Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 932 Tears of Longevity

When most people are emotionally frustrated and the pain reaches the limit, they will involuntarily cover their chests, the heart beats in pain, breathing becomes difficult, as if they will die in the next moment.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the weight of the heart determined where the soul went, and Anubis the jackal would use a feather to determine where a person went next.

This is a poetic superstition, just as the ancients believed that there are 7 small rooms in a woman's womb.

The dissected corpse is already dead, so is there such a place in the heart of the living to hold the soul?

Where did that feeling of heartbreak come from?

Catecholamine is a neurological substance of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine in the sympathetic and central nervous systems. Dopamine and adrenaline can make people feel happy, but too much of it can be fatal to people.

The sage time is the rest time God gave Adam and Eve. The secretion of dopamine in the human body will increase after the mingling of water and milk. If you don’t step on the "brake" and let it secrete, other problems will occur, such as uncontrollable excitement. Lead to schizophrenia and increased blood pressure, and catecholamines will come in handy.

However, too much catecholamines can cause many problems, and even cause localized necrosis.

Tears are the catharsis of emotions. If you want to cry but resist crying, it will easily lead to depression and endanger your physical health.

It has long been ingrained in the belief that crying is a sign of weakness, especially in men.

Such shackles make people suppress the instinct of crying. When we let the pain and sorrow eat our bodies, we also reject a healthy mode of catharsis.

Babies use crying to promote lung growth, and women live longer than men because they cry better than men.

A biochemist in Minnesota, USA, did an interesting experiment in which a group of volunteers were asked to watch a moving emotional movie first, and if they were moved to cry, they dripped tears into a test tube. A few days later, the same group of people were shed tears by chopping onions, which were collected in test tubes.

The experimental results show that the composition of "emotional tears" shed due to sadness is quite different from the "chemical tears" stimulated by onions. Catecholamines are present in "emotional tears" but not in "chemical tears".

Catecholamine is a chemical substance released by the brain under emotional stress. Excessive catecholamine can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even lead to myocardial infarction in severe cases. So when we shed "emotional tears", what is excluded is the "poison" that may be fatal.

Crying is a natural ability bestowed by the creator on the creatures, and it has its own mystery. The tears of the phoenix can heal the poison of the basilisk, so why does the phoenix cry?

Among the potion ingredients Severus treasured was a test tube of Phoenix's tears, which he managed to get from Albus Dumbledore.

If a father gave life to his son, then if the father kills his son, he should correct a mistake. Is this correct?

If Severus didn't go to Hogwarts, then his life trajectory would be very different from what it is now. In a way, Albus gave him everything, so Albus started from Severus. Is that right?

Oedipus was born without his knowledge. When Oedipus grew up, because the oracle of the Delphi Temple said that he would kill his father and marry his mother, he did not know that the king and queen of Corinth were not his biological parents. As, to prevent the oracle from being fulfilled, he left Corinth and swore never to return.

At this time, in the city of Thebes, in order to punish the crimes committed by Laios against Chrysippus, Hera, the queen of the Greek gods, sent the sphinx, the sphinx, and the whole city was in chaos. In extreme panic.

King Laios of Thebes hoped to find a way to repel the Sphinx through the oracle. On his way to the Temple of Delphi, he met Oedipus who was walking towards the city of Thebes. Because the narrow road can only accommodate one person, and the two people do not know each other, King Laius roughly ordered Oedipus to make way. He fought Laios and killed him at last.

After Oedipus entered the city of Thebes, he solved the riddle of the Sphinx: What is the animal that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night.

The banshee committed suicide in shame, and Oedipus, who saved the city of Thebes, was honored by the people and elected king. According to the custom, he married Jocasta of Laios, the queen who had lost her husband. The oracle will "kill the father and marry the mother".

Oedipus was a good man. When plague and famine came to the city of Thebes, there were constant disasters and plagues in the country ruled by Oedipus. In search of the cause of the catastrophe, the king consulted the gods to know why the disaster happened. Finally, under the revelation of the prophet Tiresias, Oedipus knew that he was the son of Laios. Oedipus, who was so sad and indignant, pierced his eyes with a brooch and went to the citizens. He admitted that he was a murderer of his father, a husband who married his mother, a villain cursed by the gods, and a monster of the earth. But the Thebes did not dislike the king they loved and respected in the past. They expressed sympathy for him, and even Creon didn't laugh at him, but hurriedly brought the man who had been punished by the gods into the inner room.

The broken-hearted Oedipus was so moved that he handed over the throne to Creon, who would take the place of his two young sons. In addition, he asked for a tomb to be built for his unfortunate mother. He also handed over his unaccompanied daughter to the new king. As for himself, he was willing to be banished from the country for having defiled the land with his double sin.

After that, Oedipus wandered around under the guidance of Antigone, and was later protected by Theseus, who had repelled the monster Minotaur, and finally died in the holy place of the goddesses.

Freud used Oedipus as a metaphor for people's spiritual world. For most people, this concept of existence is an insult to their moral background, and it is difficult for them to accept this feeling.

This metaphor is quite hysterical. All of Freud's theories are based on the instinct of babies. The sex here is not sex between adults, but a deep desire for pleasure and satisfaction. .

When a baby is hungry and cries, its mother will breastfeed it. If the mother is replaced by a wolf, the baby will also have an attachment to the wolf.

Humans also need to be trained to go to the toilet. When babies are born, they need to use wet diapers to solve the problem of defecation. Animals do not have this training, so they defecate freely in the wild. But when male animals reach a certain age, they will be severely punished by the older animals if they continue to pee everywhere.

The young lions in the pride also leave the pride when they reach a certain age, and they kill the male lions of other prides, occupy those female lions and the territory, at this time they learn to mark their land with urine, if there are other If a male lion pisses casually, he will teach the young lion the same way he taught the old lion.

Cats cover their feces and have nothing to do with being clean. They bury their feces to cover their tracks and prevent their natural enemies from finding out where they are.

This covering up of excrement is not uncommon for solitary predators, but during the rutting season, they uncharacteristically smear urine all over the place.

When the "Old Lion" was still strong, Severus didn't dare to do anything. After Albus showed obvious weakness, he regarded Hogwarts as his own territory.

He doesn't mind others hating him at all. Babies who have received "toilet training" are no longer do whatever they want. They will start to accept some social and family norms, and they will be restrained and disciplined. .

Freud believed that "toilet training" is an important turning point for babies to learn to respect the rules from being unrestrained. Get satisfaction and pleasure.

Severus had respected Albus, but since Albus wanted to kill him, that respect had disappeared.

Albus didn't tell others that Severus killed him to relieve his pain, the "sage" praised by the world as the "white wizard", the "hero" who defeated Grindelwald.

It was a crime, and if Severus hadn't died and Harry hadn't proven his innocence, he would have entered wizarding history with infamy.

Even now, seven years after the end of the war, he is not included in the Chocolate Frog picture, obviously some people who are more vicious than him can also enter the picture.

Severus preferred being a prince to being a poet, and his ambition brought him together with the Death Eaters. He would never be a Ravenclaw in his life.

The Oedipus complex makes sense because it highlights the infant's attachment to the mother, and the process by which this attachment is transformed.

It's as hard to swallow as social Darwinism, but unless that mother doesn't give him milk and doesn't give him any rewards, a boy won't have any attachment to his mother.

Lily died early, but she took care of Harry for a year, and Harry always sought the company of women when he was stressed, although he tried his best to be as strong as James.

Voldemort's mother gave him nothing but life, nothing but magic and Slytherin blood.

Why can't magic prevent death?

He couldn't figure out that death made him feel ashamed, which was different from the shame that ordinary men feel when they are rejected by women. With his appearance, he could easily please women.

Men value "self-esteem" more than anything else, and self-esteem also needs a massage. After learning that Pomona is going to eat at an expensive restaurant, the snot-nosed man is proud of "you've got it right", and can't feel her truth at all. Purpose.

Being able to go to an expensive restaurant to prove one's financial strength, the damned profiteer just took advantage of this. The price of the dishes was so expensive that Pomona felt that her wallet was being brutally murdered.

The scenery here is very good, you can see "the most beautiful living room in Europe", mirrors are common in modern times, but the mirrors in this dining room are from the 18th century, mirrors in that era were luxury goods, and the Medici red walls are still The Fortuny tapestries are hung, the floor is made of terrazzo marble, all the tableware is made of sterling silver, and all the recipes are restored by chefs from the Renaissance period, which makes people feel that they have traveled to the Renaissance era.

The woman in the mirror is wearing a gown, delicate makeup, earrings, necklaces, rings, and bracelets. Who can connect her with the muddy peasant woman.

She missed the vegetable garden with the carnivorous slugs and the Three Broomsticks where she could drink a butterbeer when the work was done.

She pays more attention to a person's inner quality, and hopes that others can see her too.

She wanted to find a husband who was simpler, the children listened to her as a teacher, Severus was too complicated, she was no match for him.

The trouble is, they're married and he's more casual with her.

"What are you thinking?" he asked while smoking a cigarette.

"If pure-bloods no longer discriminate against Muggle-borns, can people stop discriminating against poor people, people with incurable diseases, and people with mental disabilities?" She paused and said, "Women can not mind a man's appearance, men Would you be interested in a woman like Merope? Even Ron discriminated against girls from the same school, but ran after Fu Rong, if I am not beautiful someday, will you still like me?"

"You always compare me to Ron, what makes you think we are similar?" He showed his yellow teeth and smiled wickedly.

"Maybe it's because you are the kind of people who are desperate for women, like knights in the Middle Ages." She deliberately said in a hoarse voice, "The holy water of spiritualism waters the spiritual world of the barbarians full of blood donation and violence, and the most beautiful flowers come out." flowers, and you have both developed love for an ideal woman."

"Are you jealous?" he asked. "There is another woman in my heart."

If he was talking about Erin Prince, Pomona wasn't in the mood.

"I like it when you're angry, it's so real, you don't need to smirk to please me."

She picked up the fragrant martini on the table and wanted to pour it on his face, but finally resisted.

She took a sip of her wine and put the gold-rimmed cup on the table, as he spoke.

"Don't compare me with Ron. You don't like to compare yourself with others. I married a beautiful and smart woman. You don't need to worry about what will happen to you when you get old. I'm aging faster than you."


"How about mustard steak?" Severus picked up the menu and said, "Haven't had meat in a while."

At this moment, the crisp footsteps of high-heeled shoes on the ground sounded next to her. She followed the sound and looked over, and it turned out to be Monica and Gianluca.

"Pretty girls date rich guys all the time," Severus said dryly. "It's a constant."

"You know Lily isn't like that," she said angrily.

"Do you know how difficult it is to find a woman like you?" Severus smiled strangely. "Why do you want to speak for your rival?"

She wanted to say that they were not rivals in love, but she couldn't say it.

"You can be jealous, or you can make trouble out of no reason. You are a woman, not a saint. The old fool's education is really successful." He said bitterly.

Albus was pretty successful. He succeeded in letting a 17-year-old boy die.

Those old gays are very good at brainwashing. During hypnosis, the subconscious mind will resist the order of self-injury because of the desire to survive. On the contrary, when it is "awake", people will "sacrifice".

Are you dreaming or awake?

In the Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu was half asleep and half awake, just about to tell his story, when suddenly he felt someone pushing him, he was in a trance, and heard the sound of sorrow. He opened his eyes and woke up from the dream, but what he saw was Lin Daiyu, the woman who finally died of tears on the night of Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai's wedding.

According to legend, Cao Xueqin wrote the first eighty chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions, and the writer himself died in tears after writing this chapter.

Perhaps as he wrote, he couldn't tell whether he was Cao Xueqin or Jia Baoyu.

In the dream, he was still in the flower-filled Grand View Garden, and when he woke up, he was still in the shabby room. It's no wonder that this kind of life doesn't drive people crazy.

Maybe death can bring him peace, and it is a kind of torture for him to forcefully continue writing.

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