Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 928 The Narrow Gate of Heaven

Americans like to dream very much, and Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" has spread all over the world.

Old Ford also had a dream. His dream was that every self-reliant American would have a Ford car and share happy time with his family in God's vast land. In order to realize his dream, he founded the assembly line.

Old Ford has always denied his relationship with the Taylor system, and even said that his inspiration came from the slaughterhouse in Chicago. The slaughterhouse unloaded the "parts" one by one, and he installed them one by one.

But in reality, without the standardization advocated by Taylor, without the control charts devised by Gantt, Ford's dream would have been nothing more than a dream.

There are many things, even if the purpose of its existence at the beginning is good, but later it deviates from the original intention. The purpose of the Taylor system is to increase labor productivity and increase workers’ wages. Everyone thinks about getting something for nothing. There is indeed a grinder problem. Municipal projects in London take almost several years to complete. The workers who lay the floor tiles only stay on site for half a day, and half of the time is spent chatting.

Jesus once told a parable. The workers who worked in the vineyard received one silver coin as a reward each day. The workers all come, and they are paid, from the last to the first.

They all got the same wages in the end, and the first ones complained, "We toil and heat all day, and the last ones only one hour. Do you make them the same as us?"

The head of the family replied to one of them, "My friend, I have not wronged you. Didn't you agree with me for a silver coin a day?

This parable shows that God has the right to reward workers. He can be gracious to whomever he wants. Besides, those who come late to work are not lazy on purpose, but they have not found an employer.

Taylor believes that productivity is a problem that both parties ignore, partly because managers and workers do not understand what is a "reasonable workload for a day" and "reasonable compensation for a day". The distribution of profits, but almost ignorant of the "win-win" model of how to improve production efficiency so that both labor and capital can get more remuneration.

Beginning in 1881, he conducted a "Metal Cutting Experiment," from which he worked out a reasonable workload for each metal cutting worker's working day. After two years of preliminary trials, a set of workload standards was developed for workers. This standard is called KPI. Most people cannot achieve autonomy and enthusiasm in their work without KPI indicators. Capitalists don’t know how much work workers can do in a day, but they always feel that workers work less and get more wages. Therefore, the exploitation of workers is often increased by prolonging working hours and increasing labor intensity.

With this standard, the production efficiency is improved, and high efficiency means that employees and employers achieve common prosperity. Workers can leave early after completing the quota work. If they feel that they have spare capacity and want to earn more money, they can continue to work and work harder. More, so that the size of the worker's contribution is closely linked to the level of wages.

When Taylor formulated the work quota, he formulated it "without compromising the health of the worker", to find out the fastest way to do each step of the work, to eliminate all wrong movements, slow movements and ineffective movements, and to use the fastest and best movements. Combined with the best tools.

Modern KPIs are designed to maximize profits, and they have been set higher than the sky, even to the point where workers risk sudden death to complete them.

Tyler set the standard by his own experience, while the "manager" drinking coffee in the office did not experience it at all.

They press on step by step. This KPI is completed, and the next time it will continue to improve. In order to resist, the workers began to be lazy and did not complete it. Contradictions began to appear again, and the capitalists had an excuse: "Your KPI has not been completed", The onlookers were busy with their work. They didn't know what the colleague had gone through, so they watched him being "eliminated".

His vacancy will always be filled by young and cheap workers. These young people have physical strength and drive, just like newborn calves, which are different from those "old cows".

The energy of a 35-year-old is definitely not the same as that of a 25-year-old. In addition, long-term overloading causes diseases, and the old guys will be eliminated by the "law of the jungle".

Jacob had a dream. He wanted to open a bakery. However, when he was young, he participated in World War I and got nothing. In the war, other people took some spoils, but he didn't do that. He returned to the United States In the end, he could only go to work in a canning factory.

Such is the price of maintaining humanity in war.

He won't be able to work in the factory for long at that age. If he hadn't met Newt Scamander and his bird snake, he would have been crushed to a pulp by the war machine and the state machine like other veterans.

Dante's Hell once described the Venetian arsenal, which also uses modern assembly lines for production, but Pomona came into contact with the descendants of an arsenal worker, and they did not feel that their lives were miserable.

On the contrary, in Venice, which was reduced to hell due to the attack of the Black Death, you can have a stable job, stable food, medical security, books to read, and live in a factory surrounded by walls without worrying about thugs and sick people. Here, they consider themselves lucky.

The work they do is also meaningful. The ships they made gave Venice the best navy in the Mediterranean, and they protected the "most honorable" Republic of Venice. On the contrary, there is something wrong with Dante, the poet who produced it. Why does he keep peeping? arsenal? Could it be that they want to steal Venice's military secrets?

A Chinese writer once used this analogy: Marriage is a besieged city, people outside the city want to get in, and people inside the city want to get out.

In fact, work is the same. People who have no work want to go in, and those who are overwhelmed by work want to come out.

There is no problem with the Taylor system. The problem is with those who implement the system. Have they personally experienced the standards they set up?

There is an old Chinese saying, don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself.

There is no way out when dreams and reality are mixed together, Pomona caresses the pile of birds, snakes and cockroaches, sits on the gondola, rests her head on Severus' shoulder, watching the Spanish merchant's house drifting away Gradually, the two house-elves of the Lorraine family bowed towards them.

Maybe she was having a dream too, and when she woke up, she was the lonely fat Hufflepuff woman, and Severus Snape was buried in love with Lily.

Everything was her wishful thinking. Like the nuns in the Provence monastery, she thought that the priest had a relationship with herself.

A lunatic has the logic of a lunatic. When Ishikawa Miyuki killed those babies, she thought that these poor children had no way to survive in this world. She just pulled them out of future tragedies.

If you are poor, you have no right to live.

This statement was also supported by many people. Ishikawa Miyuki who killed more than 100 babies was only sentenced to eight years in prison, while her accomplice was sentenced to four years in prison. In 1952, the Tokyo High Court revoked the original sentence and sentenced Miyuki Ishikawa to four years in prison and her accomplice to two years in prison.

Given that she was imprisoned in 1948, the verdict was tantamount to announcing her release.

So what is your logic? Pomona, or are you out of your mind at all?

Her world revolves around Severus being alive, and if he dies, then the world she created collapses.

When Jesus preached, he said that for those who do not repent, they should be like fruitless fig trees and vine branches, get rid of them, make them dry, throw them into the fire and burn them.

To those who know repentance, treat them like brothers and eat with them.

Mary of Second Salem would have given Credence a bite, but she abused him and left him parasitized by dark silence.

Dumbledore's sister Ariana was attacked by three Muggle children, and finally the magic rioted, and even St. Mungo's doctor couldn't save her.

Muggles abuse wizards' children, why should wizards open the door selflessly for Muggles? What about imparting wizarding knowledge to Muggles?

Caredy Bubbaji is too naive. She is undoubtedly a caring, equal and respectful person like Hermione Granger, who advocated the elimination of racial discrimination all her life.

But like Freud said, most people don't actually want freedom, because freedom includes responsible people, and most people don't like responsibility.

Just like Voldemort's Muggle father old Tom Riddle, it's not that he doesn't have money to raise a child, it's just that he doesn't want to be responsible.

The point is that it wasn't all his fault, because he drank the love potion to sleep with Voldemort's Squib mother.

You abandon me, and I abandon you. Blood relationship has no effect between the two, and the indifference is to the point of ruthlessness.

"You robbed the house-elves of the wine?" Pomona asked, wondering for a long time.

"No, I give them potions, and house-elves get sick too." Severus said softly, "Do you know what is the most pitiful thing about that old man we met just now?"

"Can you tell me directly, Professor?" she said, looking at him with a smirk.

"Those goblins obliterated all his cognition and subverted his existing common sense. The worldview he once thought was right and honored him was wrong. He searched for a long time in people's hearts, but he couldn't find a place to accommodate the soul. Now But saw the 'devil', if I told him those little monsters are not devils, but goblins, it's harder for him to accept, he needs a place to find peace, even in the religious world full of lies, a highly educated man like him A heart surgeon is no different from an ordinary farmer when he gets old."

And the reason why Severus didn't tell the truth was because he pitied the old Muggle?

She hooked his neck and kissed his lips. Although the garlic smell in his mouth hadn't dissipated, she didn't think it was important.

She just regretted that she hadn't finished reading the paintings in Notre Dame in the Vegetable Garden just now on impulse, and she hadn't seen the "Sacrifice of the Golden Calf" painted by Tintoretto.

In the story of the golden calf, people had no intention of committing a crime at first, but when the prophet Moses did not return on schedule, they panicked and created a false idol worship.

They created a false dwelling place of God, hoping to bring God down to the world. This is a sin, just like people trying to build towers to reach heaven.

They just don't know that their approach is wrong. Even though the golden calf is similar to the cherubim, they are fundamentally different things.

Just like composers and copyists, even if what they finally draw with their strokes are notes that can be sung.

The later ones are paid the same as the ones who worked for a day, so it's not fair.

Buddhism also has a similar problem. Those who have practiced Buddha for a lifetime are not as good as those who have epiphany at the end of their lives.

so sad

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