Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 931: Profound Puzzle

After the dog is trained, it will sit obediently at the door, but the cat will not be obedient no matter how hard it is taught.

There is such a cat, it used to live in Egypt, it used to be a free jungle cat, but the stupid Twolegs insisted on bringing its ancestors home to enshrine and worship them like gods.

Two-legged beasts call cats "Your Majesty". Cat slaves have existed since ancient times, from pharaohs to commoners. They have created a large number of stone monuments and sculptures for cats, so that the status of cats is higher than that of humans.

The ancestor of this little black cat was put in a basket by the Israelites and left Egypt. The days of wandering in the wilderness had no effect on it, but the life of the dog became very difficult.

Dogs lick blood, dogs eat dead bodies, dogs walk and bark in the dark when no one is around, dogs are worthless whether they live or die, so that when the Israelites scolded people, they said, "It's just a dog, how can it do such a great thing?" ?”

Later, when the Israelites built the temple, dogs were not allowed to enter, and cats were still honored guests in the temple.

It is said that cats wore heavy gold ornaments in Egypt, but they didn't need them in Solomon's temple. It was more relaxed without these gorgeous but heavy jewelry.

On this day, the little black cat had combed its fur and was bored wandering around the temple covered with gold leaf, when it suddenly noticed something different.

The door made of olive wood is engraved with the same angel as the outer hall. At this time, the two doors were not closed tightly, and there was light shining from the inside. It couldn't bear curiosity and walked over, and went in through the crack of the door. Look, the green cat's eyes reflect the fantastic scene like a mirror.

Immediately afterwards, its appearance changed.

There are various spots on the fur, the ears are particularly large, and the tail is like a lion.

Like a cat raccoon.


Pomona opened her eyes.

At this time, she has returned to her new home on Santa Elena Island, but it has not been renovated yet, and she wants to live in it and set up a tent. She wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and sat up straight again. This movement disturbed the reader who was reading a book. Severus, he's reading Freud.

"I thought you were going to snore." He said with a sneer.

She had a strange dream just now, so that she didn't want to pay attention to him so much.

Maolizi has the ability to detect who is corrupt and suspicious, just like having the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

Bast was the earliest patron saint of Lower Egypt and was once regarded as the guardian of the pharaohs, but her position was later replaced by Ra, so she and other lion goddesses were regarded as the eyes of Ra. Her name is also related to the pottery vase where the ancient Egyptians stored balm, so she is sometimes called the guardian of fragrance.

Why did she suddenly dream of such a strange scene?

Sigmund Freud, a fanatical, amorous and jealous lover, wrote this in a letter to his wife Martha:

My princess, my coming is your misfortune, I will kiss you until you are flushed, and I will feed you plump, then you will know who is the strong, the meek little girl who cannot eat enough, Or tall crazy men with cocaine in their bodies.

"Who's Stronger" is a serious joke, and Freud, who is engaged, has a strong desire to control and wants to completely control Martha.

After learning she had a young lover, Floyd said: "If I had the power to destroy the whole world, including you, and start it all over again, I would not hesitate to do so."

A man's pride comes from conquest. The process of conquest and pursuit is exciting. Freud conquered and pursued Martha to prove his manliness. However, once the conquest and pursuit ended in marriage, this feeling would change. , Compared with the passionate lover before marriage, Freud after marriage is indifferent. He never described the relationship with his wife as the source of happiness.

Pomona wondered if Martha had read Freud, but if she had, they could have a good argument on the subject of Oedipus.

Freud said that Martha liked cyclamen, a beautiful and fragile flower whose language was introversion.

Perhaps it is because that kind of flower is too fragile to bear Freud's love.

Or maybe he was too focused on science, Freud was the kind of guy who crushed flowers and stuffed them.

He regards himself as a research object, and love as a research object, and he is more interested in science than in love, even though Martha is the only woman in his life.

He knows very little about women, and what he knows about women is the result of naive masculine biased theorizing.

After studying women for thirty years, he still raised a doubt in the interview: what do women want?

In fact, he already knew the answer.

"Come here." She patted the bed.

Severus ignored her and continued reading.

After all, he is not the kind of "good dog" who will wag his tail and run over when his master barks.

"Which pharaoh do you think suffered from the Ten Difficulties of Egypt?" she said softly.

"Are you sleepy? Why do you suddenly want to discuss this topic?"

"I just had a dream, tell me what you think?"

Severus put down his book.

"What did you dream about?"

"Cat." She lay on the bed, holding her cheek and said, "Give me a massage."

"No!" He pretended to be serious and picked up the book and started reading again.

"Some say he was Ramesses II, I prefer Merneptah, the son of Pharaoh, whose stele was found by the Muggles, and tells of him quelling the rebellion in Israel, 'Canaan sadly conquered, Israel ravaged , almost extinct', let us assume that in order to quell the rebellion, Pharaoh killed or took away all the people who lived in Canaan, so that the land was uninhabited, and at this time Moses and others who fled from Egypt happened to occupy This 'land without owner', so the Israelites built the temple there."

"Do you believe the ten plagues of Egypt are real?"

"Do you think it's impossible?"

Severus looked at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought.

"Aren't you curious why cats and lilies have such miraculous powers? Just now I had a dream, a cat slipped into the inner hall where the Ark of the Covenant..."

"You're crazy," Severus said angrily.

"what are you doing?"

"Brew some potion for you."

She sat up angrily, chasing after him chattering endlessly.

"Why do you think it's impossible?"

"If a cat has the ability to distinguish between good and evil after seeing the ark, why didn't those high priests have the ability?"

"How do you know they don't?"

"What is your evidence?"

She is at a loss for words.

Severus flicked her forehead with his index finger.

"Don't be stupid."

Oh, the great Potions Master is going to boil medicine to cure her hysteria, why does she continue to follow him? See how he boils medicine? Taste the strange taste of those strange materials when you drink it later?

So she turned away again.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, she looked at her watch, it was almost dinner time, and then she began to think about a very philosophical question: What are you having for dinner tonight?

She has eaten all the seafood that she didn't eat at Hogwarts before, and she wants to eat steak!

According to Monica, there are many "expensive" restaurants near San Marco, and I ate there tonight.

That's what she thinks!

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