "When the law cannot be tried, when the rules cannot be bound. At this time, the essence and fundamentals of a person will be completely revealed."

He looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron with majestic eyes, and said word by word.

"As you grow, more and more rules cannot restrict you. Previously, you have broken through the constraints of the school regulations, but now you are beginning to break through the constraints of the law. The school regulations can no longer restrict you, and soon, the law It will become more and more difficult to restrain you."

George's words are like heavy drumsticks, knocking on everyone's hearts. Without the rules of punishment, there is no trace of existence.

Just like the school rules, they took the school rules seriously at the beginning and didn't dare to violate the slightest, but as they mastered the method, they mastered the strength. They violated the school rules time and time again, and the school rules have no way to restrain them.

Today, they officially broke through the legal constraints. Now they regard the school rules as nothing, and they never felt that there was anything wrong.

But the thought that one day in the future, as their power will become stronger, they will regard the law as nothing, and this idea makes them shudder.

"What should we do?" Harry asked a little heavy, he didn't want to make himself a person who saw the law as nothing.

Harry hadn't considered these in depth before. He was not a person who values ​​the rules too much. This had a lot to do with the environment in which he lived.

You can't expect a child who has no ability to resist, go and tell the Dursley family that the law does not allow the child to be tortured unless he wants more beatings.

With such an experience, he would naturally know that in the face of abuse and assault, the laws and rules are unreliable, and neither law nor rules can compare to more powerful assaults.

Violence is the most fundamental rule of this world. Whether it is the perpetrator or the victim, a person who has repeatedly tasted violence, you cannot expect them to have any respect for the rules.

Under the rule of violence, if the deer is a horse, the deer becomes a horse, and everything is explained compulsorily. This is the logic of the rule of violence.

But in the same way, the rules of violence can only explain everything compulsorily. Without the guarantee of compulsion, the rules of violence have no meaning. Once a change in the balance of power occurs, the rule of violence loses any meaning, and all the interpretations constructed by the rule of violence collapse.

The moment Harry became a wizard, the balance of power changed. All the influence of the Dursleys on him, all the teachings on him, all that is left is hatred and disgust.

Except for those subtle influences that Harry himself didn't know, he didn't leave any valuable memories of the Dursleys in his heart.

"Perhaps we shouldn't let Buckbeak go." Ron said regretfully.

Only then did he understand the seriousness of this kind of thing. Just like the beginning of their violation of school rules, as long as they start to violate school rules, they will not be punished.

They have no respect for the school rules. They violate the school rules time and time again. Not only do they know how to violate the school rules, but they also know how to avoid being caught and not punished.

As they study in this way how to violate school rules, the school rules become less and less binding. In the end, the school rules have completely invalidated them.

Ron also remembered more things. His father worked at the Ministry of Magic and told his family a lot about work. Those under the strict supervision and control of the Ministry of Magic are usually repeat offenders.

Once criminals start to commit crimes, they will often continue to commit crimes. Those who violate the ban will continue to violate the ban.

Just like Lucius Malfoy, he has been doing bad things tirelessly since he joined the Death Eaters. After Voldemort's fall, he escaped a catastrophe with clever means.

The result of this escape from punishment not only won't let him constrain, on the contrary, it will make him even worse and worse. The more threats, intimidation, and curses, he will do more bad things.

His methods are getting better and better, and it is getting harder and harder to be caught, which continues to stimulate him, making him even more invincible, and even worse.

A criminal, as long as he starts to do evil, unless the law can guarantee to catch them every time ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ guarantees that punishment will make them feel bad. Otherwise, those criminals will continue to do bad things until the moment they die and will never repent.

"This is terrible," Ron said worriedly. The thought that he might become a habitual offender in the future, a person like Lucius Malfoy, he couldn't breathe. He definitely didn't want to become that way.

Looking at Harry, both Ron and Hermione looked heavy and at a loss, George continued.

"It's easy to move your fingers, and it's easy to let go of Buckbeak, it's easy to break school rules, it's easy to break the law, and it's easy not to get caught. But in the end, what kind of person will we become? Can we accept ourselves? It’s not easy to become that kind of person."

"I don't want to become that kind of person." Hari shook his head vigorously.

He thought of the Dursleys, the family that made him sick and full of brains. He thought of Voldemort, the fierce and cruel demon he hated. He also thought of Snape, Malfoy, the pesky that he hates, and doesn't understand respect.

"I will always remember these words." Ron kept reminding himself, and kept admonishing himself, never lose his respect for the rules, and don't let himself become an evil habitual offender.

"Okay." George's tone became lighter. He said, "I am not worried that you will learn badly, and it will not happen overnight. I tell you this, just hope you can recognize some reality and be able to distinguish. What is good and bad."

"Power will allow us to break through the law and break the rules. As wizards, as wizards pursuing powerfulness, we are destined not to be bound by the law, nor by simple rules. Ultimately, only our hearts can restrain us. Remember in your hearts Your feelings, remember how you feel today."

(To be continued.)

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