Although the Mandala Hotel is located in Los Angeles, few locals would live there. Why would you stay in a hotel if you have a house there?

Even if there is an affair, or a partner who wants to change tastes, he will not choose such a dilapidated and lacking atmosphere hotel.

What you want for a date is a romantic atmosphere, and the Mandala Hotel is more suitable for shooting horror movies. The last person who had an accident in Room 64 was on a business trip from Detroit to Los Angeles. The hotel he stayed in was not the Mandala Hotel, but the Mandala Hotel. The hotel was closer to where he was going, cheaper than the original hotel, and saved a lot of transportation costs, so he came to live in the Mandala Hotel.

For small people in Shengdou, every little money is saved, and people who go to and from Beverly Hills often don’t care about the little money. They live in a world with ordinary people, but it’s a different world. Some people are curious about them, while others disgusted with them.

Most people of course hope that they are liked by others, but suddenly they find themselves hated by others, and I am afraid that they will not be able to accept it for a while.

There are quite a few people who don’t feel that there is a problem with themselves, so if there is a problem with themselves, it means that others have a problem. They still live a luxurious life with luxury cars, beauties, and spending money like water, and they don’t feel ashamed at all.

This is the United States, as long as you have money, you are a "successful person" and respected, and even selling marijuana is a popular career.

Jim Wilson wants to become a director, or more room for advancement, and partying is the best way to move.

And he doesn't have a pretty face and a hot figure like a beautiful woman. It happens that everyone likes the "candy" he sells at the party, so he becomes one of the "vendors".

The United States wants to legalize marijuana, but it doesn't, which makes the marijuana trade much like it was during Prohibition.

If some people were full of longing for the life of stars and rich people at the beginning, and saw the situation behind their glamorous masks, few people would be dazzled by the halo effect.

Angela Warren's mother, Caroline, works as a maid in a star's home, and the maids also gossip about the master's life. Compared to other people, her master is pretty good, but she has heard a lot What the kids from the rich family did.

At first Mills thought it was Scat Davis' mother who didn't allow her son to associate with Angela, fearing that she would affect his grades or something.

After an investigation, O'Sullivan learned that it was Angela's mother who forbade her from continuing to associate with Sgart.

Sgart's mother was very afraid that others would think that she had not taught her son well, so she was very strict with Sgart, but she did not object when she learned that Sgart and Angela were filming a film about nature together, and even funded it. He travels to Detroit.

And Angela's mother had been kept in the dark by her, she thought Angela went to Detroit alone to find her father.

She prayed in the church for a day and a night, accompanied by church members. She always believed that her daughter was possessed by the devil, and it was the devil who made Angela jump off the building.

After all, David is not a policeman, and the victim also agreed to close the case by suicide, and did not want to autopsy the body. On the contrary, it seems that David, who wants to find out the twists and turns, is a nosy person.

British writer Thackeray once wrote in "Vanity Fair": Human nature is indeed like this, it is both credulous and suspicious, it is weak and stubborn, it can't make up its own mind, but it is very decisive when doing things for others.

Floating names and floating profits, everything is vain! Who among us (Vanity Fair) is really happy? Who is wishful thinking? Even if the wish was fulfilled at the time, wouldn't you still be dissatisfied afterwards?

If a person is disliked by everyone, it is probably because he is not good.

So, good morning! Have a good day at work!

David's spirits are refreshed after a cup of coffee, and there's a cunning doctor to deal with.

Yes, life sucks, but the thing to face is not to continue to face it, in life everyone will meet people they hate, or do things they don't like, like that pimp, he It was William who was interrogating, and he didn't like his job either.

But he needs to live, even if he spurs himself in his heart, he still "leads" people in the kiosk filled with deafening rock music.

Men wear personas in order to be able to live better in society and get along with others better.

Women's makeup and plastic surgery are also for a better life, at least well-dressed beautiful women live much better than those who show their faces.

The richest area in Manhattan, New York is the Upper East Side, and the most chaotic, poor, and high-crime area is East Harlem. These two areas are only one block apart, and it takes 20 minutes to walk there. The woman who committed suicide Mills found The actor is in a luxury apartment on the Upper East Side.

Compared with being disfigured, perhaps what she can't accept even more is being abandoned by her upper class society.

That's right, she's a murder survivor, what did that killer do to her?

People's gossip and strange eyes are not the same as worship and praise.

During the investigation, the actress used her beauty to deal with many men, hoping to get the favor of rich men and continue to live a luxurious life.

She needs money, so she has to turn around among the men she hates, and she doesn't like it but dare not refuse, otherwise her "famous actor" mask will be torn apart.

Once out of money, all she had to do was look out the window and see the slums of East Harlem next door.

She imagined serving dishes as a waiter and relying on tips for a living, or as a maid who was picked on by the seemingly educated master and did not work seriously. She could not accept such a "future", so she took medicine and ended her life .

Over-reliance on the persona drives us to live according to the expectations of others, but sadly, we are often unaware that we are being controlled by the persona.

There is a well-known cartoon called Grinch in Disguise, a well-behaved "loser" who got a mask and became a completely different person. The weird guy with the green face is Stanley's real self, that The actress is overly identified with the mask she has created, and loses her true self under the mask. When her face is destroyed, she doesn't know what to do. She seems to have fallen from the broad road into the abyss of hopelessness.

There was no other way for her, and like the kids of the East Harlem gangsters, no one would study well in that school district.

People who live at the bottom of society have a gray world. Laziness is not the root cause of poverty. Many hardworking people are also poor. These East Harlem residents have two jobs on average.

The reason why they are poor is that they are at the bottom of the benefit distribution chain and have no ability to jump out. This is not just a matter of ability and education.

For many little people at the bottom of society, even if he is desperate to learn, improve his abilities, and create opportunities like Jim, as long as the upper class does not accept them, these efforts are all in vain.

There are many passers-by in Vanity Fair. Beautiful women and talented men are just embellishments in their lives.

They didn't even bother to remember the names of those people. For example, his assistant's name was Ann, so even if the original "An" left the job and the new assistant didn't have that name, he would still call her "An".

"An" = assistant, the name is just a code name, and it means the same thing as a broom called a broom, and a volleyball called a volleyball.

After getting out of the elevator, Mills came in front of Dr. Anthony's assistant. She put on exquisite makeup like many women, but she was a little fat and her skin was very delicate. She looked like a Barbie doll at a glance.

"is there anything that I can help?"

"Hi, Ann, is Dr. Anthony free now?" Mills greeted her with a smile.

Through the open window, he could hear street corner tramps performing a song called "What a Wonderful World," the theme song to the movie "Good Morning Vietnam."

Ah, what a morning it is.

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