Mills stood there holding the dirty biscuit box for about seven or eight minutes. If it wasn't for Jim's voice in the background of the video and the constantly changing numbers, time seemed to have stood still.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly took a step back, and then ran towards the window like crazy. Jim immediately threw away the phone and rushed over, trying to hold him down.

After struggling for a while, Jim picked up the ice bucket, but looking at his posture, he seemed to want to smash the bucket on Mills' head, and the ice and water in the ice bucket drenched Mills head by head. Face, he quickly woke up.

After a grueling night and the fatigue of the trip, Mills couldn't wake up the next morning as refreshed as he had in his early twenties.

He looked haggard and his beard hadn't been shaved clean. It was definitely inappropriate to go to church like this, not to mention that today was Sunday, and many families would attend mass in church.

But he was now eager to get rid of the weird box and continue investigating the Angela Warren incident, so he took a taxi early in the morning to the point of contact the church had told him about.

Hyakki nocturnal walks are often derived from the legend of Fusangshen. In Japanese myths, objects will turn into monsters after a hundred years. These objects can be flowerpots, umbrellas, lanterns, bronze mirrors, etc., but when the morning sun Shine on the earth and they will disappear.

Mills didn't know whether the monk would listen to the priest, but he was too lazy to care so much, and next time he would never investigate two cases at once.

When he entered the priests' office area through the church's back door, Mills found his liaison talking to a woman.

She looks to be in her thirties and forties. The age of a woman is always a mystery. She has dark brown hair, wears a black jacket and jeans, and does not wear high heels. She is very different from women in New York and Los Angeles.

When he massacred her, the woman also noticed his presence, and her eyes widened suddenly.

Father Edward also followed her gaze, and Mills, who originally planned to wait for their chat to finish, had no choice but to come forward.

"Are you Father Edward?"

"Yes you are?"

"I'm David Mills, the secretary of the Diocese of Detroit told me that I can contact you if I need anything."

"Oh, nice to meet you." Father Edward immediately shook hands with David enthusiastically.

"Who are you?" Mills glanced at the woman next to him angrily, her eyes were fixed on him.

"Isabella Taylor." The woman looked him up and down "You seemed to have a bad night last night."

"Taylor... you and Eddie Taylor and Caroline Taylor..."

"They are my parents." Isabella said with a smile, "I came here to investigate the incident."

"Oh," Mills said dryly, "what's haunted this time?"

"The undertaker, what about you, Mr. Mills?"

"Hotel." Mills took out the biscuit tin spinning in the paper bag. "This thing nearly killed me last night."

"The Mandala Hotel?" asked Father Edward.

"That's right, I did some research, and this time the ghost may be a Japanese monk."

"Father Edward," another priest called from the end of the corridor.

"Wait for me a moment, please," said Father Edward, and followed the young priest.

Mills and Isabella were alone in the hallway.

"Can I see it?" Isabella asked.

"No problem." Mills handed over the biscuit box.

Isabella didn't rush to open it.

"I can feel that there is a strong spiritual force on it." She stroked the biscuit box and said, "Is it disturbing you?"

"Does it count as encouraging me to commit suicide?"

"You know Buddhism..."

"I know that Buddhism does not advocate suicide." Mills said impatiently, "I heard that the Taylors have a museum, can you take it away?"

"I don't know," Isabella said. "I can keep it for a few days, but it may continue to affect you."

"What?" Mills said in surprise.

"As far as I know, not every guest who lives in Room 64 of the Mandala Hotel has accidents or hallucinations. Mr. Mills, it has affected you very much. Do you know why?"

Mills didn't answer her right away.

Isabella opened the biscuit box, revealing the silver box inside.

"Baiju Wan?" She read the Chinese characters on the box.

"That's his lover's name," Mills said. "They're both gay..."

Mills told Isabella the stories of Qingxuan and Baijumaru, as well as the reincarnation of Baijumaru's Ying Ji, Hell Changing Screen and so on.

"I believe it's not the utensils that have turned into fusangshen, oh my god, what am I talking about?" Mills said a little grumpily after finishing speaking.

He sure looks like a lunatic now.

"Do you think Qingxuan's soul is like a Horcrux in this box?" Isabella continued.


"Horcruxes can seal up part of a person's soul. In the eyes of the Egyptians, the body is the container of the soul..."

"I don't care about that, can you handle it?" Mills said impatiently.

"With all due respect, Mr. Mills, I think Qingxuan's soul is possessing you now, even if I take this box away, it will still come back to you, just like the Annabelle doll my parents dealt with, now The key is to keep him from pestering you."

"so what should I do now?"

"Continue to investigate. Also, you'd better give it to the temple. They should know more about monk ghosts than monks."

Isabella returned the box to Mills.

"Is this thing evil?" Mills asked.

"Sorry, what do you mean?"

"I mean does this thing get me cursed or something?"

"Have you ever heard of pyxis?"

"The communion box?"

"What do you think is in that box?"


"People believe that eating the Holy Communion will bring you blessings. I can't guarantee that the box in your hand will bring you curses or blessings. Maybe you can ask someone to do a fortune telling."

"Such as tarot cards?" Mills smiled strangely.

"I know." Isabella said with a smile. "Sounds like crazy."

"But you're suggesting I do it anyway?"

"I'll tell you a secret, can you not tell anyone else?" Isabella said mischievously.

"What secret?"

She looked left and right, then leaned close to Mills' ear, and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people, "The fortune teller I know told me that it is not she who can predict the future, but the one possessed by her." God', she has no memory of what she said or did when she was possessed."

Mills shuddered and looked straight at Isabella.

Isabella smiled at him, and walked away swayingly.

It rained all night last night, and the weather cleared up this morning. Mills watched her walk in the bright sunshine, and turned to the door that Father Edward went to just now.

Whether what she said was true or not, he wanted to get rid of the cookie box, and he still had to find a place to sleep, and he wasn't going back to the Mandala Hotel anyway.

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