Alex Brown is 21 years old this year. He lives in Florida, USA, a small city with beautiful scenery.

He is currently a college student at the State University. He usually likes sports and socializing. He has no bad habits except for occasional drunkenness and mindless risk-taking behavior. His family has no history of mental genetic diseases.

Before being sent to the monastery, he went to explore the island of Poveglia in Venice. Later, he underwent a routine examination at the local hospital and found no abnormalities. After arriving at the monastery, he developed a fever the next day and kept talking nonsense. He attacked the nurse that night. monk and killed him.

He is currently being held in the room where he lives. Several old monks joined forces to control him and remove the victim's body, which is now stored in the ice cellar.

The windows of the monastery in the Middle Ages were all very small and placed very high. Joseph had to climb a ladder to see the situation inside. Alex was turning around in the room like a trapped animal at this moment, roaring from time to time. .

Joseph shook his head slightly, and went down the stairs. Dean Xiao En and the ex-exorcist were all looking at him, as if they were waiting for him to express his opinion.

"Did he get worse after coming to the monastery?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, Father Joseph." Dean Xiao En said, "He was relatively quiet when he was first delivered, but he was always scared and said that he was cursed."

"He said someone threw a handful of ashes on his face on the island of Poveglia." The former exorcist said, "Can I borrow your plane and take him to a nearby hospital for a check-up. In the hospital in Venice, he only did Routine checks."

"What do you mean?" Joseph asked.

"I suspect that he is not possessed by a demon." The former exorcist looked at Joseph and said, "but has a disease like epilepsy."

"He has no family history of epilepsy."

"Just because the family doesn't have the disease doesn't mean he doesn't have it."

"How many of you subdued him?" Joseph asked Dean Xiao En.

"four people."

"The space on the helicopter is limited, what if he attacks the pilot?" Joseph looked at his senior.

"We can tie him up with rope."

"Mr. Brown bit off Father Howard's face." Joseph said with a cold face, "I don't think it can be caused by ordinary epilepsy."

This time no one spoke.

Joseph looked around.

"Where are the others?"

"They all prayed in their own rooms," Dean Xiao En said.

"How are they doing?"

"everything is normal."

"How many people know the past of this monastery?"

"Everyone knows." The former exorcist said loudly, "There has been no problem here for 400 years. Maybe the monastery itself has no problems."

Joseph turned his gaze to the senior again.

"There is no problem with the monastery, so what is the problem?" Joseph asked.

"Ten years after the monastery moved away, there was another witchcraft scare in Bavaria because of the food crisis. It was man-made. They deliberately spread the scare to achieve their own political goals." The former exorcist said.

"What kind of storm can a monastery in the mountains cause?"

"That's because we are far away from the crowd. No one else knows what happened here except the people inside us. The reason why there is no one here is because the land is barren and closed. No one wants to fight for it. That's why I think the monastery There is no problem with our monks themselves, the 'poison' is something else." The former exorcist looked at the dial on the clock tower and said, "The purpose of our invention of the clock is to try to spend more time praying and worshiping God. But the technique works best for those who have completely dedicated themselves to money."

The earliest clocks were invented by Benedictine monks in the 12th century. These monks prayed seven times a day. In order to accurately time their seven prayers a day, they invented clocks instead of hourglasses.

In fact, clocks and watches did regularize their lives, but what the monks didn't realize was that clocks and watches were not only a tool for timing, but also a means of integrating and controlling human behavior.

What time do you get up every day? what time to work? What time do you start class and what time do you leave school?

Clocks and watches created an orderly regularity in the lives of workers and businessmen in the Middle Ages. Only with it can today's fixed production process, delivery time and fixed working time and the resulting standardized products be born. It is a basic feature of industrial society.

Agriculture does not need this, it only needs to work at sunrise and rest at sunset. People in ancient times had more free time. Technological inventors often do not know what consequences their inventions will bring to society. It is precisely this unpredictability that even if some inventions have a good purpose at the beginning, they will bring disasters later.

"Do you think that Benedictines are monastics and shouldn't be involved in secular battles?" Joseph also looked at the watch marked with Roman numerals and said, "What do you think is the use of saying this now?"

"We are wasting time. First of all, we have to rule out whether Mr. Brown's abnormal behavior is caused by a disease, and then analyze whether he is really 'possessed'. We are asking the Holy See for help."

"You question me?" Joseph walked up to the other party, staring at him fiercely, his nose almost touching the other party's face.

"In the Middle Ages, we investigated the case based on whether it was witchcraft or not. We should analyze the case from who can get the most benefit from the murder and panic." The former exorcist looked at Joseph without retreating at all. I don't think a handful of ashes can make a person become what they are now."

"Do you know where Poveglia Island is?"

"Plague Island is covered with the ashes of the dead." The former exorcist said, "The plague will not spread through the ashes. This is the common sense of modern people."

Joseph laughed.

"You're pretty mad at him, aren't you?"

The former exorcist laughed too.

"We are not magicians, and exorcism is not a public performance. Devils and evil spirits do exist. Do you remember the last time you failed to exorcise Lieutenant Matt?"

"How long have you been on the phone before they even told you this?"

"There is a creature that hides in people's shadows. At first it makes people feel tired, and then they feel hopeless and drowsy. When people fall to their knees and cry because of this emotion, it will pounce on the victim and devour it. In fact, the way to deal with it is very simple, just kick the nearby stones one by one and it will go away, have you tried this method?"


"The sun is just one of the stars. It is not worthy of being worshiped as a god. The Aztecs worshiped the sun because they were afraid that it would disappear. The sun did not help them overcome their fear." The former exorcist said, "Their psychology is the same as your fear of Brown. Mister will break free, attacking the driver is the same, what you are afraid of is your own fantasy."

"I call this 'fantasy' a predictable 'future'."

"So you are a fortune teller? Or is it because you have received the 'God's will'?"

Joseph was so angry that his face changed drastically, and he was about to argue when the abbot said at this time.

"Why don't you let me accompany Mr. Brown to the hospital, and in the name of God, I promise that even if I die, I won't let Mr. Brown hurt others."

"Then ask the driver if he is willing." Joseph said with a pale face.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to. I know a Serbian special soldier who can fly military helicopters, let alone civilian ones." The former exorcist lowered his head and saluted Joseph, "Thank you for your generosity, Father Joseph."

"Take me to see Father Howard's body." Joseph said to Dean Xiao En without looking at him.

"Please come with me." Dean Xiao En said politely.

Coincidentally, the bell rang at 12 o'clock at this time. According to the law of normal people's life, lunch time has come, but obviously, the three of them were not in the mood to eat. They walked quickly in the ancient monastery and disappeared soon trace.

The power game in Bavaria is full of excitement. The bishop of the prince and the bishop promoted by the Pope are fighting back and forth, and the law school of the university is also involved. It takes a new book to explain the 30 years. Those who are interested can go to Kangkang, here no more description

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