Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 936 Room of Angel

Facing the Emmanuel II Memorial Church, walk along Marcelo Theater Avenue on the right for about 15 minutes, and you will arrive at the Church of Our Lady of Cosmedin.

There is a marble sculpture in the porch of Notre Dame Church, which resembles a human face, with nose and eyes, and a big mouth. According to legend, if anyone does not tell the truth, it will bite his hand.

This scenic spot is called the Mouth of Truth. In fact, it is a manhole cover from the ancient Roman era. The building of the church itself was built in the 6th century.

This mask is the mask of the Greek god Triton moved from the fountain. He is the messenger of the sea in ancient Greek mythology. The difference from Hermes is that he has a fish tail, just like his father Poseidon. Carries a trident, but his characteristic appendage is a conch shell, which he uses as a horn to raise waves.

When he blew the conch hard, it was like the roar of a ferocious beast, even the mighty Titan was moved by it.

Da Vinci designed this shrine to place the saint's relics. I don't know if there is a principle of borrowing the mouth of truth. The treasure is right in front of you, you can see all its details, but you can't touch it, if you want to touch the real thing, you have to put your hand in, but it's unknown what mechanism will be touched by doing so.

Maybe you will be drowned by the water of the underground river. Such anti-theft measures in ancient tombs are very common. They are often shown in movies. Even the assistant who helped Da Vinci build this secret room died. How can someone like Joseph who knows nothing Dare to act rashly?

The reason why many people commit crimes is because they have this kind of luck that they may not be caught if they do bad things. Although Da Vinci was a painter and his paintings were very feminine, he was not a compassionate person. He also has moments of rage.

Leonardo's nemesis was German, and while in Milan, he decorated the duke's room, only to have his assistant, a "wicked German crook," leave his job to hunt birds with the Swiss guards in order to work for someone else, Betrayed his private studio.

In the Belvedere Palace in Rome, still a German assistant, Leonardo in a rage is chaotic, almost on the verge of paranoia, it is difficult to connect such a madman with the engineer who designed those complex and exquisite machines.

Someone once said that the reason why human beings need a unified country is to build water conservancy and transportation. There is a proverb that "all roads lead to Rome". Roads in the outskirts of Rome.

After the division of Rome, all the old water conservancy projects were abandoned, and the city became dirty and messy, becoming a hotbed of plague outbreaks.

Luke 17:32: On the day that the Son of Man is seen, remember Lot's wife.

The woman who refused to listen to persuasion and insisted on turning back turned into a pillar of salt.

Joseph believed that she had turned into a plaster statue, like Pompeii, and many people died in their sleep, and the volcanic ash fell on them, leaving that moment forever.

On the day Sodom was destroyed, fire and brimstone rained down from the sky. It was like a volcano erupting. Noah made a covenant with Yahweh that Yahweh would not destroy the world with a flood. He will treat Jerusalem the same way, destroying everything he thinks should be destroyed.

Only those who were marked were spared.

Ash Wednesday, also known as Ash Wednesday, is also the first day of Lent. Many liturgical churches will perform a ceremony of plastering or spreading ashes on this day to symbolize the meaning of Christians expressing repentance and fasting.

Not only the blood and relics of saints, but also the ashes are bought, which is the same as Buddhists buying relics of eminent monks.

Without a supernatural purpose, the sacred object loses its deepest meaning.

There are many people who study Leonardo da Vinci, many of whom define him in this way, he uses a visual way to appreciate the beauty behind the laws of nature.

Sometimes he can blur the boundary between science and art, which makes his works look like art, and art like science. Although there are many illogical things, everyone can feel the "beauty" when they see it.

This may also be a kind of super nature, which is different from the creation based on material desire.

When angels come, there will be an equal number of demons.

Similarly, when a demon is born, an equal number of angels will descend.

When the angel arrives, people can feel courage and hope. Listening to the sound of underground water outside in this room no longer feels mysterious, but like a quiet mountain spring.

In addition to the small town of Fatima, the current pope also prayed in the small town of Lourdes in southern France.

There is a spring there, which can heal the sick. The 19th century was the age of enlightenment, and many people doubted the Bible and the church. Therefore, the Virgin Mary made people believe in the existence of supernatural life through her appearance.

There was a peasant girl named Bernard, and near there in a place called Marthabier, she heard a sound like a gust of wind, and later in a cave, a very beautiful woman appeared in front of her and smiled at her.

The woman, dressed in white, with a blue sash around her waist, holding in her right hand a rosary on a gold chain with precious stones, and red roses at her feet, stood there for about a quarter of an hour, but Bernard's two She was so frightened that she kept saying the rosary, but the woman smiled and blessed her.

On February 14th, she felt an inexplicable force urging her to go to the cave again; but her mother refused to agree. Fortunately, her two companions helped her beg for her mother's consent. When he got there, Bernard felt possessed as soon as he saw the woman.

A few days later, the same force urged her, and her mother forbade her to go again, because she was afraid that if her daughter was deceived by the devil, wouldn't their family become a laughing stock for the neighbors? But this time several women volunteered to accompany her, and it was noticed that she seemed to be talking to someone.

"If I help you, will you pray for sinners?"

Joseph heard a woman whispering.

"I just want to help those who are incurable." Joseph said, "I won't lie to you, ma'am, desire can make people do a lot of incredible things. There is a kind of person in this world, the doctor has pronounced the death sentence, He came to Lourdes with the last hope. Some people were healed and some were not, but he blamed others. Because he didn’t heal as he wished and continued his own life, he resented those who helped him. Nothing great enough to pray for sinners like that."

"Your thinking is worldly," the woman said.

"My job is to 'expel'. I put the sheep in and drive the wolf out. Once it goes berserk, the sheep will be harmed. Every year, millions of people go to Lourdes on a pilgrimage to bathe in the miracle of curing various diseases. The spring water cures diseases, but among them, only one or two percent of them are sick. Most believers go there for prayer, and they selflessly dedicate their love. I cannot let these people be harmed. When those When patients arrive in wheelchairs, on stretchers, on special trains or buses, volunteer men and women step forward, push their wheelchairs, carry their stretchers, and chant the Rosary aloud incessantly .Medical can’t help, how can they blame the spring water for being useless? They can lie at home and wait to die. Before they die, they can watch their children quarreling over the division of property. Now that they are here, they have to choose the life of God. , instead of accusing us of being liars, I am not a saint like you, I remember the story of the farmer and the snake, the kind farmer saved the life of the snake but was bitten."

"Death raises a man, even if he was a sinner," said a man.

"Oh, I don't think so. When the farmer was dying, he said, 'I pity the wicked. I don't know the good from the bad. In the end, I hurt myself and suffered such retribution'. The wicked are not worthy of sympathy. God created hell for them of."

"Please always have the kind thoughts of being united with God. This is not to escape the suffering of this world, the temporary punishment of purgatory, nor the eternal punishment of hell, nor to enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven. God loves the world, and even His only begotten Son was given to them, and many who read this verse were saved by faith, and you should love, young man," said the man.

"Of course I love people, but why should I love people who are not human?"

"I cry every night for my son," said an old woman. "I asked God to change his mind. God heard my plea. He came back and became a saint. The Son said..."

"I know the allusion. One person has two sons. The younger son said to his father, 'Please give me the family property I deserve'. He felt that his father was in his way, and he was tired of the constraints of his father's family. He misunderstood After the separation of the family, the eldest son took care of his father, and the younger son spent all the money he had with his property. Later, there was a famine in that place, and he became poor. To join a man in that country, who sent him to tend pigs in a field. It was the cheapest, meanest job. The young man, who thought he was free and congratulated himself, was now a pig-herd. Trapped in the bitterest bondage, entangled in the ropes of his own sins, the beauty and vanities that tempted him in the first place are gone, and the golden age of life, the bright vistas of intellect and youth, and spiritual desires are all consumed by lust. , the prodigal son in a difficult situation finally 'woke up', so the young man left the pig herd and returned to his hometown. His loving father accepted him, but his brother felt it was unfair. He is obliged to provide daily support, and he only comes back when he can't get along, although the father lost and recovered a son, why should the shameless little son receive such preferential treatment?"

"One day the father will die before the two brothers. The elder son will always be with his father. If one day the father dies, only the elder son and the younger son will be left. The elder brother accepts a repentant younger brother. They are still a family. They do not accept The family will be torn apart." The woman said, "Pray with us for the sinners, and pray that they too will return the prodigal son."

Joseph shook his head.

"He didn't really want to atone for his sin at all, that was his acting."

"The lost lamb couldn't find his way home by himself, so God sent someone to find it, and that's what the priesthood is for," said the woman, handing him the rosary beads in a gem-and-gold chain. "We shall prevail."

"Is this the one? Father." the headmaster asked.

Joseph came to the realization that there were no luminous spirits before him, and his hand was touching a vision of a rosary of white beads and a gold chain, exactly the same as the one the woman in the dream had given him.

"Yes." Joseph rubbed his face and took half a step back.

"Get out, please," said the headmaster.

Joseph left the "Holy Church" as promised.

When he came to the underground aqueduct of ancient Rome again, he remembered a story about Da Vinci.

When the church was busy suppressing "heretics", Giuliano de' Medici asked Leonardo da Vinci to design a drainage plan, turning the Pontine swamp southeast of Rome into fertile land.

People in Florence never stop chasing power and glory, but the Medici family is so different from Borgia.

Behind the intellectual enlightenment movement of the Renaissance is the Medici family. Without the huge power and financial resources of this family to sponsor and protect these thinkers and artists, this revival movement may become a thing of the past.

"Jesus Christ!"

Joseph cursed in American street slang.

He didn't know how others felt when he experienced the same experience, anyway, he was so shocked that he lost his ability to think.

The three "angels" are borrowed from Our Lady of Lourdes, Santa Monica and Thomas More, an English Catholic

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