Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 942 Refuse to do good deeds

If I am Moses, you (Jung) are Joshua, and will have the promised land of psychiatry, which I can only watch from afar.

— Sigmund Freud

"The astronomical forecast shows that there will be an 'annular eclipse' astronomical landscape in South America on April 8. At that time, an annular eclipse will be visible in Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, southeastern French Polynesia, and Bounty Islands, and partial eclipses of varying degrees will be visible in other regions ..."

Early on Sunday morning, Vatican Radio broadcast the news from the moment the sun rose.

In fact, this is no longer news. With the popularization of astronomical knowledge, many universities and even amateurs can estimate the solar eclipse cycle by themselves.

In the sound of the radio broadcast, Joseph put on a black shirt and trousers. He meticulously arranged the neckline and cuffs, and combed his hair very smooth with hairspray. If he did not wear a Roman collar, he would look like a Going to catch a date.

He will go to St. Peter's Church to attend mass in a while. Not everyone is qualified to participate in this kind of ceremony. If he follows the normal process, he may have to wait at least ten years. If it is in the Middle Ages, this time will be longer, unless He has a good father like Medici.

But given his special status now, he is qualified to stand in the most inconspicuous corner.

Jealousy is not only one of the seven deadly sins, but also a very common negative emotion. It is not tied to a specific social structure and political system.

In the transition from feudalism to capitalism, the wealthier members of society have given up helping the poorer poor.

This has nothing to do with Darwin, but the accumulation of wealth advocated by Calvinism, which is in opposition to the charity advocated by Catholicism.

Growing inequality increased envy, and the refusal of bread and milk handouts by the rich increased the envy of the poor.

Even if a person is not very good looking, as long as he puts on a beautiful suit, it will look new.

Handsome and beautiful natural looks are not as good as those who can "cast magic" on their faces if they don't know how to dress up.

Whether it's handmade suits or cosmetics and jewelry, everything needs "money".

Money in the Middle Ages needed precious metals such as gold and silver. What it represented was not gold and silver itself, but stimulus words such as bread, cloth, meat, and wine. They could stimulate people's subconsciousness and then affect people's behavior.

Modern money is paper, and the dollar is linen and cotton, not gold and silver, but it still represents stimulus words such as bread, cloth, meat, and wine, which can also stimulate people's subconsciousness and affect people's behavior.

After discovering the New World, Spain brought back a lot of silver from South America, which made people very "stimulated", thinking that bread and silver coins exploded in a blowout.

All in all, the Spaniards did not get what they wanted with silver coins, as they imagined.

After Henry VIII's marriage broke down, the marriage relationship between the two countries broke down. At the same time, Spain supported Catholicism, but Britain carried out religious reforms. Spain and Britain were like divorced couples who turned against each other.

Can a man who is determined to divorce make him "turn his prodigal son back"?

In order to achieve the goal of divorcing Catherine, Henry VIII even betrayed Catholicism. It is also almost impossible for people to understand that the more money they have, the more they can prove their status and ability.

During the Irish famine, the Protestants did not want to go through the difficulties together. If the poor stole a piece of bread from the rich, the judge and executioner could hang the thief.

During the Great Depression, milk would rather be dumped than given to those who need it.

Social Darwinism is very unconscionable, but if one's own interests are harmed, one's conscience can be sold to the devil, and at most one will shed two crocodile tears after the work is done.

"Bloody Mary", who succeeded Henry VIII, planned to convert the state religion back to Catholicism by killing. When she was an adult, she was almost pushed to the trial for treason by Henry VIII because she refused to convert to Protestantism.

He later married King Philip II of Spain, the defender of the Catholic world at the time.

She is like a real-life Cinderella, abused by her stepmother Anne Boleyn, not only lost the right to inherit the throne, but also became the maid of her half-sister Elizabeth I.

As the father, Henry VIII looked on coldly, all because Mary was not a boy.

The Boy Scouts taught that when you poop in the countryside, you have to dig a hole like a cat and bury your own excrement.

When Joseph first arrived at Richard's place, his house reeked of human excrement.

Some rituals can bring pleasure, but forcing yourself to perform rituals to achieve a certain purpose will have negative effects. Richard used too much autosuggestion to go to the bathroom, and his feces, wrapped in paper towels, were all over the place.

He "cheated", not in the exam, but in order to know his fate in advance and divination from "Bloody Mary".

His parents have been giving him "hints" that studying is to lead a better life, and it seems that he has no other way to change his destiny except studying and taking exams.

He attaches great importance to going to school, and even uses magic and seeks the help of witch doctors to drink some "special medicine" to develop wisdom.

With drugs and autosuggestion, he hypnotized himself.

Dependence is not only human, but also the instinctive behavior of many animals. Harlow's rhesus monkey experiment separated the newborn monkey from its mother from the first day of birth, and stayed with two mothers for the next 165 days, one with a wire " "Mom" and "Mom" in fabric, the wire mom has a feeding bottle on her chest, the cloth mom doesn't.

Although the baby monkeys were able to drink milk when they were with the wire mother, they would rather not drink milk than stay with the cloth mother.

Physical contact has even more effect on the development of the baby monkey than breastfeeding. It only goes to the wire mother when it needs food and drink, and cuddles with the cloth mother most of the time.

Although the experiment was done on monkeys, many psychologists believe it could work on human babies as well.

Some children are particularly dependent on blankets and stuffed animals. This obsession with comfort objects is a lack of love.

Richard's reliance on ritual was to overcome anxiety and security. Joseph made him smoke the wormwood, moving him from one ritual to another.

Cultural attachment is also a habit, and it takes Richard to believe that it works so that he can overcome that unnecessary desire.

The Catholic exorcism ritual is incomprehensible to Richard, so it is better to wear the smell of wormwood for peace of mind.

Homosexual behavior is legal but not accepted in the United States, which is not the same as it is illegal but widely accepted in Asian countries. The smell of wormwood is seen by many Americans as a strange smell. In order to cover up his uniqueness, he used wormwood essential oil, which evaporated too quickly, and the sense of insecurity enveloped him again.

As with all animals, sexual drives can have a huge impact on behavior, and sexual harassment has ruined Richard's life. He will never be the son that his parents would be proud of.

But he was also relieved because of this, instead of being a respected doctor who treats people, he became a pet doctor and lived a much happier life than before.

Jung once said that those who have not experienced the purgatory of passion can never overcome passion.

Understanding your own darkness is the best way to deal with the dark side of others.

Money, women, and power are the three things that drive men forward. Joseph doesn't have that kind of passion for money or women.

When love reigns, power does not exist; when power reigns, love does not exist.

The two are shadows of each other.

"I'd rather be a whole person than a good person."

Joseph looked in the mirror and said, just like those office workers who said "I'm great" to the mirror before going to work every day, but this sentence was not said by him, but by Jung.

This kind of self-motivation is almost ineffective, because after the motivation, there will often be a lot of setbacks in reality, but they hide their dark thoughts and usually look law-abiding.

When they hear the news of the downfall of executives, or the scandals of celebrities, or the tragedy of 9/11 in the United States, some people will inevitably feel complacent, because there is a hidden desire in their hearts to destroy successful people, which is also caused by jealousy.

A person with a strong sense of jealousy desires success and is particularly afraid of success, because they will project their jealousy on others, thinking that others will destroy their success, so once they succeed, they will experience a very disturbing period. status.

American psychodynamicists call this the "Jonah plot."

The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel features Jonah with a fish.

Among all the books of the prophets, the book of Jonah is the most distinctive. The Assyrian Empire is a powerful threat to the Israelites. Now because of its great crimes, God plans to destroy it. Wouldn’t it please the hearts of the Israelites? Why give them another chance to repent.

So when he received God's order to go to Nineveh to preach a warning to persuade them to leave the evil way, otherwise God would send disasters and destroy Nineveh in 40 days.

Later, he was shipwrecked and was swallowed by a big fish for three days and three nights. Later, the Lord Jesus quoted Jonah’s experience to explain that he was in the tomb for three days and three nights, and was resurrected from the dead.

Jealousy is a powerful and destructive emotion. John Doe said that he was too calm when he was jealous of Mills, but he was very excited when he argued with Mills in the police car whether the victims of the seven deadly crimes deserved their crimes.

Maybe John Doe didn't want to be a doctor, he wanted to be a judge more, but if his father was a doctor and forced John Doe to be a doctor like himself, then it would be understandable.

People who talk about "obsessive-compulsive disorder" all day are mostly fake obsessive-compulsive disorder. Because they are afraid of dirt or bacterial contamination, doctors will pay great attention to cleanliness, and they can wash their hands, shower or bathe many times a day.

Richard's forced ritual actions and prayers are also compulsive behaviors, but compared with other cases, Richard's case is more "heavy" and easy to impress, so Joseph used it as a typical case.

Richard was not "obsessed," but it was because of him that Joseph became a "star."

"I would rather be a whole person than a good person." Joseph said again to the mirror, bowed his head and picked up the olive wood cross, the Bible, and the golden rosary on the table, which he said last night. Obtained in the "Sanctuary".

The Catholic Church just loves these flashy things.

He sneered, pinched it and made a sign of the cross, then turned off the light and opened the door to leave.

This small storage room without even a window was as dark as the belly of a fish, except for a little light in the crack of the door, it was impossible to tell that it was daytime.

The Catholic Church spent a lot of money for the sense of ceremony

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