Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 895 Romance Scam

In 1630, when the Black Death broke out again in Venice, the women of Venice, rich or poor, prayed to the Virgin Mary, hoping that she would save the city, while the men sent the sick to the city. Poveglia Island.

Nosebleeds are a harbinger of death. Men and women first develop nameless lumps on the inner thighs and underarms, some as big as apples and eggs, from which the lumps spread all over the body, and then black spots appear, especially on the arms and thighs. Almost everyone with symptoms will die within three days, and those who are lucky enough to survive gather in a safe house, lock themselves up, and live carefully.

Prayer is the hope of human beings to use supernatural power to achieve their own goals, and it can also be regarded as the last refuge.

Where there are miracles, there is religion, and then there are temples, churches and other places of worship. This is the custom of human beings for thousands of years.

Regardless of whether the disappearance of the plague is the prayer of the women or the promise of the elders, to build a church for Mary is to borrow the power of miracles, and those who maintain awe are often not arrogant, nor will they use Wax wings to challenge the sun.

Poveglia Island and Sentosa Island, formerly known as Endless Island, are small islands that locals will not go to. In order to purify the dark forces on the island, the Italian government also specially sent people to the island to plant blackberries, preparing for future asset sales like Sentosa Island.

Buyers in Singapore are lucky. They haven’t heard of ghosts on Sentosa Island yet. Strange things happen frequently on Poveglia Island. Local workers won’t go there no matter how short of money they are. Only foreigners who don’t know the basics will. to construction.

Every country has such a dark and depressive history. Before immigration, the masters of North America were Indians. They had many tribes, there were wars among them, and they worshiped different totems. One of them was called Silent Hill. It was originally a religious holy place for the Indians and the habitat of the silent elves. The early British colonists also settled here in the early 17th century.

But in the 19th century, smallpox became popular. At that time, Britain had begun to vaccinate to curb the spread of smallpox. Indians without smallpox immunity died in large numbers, while nothing happened to the British.

Britain used Silent Hill as a place of exile abroad, and opened prisons and hospitals here. Later, the prison closed and Silent Hill was once again abandoned. In the 1850s, another group of pioneers discovered coal deposits in Silent Hill, and Silent Hill flourished again.

During the Civil War, this place was used as a prisoner of war camp, during which large-scale killings of prisoners of war occurred. After the Civil War, the prisoner of war camp was closed, and Silent Hill began to become a tourist attraction.

There is Toluca Lake near the town. The lake is full of water vapor. It is surrounded by dense fog all year round. Although there have been supernatural events such as the mysterious disappearance of yachts, it is considered an unlucky lake, but as long as you don’t go to By that lake, it is still a very peaceful place.

Ackerman real estate developer in Manhattan intends to build Silent Hill as a vacation and recuperation resort. It will have conference facilities, a shopping mall, a golf course, a nursing home, a spa, two separate hospitals, and other shops and tourist attractions.

According to the regulations of the EB-5 investment project, foreigners who invest more than 500,000 yuan in the project can obtain a green card through the investment immigration plan, which is a convenient way to apply for residency. Such a good thing has attracted many foreign investors who want to immigrate to the United States. Everyone is very excited.

In the end, as many as 199 foreign investors provided funds for Silent Hill, and this amount alone was close to 100 million yuan. In addition, each investor needs to pay an additional 40,000 yuan in management fees, so the amount involved exceeds 100 million yuan.

According to the publicity of this project that year, it is a very promising project, and the investor will return all the 500,000 investment in five years.

But unexpectedly, not only did these investors not get their green cards, but they might not be able to get back their 500,000 capital.

The hottest product is not the best, but the most successful marketing is.

Although the Silent Hill resort was repaired as expected, it has never had any guests, let alone a profit.

At that time, the resort project was very popular, Silent Hill had many competitors, and with the reputation of Silent Hill, wouldn’t it be nice to have a seaside resort with a beach?

It is useless to initiate a lawsuit. This project is a private placement. This method can exempt the registration process with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Ackman’s contractual loopholes that prevented foreign investors from canceling their loans to get their money back were an orchestrated fraud from the start.

Although bank lending is convenient, there is no quick cash flow. What's more, many investors have chosen to swallow their anger. Only 78 of the 199 investors chose to join the lawsuit, and the remaining 121 investors bought one for $500,000. green card.

Everyone wants to be respected, but not necessarily if you respect others, others will respect you.

American culture upholds wolf nature, and cannot be respected through prayer and supplication like believers, and must do everything possible to become a "winner".

"Losers" will not be pitied by others, but onlookers will laugh at them, and will step on them, adding salt to the wounds. Nicola, who sold costumes and was driven back to his hometown by fashion magazines, once said that he saw someone The homeless man's shoes are stolen, the homeless man's shoes are worthless, the problem is that there are no shoes, in that big apple street full of broken glass, he can easily bleed and hurt, some people are so boring, like to have fun like that.

But Pomona also met good Americans, like the Julian Locke who taught children about volcanoes in the British Museum, the anti-sugar Yuki Nakamura, and Scamander's wife Tina.

Every country has good people and bad people. If investors are willing to spend some time comparing more projects, maybe the fate will be different.

Someone once said that the change of public opinion in the United States from the printing rule to the TV rule is entering an era of entertainment to death.

What used to be rational, orderly, and logical has gradually become out of context, superficial, and fragmented, and all public discourse appears in the form of entertainment. It's like a shredder that shreds other people's culture and splices it together into a plausible, "interesting" Frankenstein.

When Pomona and the others found the two doctors who had seen the young man who had gone to explore the island of death just now, they were drinking coffee and telling jokes.

This is a hospital donated by the church. The TV in the corridor is showing the picture of John Paul II praying. He is really very old, his back is bent, and he looks like a question mark.

In 1939, the German army occupied Poland. The German army closed all universities, and all students were forced to end their studies. During the occupation period, all men were required to do manual labor and all higher education was banned. John Paul II once Worked in quarries and chemical plants.

Maybe it was because of that experience that his body was so bad.

Pomona readjusted her gaze to the two Muggle doctors.

When she looked away, the TV screen flickered for a moment, as if the signal was bad, but it quickly returned to normal.

The world will always confuse you the way you like.

People living in the Apollonian world are shrouded in a halo effect, and their eyes are dazzled by the colorful lights.

In addition to the recent popular predictions about the end of the world in 2012, Maya has a legend.

There is a group of people, although they are called warriors, they have inherited the spirit of their ancestors. They have the brilliance of wisdom in their heads and the power of compassion in their hearts. They will not harm any life.

Together with their many light-skinned brothers and sisters, they set out to change the planet. Under the banner of the rainbow, people of all races and all beliefs will unite to spread the concept that human beings should live in harmony with nature.

Legend has it that these rainbow warriors finally prevented the destruction and disintegration of the earth through fierce non-violent struggles, peace and prosperity ruled the world for a long time, and the golden age of joy and harmony finally came to the world.

The rainbow warrior is much cooler than the "zombie", although holding a rainbow flag is reminiscent of gay.

The prototype is the Harbor Plaza plan, Riverside, Florida, where there is a Riverside University

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