Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 935: Chamber of Mysteries

The Vatican is one of the smallest countries in the world, but it is not the smallest country. There is still such a "country" on the earth. Its territory is only two small three-story buildings, and it is still rented. This country is called the Knights of Malta. .

Three elements are needed to form a country—territory, people, and sovereignty.

The Knights of Malta has no territory, but this country cannot be found on the map. It is located at No. 68 Condodi Avenue in Rome, a building "Malta Palace" covering an area of ​​0.012 square kilometers.

But it has established formal diplomatic relations with 104 countries in the world.

This country not only has a place in the United Nations, but also has the right to issue its own passports, stamps, currency, public buildings and judicial independence.

Of the three major knight orders, the Hospital, the Temple, and the Teutonic Knights, there is only the Hospitaller Knights of Malta left. They have removed their armed nature and are currently mainly engaged in charity, while also operating some church properties.

Modern primary and university education originated from monasteries in the Middle Ages. After the unification of Italy, the church donated part of the monasteries to open schools.

The biggest difference between missionary schools and secular schools is that ordinary primary school students have to perform stage plays, ordinary elementary schools perform Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and missionary schools perform stories from the Bible.

In addition, missionary schools often have a small chapel with a bell tower above the chapel. The modern class bell is no longer ringing, and soft music is used instead, but it still exists.

Led by the headmaster of a primary school run by the Knights of Malta, Joseph descends underground through a secret entrance behind a chapel, a church dating back to the fourth century, although most of the building dates back to 1084, when the Normans attacked Rome When it was destroyed, there are still some murals left, describing the story of the Way of the Cross.

On the streets of Rome in the early morning, if a person walks alone, he will have the illusion of traveling through time.

This is not only the experience of being a foreigner, but also the experience of every Roman.

The city has experienced countless wars, which are related to many historical events. When Joseph walks down the stairwell, he will unconsciously look at the murals from the corner of his eyes. Those stains look like dried blood. There was a scorching breath.

Considering that the upstairs is a machine room, perhaps the heat generated by the operation of the machine, after passing through the church, they came to an ancient alley, which was an ordinary residential area around the first century, and the foundation of the fourth century church was built on on the entire residential area.

"Like a rock formation, isn't it?" the grizzled principal sighed, "Leonardo Da Vinci liked to collect fossils when he was in Rome. Do you think this street looks like a fossil?"

"Unbelievable." Joseph said in amazement.

The street seems to have sunk into the ground, and it even looks like it can still be inhabited.

The water supply system of ancient Rome is comparable to the Parthenon in Greece and the pyramids in Egypt. In addition to those magnificent aqueducts, there are also open channels for collecting rainwater, which can remove heavy rain from the city of Rome.

The two engineers who made outstanding contributions to Rome's water supply were Vitruvius and Frantino. The former wrote "Ten Books on Architecture", in which many places talked about issues related to aqueducts. The latter served as the Roman Water Commissioner, directly led the design and construction of the aqueduct, and wrote the book "On the Water Supply of the City of Rome".

With water, the city of Rome can be expanded. The residences of the poor and the rich can be seen at a glance. The principal led Joseph into the courtyard of a rich man. There was a statue of Athena at the entrance. However, in a room in the backyard of the rich man, After the floor tiles are lifted, there is another downward step. This floor is a Mithra altar with a picture of slaughtering a bull painted on it.

"They left a secret passage leading to the underground river." The principal pointed to a hole with a flashlight, and the sound of running water could be heard from inside. "At that time, Augustus's sculptures were everywhere. Make yourself a myth."

"How far?" Joseph asked.

"It's not far." The principal took out a black cloth, "I'll bring it to you after you go down the stairs."

"you do not believe me?"

"This is the rule, even with the pope's amnesty."

Joseph compromised, and after walking down the moss-covered steps that seemed likely to slip at any time to the underground waterway, the principal blindfolded him.

At this time, the nightlife in Rome had just started, but he was underground, and he couldn’t hear anything except the strange sound of running water. After walking staggeringly for a while, he was pushed and shoved by the headmaster and began to climb the stairs. He counted 28 Then he came to a platform, and with the sound of a mechanism turning, a stone door was opened.

The reason why he knew it was Shimen was because he heard the sound of the Shimen opening imitated in the movie. Those dubbing artists were indeed very dedicated.

"Leonardo used to be an ordnance engineer." The principal said, "He invented a lot of machinery. Although he didn't draw many pictures in Rome, he designed this private chapel. I advise you not to act rashly. It is for your life. Think about it."

Joseph couldn't help but whistled.

Leonardo da Vinci designed many water-powered machines for the church, so it's no wonder that this chapel was built near an underground river.

After the warning, the headmaster removed the black cloth from his face, and the surrounding area was still pitch black.

However, at this time, the principal lit a gully filled with oil with a lighter, and the flame instantly lit up the secret room. On the wall of the cave was a golden mosaic painting, depicting the story of the three magi celebrating the birth of Jesus.

"My God." Joseph exclaimed.

"I know, everyone who sees it for the first time will say that." The principal smiled triumphantly. "Remember my warning, don't act rashly, this place is beyond your imagination."

"How about some hints?" Joseph asked earnestly.

The principal points to a room to the left.

Joseph walked over, the ground was covered with gold leaf, just like in the Jerusalem Temple in the Bible, the golden ground and the golden mosaic made the whole space golden, dazzling and almost dazzling, compared with the saints in full bloom Shrines for relics look pretty mundane.

Many religions have rosaries, the Greek sects use leather cords, the Protestants didn't use rosaries before, and now they do.

Many exorcists use rosary beads to bind the devil. Reciting the rosary every day is a kind of homework. Joseph used to own the rosary, but it is a pity that it has no effect in front of powerful "snipers".

Before the 5th century, confession was public, just like the American Temperance Club, where everyone shared how much pain alcohol had brought to themselves and their families, and later it became a private confession to a priest, which opened the door for sinful souls. A convenient door to redeem one's sins with money.

One person fasted for one year to atone for his sins, and he hired ten people and fasted for three days to make up for it. Selling relics of saints is even more common, and even things like "the straw on which Jesus lay" are also sold. Candidate Frederick of Saxony has 5,000 saint relics, which is enough for him to atone for 500,000 years of sin. Anyway, as long as the clergy are willing, anything can be regarded as a saint relic.

These relics are real and false, and in this chapel there are only a few holy relics, but there are other rooms next to it, but this room is filled with rosary beads.

They were placed on a gold case, embossed with angels all around, and Joseph reached for one of the amber rosary beads, but found nothing, and tried again, but still missed.

"This is a 3D virtual image." The principal said with a smile, "Put two concave mirrors together to form such a phenomenon."


"Leonardo has always wanted to make a concave mirror that can be ignited, just like Archimedes ignited the Roman warships that attacked Syracuse. He lived with him in the Belvedere Palace. He was a German assistant who was supposed to assist Daphne Odd made mirrors, but the German was a lazy, disloyal, greedy ghost, and after designing the place, he sneaked back and tried to steal some holy relics to sell, but he was burned by the 'Holy Light' Greed, that's what happens to greedy people, don't be stupid, buddy." The principal said with a weird smile.

"Tell me, don't be afraid of me..."

"Keep talking." The Maltese knight still smiled, waiting for Joseph to continue.

People with insufficient good deeds will suffer in purgatory and hell. For those who have no faith, heaven and hell are simply nonsense.

Only those who believe in this statement will spend money to buy sin rolls and saint bones, which is the same as some people who believe that spending money to see a doctor can cure terminal illnesses.

Those who deserve to go to hell will still go to hell, but buying holy objects is a rope tied around the waist, which can compensate for the lack of goodwill in their hearts. If you can enter the kingdom of heaven just by paying the entrance fee, then it is a big mistake.

The Creator’s grace depends on his mood. In addition to the creation on the 7th, there are follow-ups in Genesis, such as the destruction of Sodom, which is also the content of Genesis.

Where there is creation, there is destruction, and the fossils in those rock formations are evidence of destruction.

Helping the poor turned into buying and selling souls. When the money was put into the donation box, the souls went to heaven. This became the fuse of religious reform.

In addition, the 3D imaging device with double concave mirrors is available for sale in a certain treasure, and there is also a video of the ignition of the concave mirror on the YouTube

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