"Why can women still turn on the lights in broad daylight while worrying about global warming?" O'Sullivan looked back at the cleaner who turned on all the lights in the office. She seemed to be very skilled at this job, crackling Pressed a button, then pushed her car away.

"Who made the video?" Mills asked ecstatically.

The protagonist in the picture is Angela, and the camera keeps moving with her, which shows that this is not a fixed camera position.

"Her friend, Scat Davis." O'Sullivan took a bite of the donut and said while looking at the information.

"Are they a couple?"

"No, they're just friends. Sgart's parents don't support his relationship with Angela."

"really? Why?"

"Sgaat is the kind of person who wants to enter the Ivy League in the future. Angela's chance to get into the state university depends on luck, but you can see that she is very beautiful. Which boy can refuse her request?"

Angela on TV has a very bright smile. She is filming the growth of plants in an abandoned church and talking about the magical power of nature.

All in all, human beings lose, nature wins. Protecting the environment is not for public welfare, but to protect the environment that human beings rely on for their livelihood. This is the second time Mills has watched it, and he didn’t see anything strange throughout the whole process.

Why are they anxious, a Stanford University study found that women are twice as likely as men to suffer from an anxiety disorder? That's because they love to think wildly.

Women have more anxious thoughts, including health, body, social interaction, etc. What's the use of being nervous when the sky is falling and there is an Atlas on top?

How nice to be so innocent and carefree like Angela.

Angela is the quintessential "America's Sweetheart," and it's hard to imagine a cheerleading cheerleader like her committing suicide.

"She has blue eyes." Mills looked at the TV and said, "Does that look weird to you?"

"Do you want to go to the morgue?"

Mills glanced at the scorching sun outside and said nothing.

"Oh, you're scared!" O'Sullivan shouted as if seeing a spectacle.

"Shut up!" Mills yelled impatiently.

"Are you still the same David Mills I knew?"

Mills didn't answer him right away.

"He didn't kill me, his gun was aimed here at the time, and he just had to pull the trigger." Mills pointed his index finger at his temple and said, "I don't know what made him let me go, I said at the time said 'no', I think his other victims said the same thing, he could choose not to listen, I thought for a long time and didn't figure out, if I die, will Trish and my daughter live , I'll be another cop who died in the line of duty, and when my daughter grows up, she'll be 12 years old this year, about the same age as Angela, but then the 'Seven Deadly Sins Killer' might still be on the loose , she may volunteer to become a policeman in order to avenge me, but one day she may die on the street like me, beside the trash can, I still remember the smell of trash, I don’t want to die In the rubbish, but when I shot, Trish's face flashed in front of my eyes, not the bloody face in the cardboard box, but the clean, lifeless blue eyes."

"Okay, stop talking." O'Sullivan persuaded.

"She doesn't look like a living person, more like a sculpture, or a wax figure, not real, but in my eyes, she looks so real, but Angela said, all this is not real, what does she mean ?”

"Do not pay attention to what she said."

"No, I can feel the pain, and the sadness and the fear, it's all real to me, and she says it's not real, so what is real?"

"Or you can go back, I can do it alone." O'Sullivan said dryly.

"Do you know what hell is like? A group of mindless people are circling in the dark with two swirling waves, bumping into each other, cursing and accusing each other. These people don't distinguish between good and evil in life. It’s also beyond recognition, there were two people who went to the abandoned church at that time, or at least two people, why did Angela have an accident, and the kid named Sgart is okay?"

O'Sullivan opened his mouth.

"Amazon doesn't look like a bad guy." Mills stood up "I bet Skatter won a science prize or something, there's no way 'superstition' has anything to do with it, don't be fooled by a serial killer Don't let him win."

"Did you really see the hell just now?" O'Sullivan asked.

"No, someone else told me after reading it."


"Damn Dante!" Mills backed out of the cubicle. "Look, I'm not the David Mills you knew."

After turning around, Mills' expression became calm and composed, looking very old William.

Twelve years are enough for one person to finish elementary school, junior high school, and high school, which means that it is enough for an illiterate to become a "scholar".

Mills picked up his phone, made a call, took a sip of his coffee, and immediately threw it in the trash with a look of disgust on his face.

"Looks like something hasn't changed," he murmured just as the phone connected.

"She's dead." Mills didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"How did you die?" The voice of the Detroit pastoral agency came from the other end of the phone.

"Jumped off a building and got hit by a car," Mills said. "But she wasn't the only one in the house, and you'd never believe what happened..."


On the other side of the world, the sun had already set, and Veronica slowly opened her eyes in a moment of relaxing tranquility.

At this moment, she was in the room arranged for her by the abbot, with a fairly comfortable bed, a table, and a cross for prayer, but no other furniture.

The money Raura earns from part-time jobs is only enough for her own expenses. She always complains that she has no place to store clothes, and at the same time complains that she has no clothes to wear. But in Veronica’s eyes, Raura has so many clothes that she doesn’t have enough clothes every day. Repeated.

Although Veronica does not work part-time to subsidize the family like Monica, she knows how not to burden her mother as much as possible.

Although this room was simple, she had it all to herself. She let out a long sigh of relief and stared at the peeling ceiling in a daze.

How did she get here?

She tried to remember, but the memory was as white as a napkin, and she couldn't remember what happened.

"Love is patient, love is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not quick-tempered, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, Loves nothing but the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things; love never fails."

Veronica sat by the bed and sang in a low voice. This song is called the true meaning of love, which comes from the Bible's interpretation of the true meaning of love in "1 Corinthians".

In her opinion, the lyrics of this song express the "truth" about love.

In Genesis, God created the world from Monday to Saturday, and worshiping God naturally takes priority, so it is done on the first day of each week, so Sunday is also the first day of each week.

Why did God create this world? Is it really just to punish those "sinners"? So the world is actually a prison for it?

She clenched the rosary in her hand and began to pray in a low voice.

She sincerely hopes that the world is made for love.

Joanne Katherine Rowling changed her name to J.K. Rowling at the publisher's request to make her name more "masculine" in order to allow the manuscript to be published

Parents will encourage boys to explore freely, but will tell girls to "be careful".

Voldemort was definitely a top student when he was studying, and he was also the president of the student union

Today is World Culture and Heritage Day, three more celebrations

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