Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 998 Cover your eyes and close your eyes

There is joy in even the happiest of times, as long as someone remembers to bring light.

— Albus Dumbledore

"Let's go back, Tom, this place is strange."

Pomona heard a girl say.

Immediately afterwards she found herself in a cave, and could vaguely hear the sound of the waves, and there were two boys around her, both dressed as pre-war children.

"If you want to go back, go back, coward." The boy on the left said to the girl.

Immediately afterwards Pomona's gaze was forced to avert, as if her soul was encased in someone else's body.

She is very familiar with the scene "in front of me", although she has only been there once, it is the cave where Tom Riddle placed the Slytherin locket, but it doesn't look as scary now as it did later, and there is only sea water like ink in the pool , and no greasy corpse.

"That's the only place orphans can spend their summer holidays," she heard Voldemort's husky voice say. "That island is far less beautiful than Venice, isn't it?"

"Is this your memory?" Pomona asked.

"Harry Potter thought I didn't notice, why didn't you spy on me like he did?" Voldemort asked again.

"You are a powerful wizard." She said a little timidly.

He who does not know what fear is is not brave, but a fool.

"It was like this before I came to this island." Voldemort didn't bother her with the subject, and went on to say, "Women have supernatural senses, even if she is a Muggle, this cave was full of darkness before I transformed it." breath, just like what you feel right now."

"What do you think caused this?"

"I don't know, have you ever wondered why the Invisibility Cloak, the Elder Wand, and the Resurrection Stone are called the Deathly Hallows?"


"Death can be frightening. You may not understand when I say this. There are sacred and non-sacred ways of death. In fairy tales, when the time comes, the youngest of the three brothers walks with Death. One way of dying is sacred, while others..."

"I understand," she said to Voldemort. "I can feel it."

"Tell me about that feeling."

"Profanity." She thought for a long time that this was the only word.

"You're really not very bright. Walder Walpole is doing vampire research like you. He's already published a book. Where did your research go?"

Pomona sneered.

One of Old Slug's favorite students, Walder Walpole, managed to befriend the vampire Thane and write a book called Blood Brothers: My Life Among Vampires.

"I want to know the truth. Vampires want to improve their current status. What they say will beautify themselves. That's not what I want."

"You know why you don't stink like Quirrell?" Voldemort asked again.

"You are not directly attached to me."

"You said that no man wants to be a woman, and I think you're right about that," said Voldemort slowly. "I don't think kissing Severus is a happy thing."

Pomona stuck out her tongue secretly, the scene of Voldemort and Snape kissing was too horrifying.

"Trelawney's 'horizon' is wider than ours. People in her family can see the future that we can't see. They see the 'future' in our eyes, just like we look back at the past. These are all It's a given, so we're not going to be able to modify the past with the Time-Turner."

"This will cause a paradox. If the 'future' is changed, the 'future you' will disappear, and even the past self will kill the future self, so it is impossible to modify your own destiny."

"But you can modify the fate of people related to you, but in this way, the world you live in after returning from your trip will be different."

"Why are you talking about time all of a sudden?" Pomona asked.

"I'm here to remind you that when you wake up, the world may not be the same as it was before you went to sleep." Voldemort said with a smile, "This is fate, you can't change it, sweetheart."

Voldemort called her by the nickname that the Carlo brothers and sisters called her. Just when she was surprised, the soles of her feet suddenly became empty, and a sense of weightlessness was felt, and she sat up in fright.

She was still in the tent she had pitched, but Severus was gone, and the mountain wind rattled the tent, and she shivered involuntarily.

"Severus!" she yelled, then scrambled to her feet and ran out without her shoes on.

Fortunately, she was wearing socks, so she didn't feel pain when she stepped on the stones. Her last memory was that they had lunch together, and then she went to bed. dawn.

She took out her pocket watch, which showed twelve hours. Easter is the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, the vernal equinox and the full moon. Theoretically speaking, the global day and night are of equal length at the vernal equinox, that is to say, at six o'clock in the morning and at night. The light at six o'clock is the same, and the only thing that can tell whether it is day or night is the position of the sun.

The sun is all right there, but is it east or west?

To identify the direction, you still need to find the north first.

She took out her wand, and was just about to use the spell to find the north, but there was movement in the forest not far away.

She walked over quietly following the sound, and the first thing she found was Severus, his back was facing her, and there was a man kneeling in front of him, she carefully identified, it was the drunk in the tavern Chinese.

Legilimency was a form of torture, and Pomona didn't know how long he'd been torturing the drunk.

The black wizard is like this. He can ask things that can be asked through good communication and inducement. He insists on using such a strong method to provoke an enemy for himself for no reason.

Harry gets his confession from Slughorn after drinking Felicia, which is a lot gentler.

It's just that after handing over the secret, the old slug became suspicious and always felt that others were talking about him behind his back. Would Slughorn regret that he was acting emotionally for a while?

Pomona returned to the tent as if she hadn't seen anything. She didn't feel hungry or in the mood to cook, so she didn't prepare dinner.

Now she wished so much that the Pensieve would appear in front of her eyes, so that she could, like Albus, pull the memory out of her head and look at it in the basin.

On Easter in previous years, the protagonist is usually eggs, although she can also prepare a luxurious dinner on Easter.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered, and took out a small box of Kelibiqi wizard bear biscuits from her pocket, which is a snack that wizard children often eat.

She made some more raspberry jam, dipped it in bear biscuits and chewed it together, probably after she almost finished the whole box of biscuits, Severus came back, the dark breath on him was even stronger, it looked like Bathed in black flames.

"Would you like some?" Pomona generously distributed the bear biscuits to him.

He kept staring at her with tangled eyes, as if she was wearing a mask, and he was trying to tell who was under the mask.

"I forgot what our secret code was." She tried to recall, she seemed to have made an agreement with him to find out who she was and say a secret code that only they knew.

"We must go down," said Severus. "The monster was killed, but it still had parents. Its mother was a leopard, and she fled to the other side of the Alps in the melee."


"That's right."

"Where's its father?"

"The five-legged monster is still inside. Just now, the drunk and his brother thought there was no danger inside."

"Where's his brother?"

"The stomach of the monster has been feces decades ago." Severus said grimly. "That drunk has always wanted to avenge him."

"So, people in the village are guarding against five-legged monsters?"

"It's been hundreds of years, and it's very old, otherwise the drunk man wouldn't have come out." He took out a bottle of Firewhiskey, poured it into a glass, and drank it in one gulp. maze."

"What tricks?" she asked listlessly.

"Remember those specimens we saw in Padua? Among them were the faces of the freaks."

"Of course I do."

"Someone peeled off human faces and made specimens to hang on the walls of the maze. The drunk roughly estimated that there were at least a hundred of them."

Pomona hiccupped in shock.

"When the dark wizard who originally occupied this area died, the original villagers all ran away, and the current villagers migrated later." Severus poured himself another glass of wine, and drank it in another gulp.

"Why did they migrate here?" asked Pomona.

"What started as a treasure trove has now become a healer's village."

"Are they really healers?"

"Who knows? A hypocrite looks like a good guy until he takes off his mask."


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