Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 894 Hero and Mother


The sharp female scream caught Pomona's attention, and she saw a female tourist turned pale with fright from a bloody monster with a rotten face and a leaky nose, and the monster smiled ferociously.

At this time, they were in the San Sebastian Hospital in Venice, and the monster that appeared at the entrance of the hospital was called "zombie".

Americans' "taste" for monsters is still the same as before, mainly to cause "bloody" visual effects, and they completely confuse the concept of carnival and Halloween.

In the movie, it is said that the place where the virus broke out is a place called Raccoon City, because people infected by the virus turned into living dead, behaved crazy and irrational, would devour the flesh and blood of living people or other animals, and would continue to infect. Once the mutation is irrecoverable, there are a lot of them, and they harm humans and animals in groups, except for the same kind, which is basically the same as the method of zombie deer infecting the same kind.

Those who can survive in the movie are estimated to be genetically mutated, just like the rest of the human ancestors survived the catastrophe caused by prions.

In addition to the "zombies" caused by viruses, there is another kind of "zombies". They are actually living people. Because of drugs or other reasons, their nervous systems have mutated as if they were wired wrongly.

This is the United States, a world where people eat people, and drugs are rampant, marijuana is relatively mild, and heroin is more rampant, and other strange chemical narcotics for the thrill of experience, these drugs may affect the human body. Brain damage.

The hypothalamus has the function of temperature regulation and endocrine management. If the hypothalamus is damaged, the body’s heat dissipation mechanism will be out of control, and the body temperature will soar. This is different from the inflammatory response caused by the virus.

Scientists dissected the animals. After the brainstem was cut across the hypothalamus, the body temperature could not remain relatively stable; if the brain was removed above the diencephalon, the temperature regulation could still remain relatively stable.

After millions of years of evolution, the human body has evolved a set of mechanisms to protect the body. The brain and nervous system will control muscle strength. The average person can only exert less than one-fifth of it. The overload training of athletes and martial artists can make muscles The power is exerted to 30%~40%.

Just like the engine of a car or airplane, the faster the speed, the faster the damage will be. If you drive at full speed, it will be scrapped at one time. First, the bones will be broken, because the bones cannot bear such a large force.

People will burst out with incredible potential at the moment of life and death. At this time, the priority of saving life is higher than protecting the body. In theory, a weak woman can also overturn the truck and rescue the baby under the car.

However, this explosive force cannot last long and will cause serious damage to the muscles and tendons of the human body, especially the brain, which may be irreversibly damaged.

Human feeding behavior also exists in the hypothalamus. Electrically stimulating the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus makes the animal refuse to eat. After destroying this nucleus, the animal's appetite increases, and it can eat everything, including the same kind, and it does not feel full.

Puppies are prone to being overstuffed, which is directly related to the underdevelopment of their hypothalamus. When the temperature is too high, dogs will actively reduce their food intake, and humans will also lose their appetite in summer. They lose interest in meat and instead have an appetite for vegetables and fruits. increased.

Diseases of the hypothalamus are often accompanied by abnormal emotional reactions. Many Americans suffer from alcoholism. Proper drinking is good for physical and mental health, but alcoholism can cause brain damage or even pathological changes.

A man proposes to a woman and swears to be good to her for the rest of his life, but after marriage he yells at her and even commits violence.

This situation not only requires an immediate divorce, but even requires the police to set up a restraining order to prevent her ex-husband from approaching her.

In order to live without relying on men after divorce, women took to the streets to express their demands and demand the right to fair labor.

The new immigrants are just like the British who got carried away in the South Sea bubble. They are not familiar with the situation in the New World. They have illusions and desperately want to become American.

Old immigrants crowd out new immigrants, and new immigrants crowd out illegal immigrants. After being beaten by "reality", they are full of sense of loss in life.

Oh, that's not what I thought.

The South Sea Bubble also promised Britain and Spain to reconcile, and got the right to trade in South America.

The American Dream is the biggest scam in the 21st century. The financial wizards have disguised the illegal project of "house purchase immigration" under the guise of legality, cheated the regulatory authorities, and even the regulatory authorities participated in it, packaged the real estate bubble and risks, and passed them on to the final In the hands of low- and middle-income earners who followed suit.

The poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer, as the Matthew Effect says.

If I give up my green card, I can only go back to China, but my fellow countrymen still envy me that I can immigrate. Marriage means that a woman's mind is dizzy. Divorce is often calm. Marriage requires a cooling-off period to clear up the dizzy mind. Just like immigrants, they must think properly, instead of thinking with their brains and following the trend.

The American Dream is essentially the same as "painting cakes to satisfy hunger". Zodiac is a recognized high-IQ crime. The American Dream is that both men and women can achieve the greatest achievements based on their own qualities and be recognized by society.

The actual situation is that if Zodiac does not kill people, no one will pay attention to him. The serial killer plot and "zombie culture" in the United States show their mental state.

A high fever can make people confused, and it has become a habit for the American people to "overdraft" consumption, which has also made the debt of American citizens continue to rise.

There is a saying in Italy that if you want to achieve your goal, you must slow down. The power gained by overdrawing your life will produce a lot of power in a short time, but it is like caffeine and nicotine. Because of excessive intake, people will feel anxiety, but nicotine does not have this feeling.

Smoke another one when you feel sleepy. While it can refresh your mind quickly, it also really destroys people's sleep quality. Human sleep is determined by the biological clock. Smokers use smoking to force refreshment, which will lead to an inherent cycle There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to sleep when you're supposed to be sleeping when you're interrupted.

Children can always be carefree and sleep soundly and soundly. In the turbulent years, a good night's sleep without dreams is a luxury.

The purpose of a house is to allow people to sleep in it with peace of mind, but the homeless are not so lucky. Wild cats and domestic cats have different life spans. Pet cats have owners who can feed them, and there are comfortable cat litters , the wild cat has to rely on itself for everything, and if it catches the mice except for the medicine, it can only consider itself unlucky if it is poisoned.

Erin chose Tobia, but he didn't treat her well. Severus swore that he would never be a husband like Tobias in the future, but he would always be Tobias Snape's son.

And he was a very strong headmaster, and when he strode forward in this Muggle hospital, the scene that used to play out in the corridors of Hogwarts school reappeared.

Seeing him from a distance, the crowd stepped aside, making way for him to pass just like Moses divided the Red Sea.

Pomona, who followed him, couldn't help thinking that if he hadn't told Voldemort that prophecy back then, maybe Lily would have died, and there would have been no legendary Potter. James would have taken good care of them, mother and child, and Harry would have lived with an ordinary grew up like a teenager.

On the contrary, Neville, whose parents were both Aurors, would most likely become an orphan.

A mother will unleash his potential for the sake of his son. Neville's magic power is far from that of Harry's. It is not an easy task to tap and unleash his potential.

In order to inspire his magic power, his uncle threw him upstairs, and Neville awakened when life and death were at stake.

The same method probably won't work a second time. Potions professor Severus and these two "sons of prophecy" really have a bad relationship, and neither of them can make people feel at ease.

If consciousness can dominate the unconscious, why study psychology?

All religions, theology, philosophies are discussing this issue, using other people's love and hope to blackmail, that's why America is so messed up

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