Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 929 Law suit

People can defend against the attacks of others, but they are powerless against the praise of others.

— Sigmund Freud

In 1997, there was a news in the newspaper that a man named Christopher Magellan, his wife and daughter disappeared in Silent Hill. The local police and firefighters and volunteers searched the entire mountain. No clues were found again, and the police even suspected that Christopher killed his wife and reported a false case.

In 1998, two psychics had published a book titled "The Coming of a New Age: Blue Children", and the missing girl named Sharon was said to be one of them.

To this day, people in this organization are still looking for Azure Children. The last time in history that there were a large number of Azure Children was the Middle Ages. At that time, they were not believers of any formal sect, but for the Holy See, they were called heretics, Persecuted under the name of magician and so on.

The purpose of this organization is to protect these gifted children from being persecuted by the church.

These blue children have a keen insight into people's hearts and can understand the feelings of others. In terms of personality characteristics, they tend to have a strong interest in unsolved mysteries, supernatural power and occultism. For example, there is a tendency to be unsociable and socially unsuitable.

So when special children are found, they are taken to a special school called Kryon.

This school is located in Canada and was built by the Hull family, the richest man in northeastern Canada at the time. It was used as the residence of the British royal family during World War II. It is a Victorian-style castle.

Now it is donated for social welfare. In addition to the donations from some caring people, the principal and his wife also provide psychic and exorcism services.

They also have a website where you can make online appointments. This organization has been providing exorcism services since 1980, and the address has never changed. It looks very formal.

"Damn it." Mills stared dumbfounded at the computer on O'Sullivan's desk, which showed the school that looked a lot like an aristocratic school.

"Do you believe it?" O'Sullivan said.

"Believe in what?"

O'Sullivan was about to speak when a colleague of the police happened to pass by. He lowered his voice and said, "Do you think it's a lunatic asylum for autism or a school for geniuses?"

"He still communicates in the language of Earth, right?" Mills said. "Or did you learn Klingon?"

"Ethan Logan is Canadian, and I can't detain him for too long." O'Sullivan said helplessly, "And he is accompanied by a lawyer. Nowadays, exorcism and exorcism are very profitable, but sometimes they will get into trouble." Lawsuit, so... you know."

"Oh my God." Mills moaned, covering his head.

"I am an atheist, but my aunt believes in this." O'Sullivan said, "Private hospitals are much more expensive than public hospitals, but they can enjoy some fast services that cannot be enjoyed in public hospitals. I heard her say to make an appointment with the Vatican. The exorcist needs to wait for a long time, and the procedure is as cumbersome as a free medical clinic, can you contact the priest who treats you?"

"He's in the Vatican now."

O'Sullivan was silent.

A 17-year-old girl died. Although she jumped from the third floor, the driver who hit her is now being questioned in the interrogation room.

They could treat it like a freak car accident, where people die almost every day in Los Angeles.

"It's weird, man, it's weird." O'Sullivan said while shaking his head. "I have a bad feeling."

"Is that him?" Mills asked, looking into another interrogation room. Inside, there was a middle-aged man anxiously looking at his watch. His suit looked good, like a Wall Street elite.

"That's right." O'Sullivan glanced at the interrogation room and said.

Mills stood up and walked directly to the interrogation room.

A lawyer sat next to Ethan Logan, and they watched as Mills closed the door of the interrogation room, and then sat across from them.

"I was sent by the church to investigate the possession of Angela Warren." Mills said straight to the point, "What do you know?"

"Don't say anything." The lawyer said, "There are audio and video recordings in this room."

"I'll tell you when I get out." Ethan said to Mills with a triumphant smile.

"It was just the two of you in the room, and if the devil wanted to transfer his body, it would transfer to you." Mills said seriously. "You know that, right?"

Ethan's smile disappeared.

"I know an exorcist from the Vatican. He is still famous in your world, or do you want your colleagues to help you?"

"I don't think you are qualified to appear in the interrogation room, sir."

"Mills, David Mills."

"I know you." Ethan opened his eyes wide and said as if he had discovered a new world, "You are the policeman who killed the Seven Deadly Sins Killer."

"That's a movie," said the lawyer.

"Obviously you haven't been involved with enough cases. Are you still an intern at a law firm?" Mills slumped on a chair and said casually, as if he had already taken control of the overall situation.

"Koreans on the roof," Ethan said. "They're overshadowing the Seven Deadly Sins Killer."

"Thanks to them, that perverted dream didn't come true. He hoped that more people would imitate his way of 'preaching'." Mills spit on the ground. "I killed him, but his soul has been following me, The exorcist I knew put him in 'prison'."

"You mean hell?" Ethan said with bright eyes.

"No, Solomon bottled the devil, and the Egyptians bottled their own organs."

"Oh, why didn't I think of that."

"It's not as simple as you think, well, tell me what you know."

"Don't listen to him," the lawyer warned. "Do you believe a glass bottle can trap ghosts?"

"He doesn't believe you," Mills said. "He thinks mediums and voodoo are liars."

"Not all psychics are real, but voodoo is real!" Ethan corrected seriously.

"Did you use psychotropic drugs while hypnotizing Angela Warren?"

"No, she has always been very cooperative, I thought I hypnotized her." Ethan seemed to be caught in some kind of horrible memory, and said anxiously, "Do you know animal magnetism?"

"What?" Mills frowned.

"I need a lot of hints to hypnotize people, but she stared at me for a while, and I was hypnotized by her, you know, it was like falling in love..."

"Be careful they sue you." The lawyer said coldly "What my client wants to express is just a metaphor, not his real thoughts."

"Animal magnetism is a healing method that few people know in modern times, but it was very popular in the 18th century. Angela is a very special girl. I think she may be a blue child."

"But she died," Mills said, "and your memory went blank at a crucial moment."

"I didn't kill her." Ethan clenched his fists. "In fact, she can make me jump out of the window sill. The third floor will not be life-threatening. I will follow her orders. If it is the 26th floor, my subconscious mind can judge It is life-threatening. Under the influence of the desire to survive, I will resist her orders. Even in a state of deep hypnosis, it is difficult for the hypnotist to make the hypnotized person do things against his orders, especially if the orders are harmful or against human nature. when."

"Is it possible that the devil possessed by Angela wanted you to jump off the building, and she jumped off herself in order to save you?" Mills asked, "It's just that she didn't notice that there was a car passing downstairs."

"That's enough." The lawyer smiled stiffly, "Please don't say another word, Ethan, or the best lawyer in America won't be able to help you."

Ethan stares thoughtfully at Mills, who smiles at him triumphantly.

Then he stood up, opened the door and left the interrogation room, and the uniformed policemen outside the door ignored him, as if he was still a plainclothes detective.

Leta Kist turned into a beetle and was locked in a bottle by Hermione. I remembered Solomon's bottle and the Egyptian scarab. How could Rita survive without giving her food after being locked up for so many days?

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