Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 868 Chaos Dragon

After the Thermidorian coup, from the perspective of the ruling class, the Thermidorians in power represented the interests of the big bourgeoisie, and the regime did not change hands, nor was it controlled by feudal forces or the masses. Therefore, the French Revolution ended in the victory of the bourgeoisie.

Judging from the measures taken after the coup, such as the release of a large number of suspects, the abolition of the comprehensive price limit law, the restoration of capitalist economic freedom, and so on.

The price limit order of the Jacobin faction was cancelled, and food prices continued to skyrocket according to the relationship between supply and demand. The Bird Moon Uprising and the Huayue Uprising belonged to hunger riots, opposed to rising prices, and opposed bourgeois rule. However, the seemingly righteous bourgeoisie and the feudal lords are actually the same breed, and the new government has not solved any problems.

The Jacobin regime was not simply a "provisional government" that resisted foreign enemies, but the Thermidorian party's retrogression after the Thermidorian coup eventually led to the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty.

Even if France introduced China's open warehouse system like the United States, with their level of extravagance and belligerence, this system would collapse.

Pomona returned to St. Elena's residence. Everything here is brand new, and she can match it as she likes. An ordinary woman should be keen on this.

She was more interested in other things.

Was the assassination that Arthur Weasley encountered a real assassination, or a self-directed and self-acted "self-examination".

The place where he was assassinated was not far from Slytherin's defense area. Although they were cast aside by others if they refused to be rescued, they also cleared up the charges related to the assassination. They all have alibi.

If Saint-Just hadn't been busy with his speeches, persuading the Jacobins to give up the reign of terror, but seized the time to suppress the Thermidorians and fulfill his duties as a soldier, then history would be another matter.

Success or failure is a matter of thought, and reckless saving of others may put you in a difficult situation, just like someone getting an electric shock, if you directly hold his hand, you will also get an electric shock.

After learning the knowledge, I know that dry wooden sticks can insulate. To save someone, you must protect yourself first, otherwise it will be just one more victim. People must know how to adapt.

During the Nika riots, Justinian’s general Besaliliu led the army back to Constantinople to suppress it. The style of the army was different from the coup d’état.

Soldiers worship heroes, especially those who can live and die with themselves. Although he is handsome, Saint-Just is recognized by the soldiers. He is not one of those aristocrats in Paris salons who wear wigs and powder their faces and rule with terror. The method of rectifying military discipline is bloody, but the effect is very good.

The same pair of shoes, different people wear different feelings, some people think it is too small and uncomfortable, some people think it is just right.

Severe punishments cannot be used to deal with those who like money and luxury life. Robespierre is a ready-made example. If they are in a hurry, they will form an alliance to launch a coup.

This is the real dissatisfaction. Calvin’s disagreement with Kingsley is mostly about work, and Kingsley is not a dictator.

At present, Lucius Malfoy has not been forced to the point of forming an alliance with the Parkinson family, which now clearly supports pure bloodism. He is desperately trying to wipe off the pure blood mark on his body, which is now almost equal to Voldemort.

It is a good thing that Pansy broke up with Draco because he couldn't stand the pressure. The Greengrass family has always remained neutral. They did not become rich and powerful because they followed Voldemort, nor did they become famous because they supported the Order of the Phoenix.

Naxisha really pampered Draco too much, it's good for him to be a doctor like this.

In St. Mungo's, doctors use shock therapy to treat mental illness, and it is not known whether it has any effect on "possession".

In the mid-1980s, the medical term "shock therapy" was introduced into economics by American economist Jeffrey Sachs to treat the Bolivian government's economy.

Shock is very close to death. Once it occurs, it must be detected and treated early. The result of leaving it alone is death. "Sun Tzu Nine Places" says: Throw in the dead and then survive, fall into the dead and then live.

Puyi was still recruiting people to serve him at the last moment, and it is not surprising that he became the king of subjugation in the end.

The situation of Louis XVI is quite special. If everyone can calm down and think, and don't be carried away by "revolutionary enthusiasm", maybe France can also be a constitutional monarchy.

The people of Paris captured the Bastille because of the instigation of the sensual Marquis de Sade. The Bastille is a prison for the nobles. Bring him food outside.

Ordinary people don't know the details of the prison, thinking that it is a hell on earth like the Inquisition. After the Bastille was captured, it was demolished, and the stones were used to build bridges. There is no evidence to prove the vampire Giovanni's statement. The Marquis de Sade was also sent to a madhouse, and his wife divorced him at the airport.

A lunatic is different from an ordinary person's understanding of madness. At that time, the Marquis de Sade seemed to speak normally, and he could spell correctly. The lunatic asylum shut him up for a while and released him.

Later, he also said that he joined the Jacobins. Even a lunatic like him knew that property cannot be given casually. He refused to let the Jacobins ask him to hand over the palace and family property in Provence. He gradually deviated from the mainstream thinking at that time. , was pushed to the guillotine, just before the execution Robespierre fell, he was released again, this time he lost all his property, became destitute, had to sell all his family's wealth, and did odd jobs Weisheng, the works he wrote can't sell much.

Women's romance novels are mostly about romance, while male authors focus on "visual impact", but this impact is still limited. I can't even read it anymore, and the books he wrote can't be sold at all.

After Napoleon came to power, he was imprisoned without trial because he wrote outdated novels. He was called crazy and was sent to the madhouse again.

In a wilderness east of the Garden of Eden, there is a male monster, Behemoth, and another female beast occupying the sea, named Leviathan. came and passed away as a sacrifice to the Holy One.

This Leviathan is strong enough to be compared with Satan, and she has another name, which is "jealousy" in the "seven deadly sins".

Leviathan has a double-faced personality. She is not only a tool to measure the depth of love, but also an inducement to turn love into hatred.

Philosophers like Religion and Confucius tried to put Leviathan in a cage, but doing so created a lot of problems as well, men cannot accept women having multiple spouses, how can women not be jealous and share one husband peacefully?

It is impossible for men and women to have complete equal rights, but there should be a bottom line, beyond which everything that was once beautiful will become very ugly.

Leviathan has the meaning of "twisting" and "vortex" in Hebrew.

Whirlpools aren't always as beautiful as galaxies and blue holes.

At this moment, Severus suddenly appeared downstairs, and the Adriatic Sea without the setting sun looked like a monster about to wake up, breathing heavily.

Although the transfer of ownership is only tomorrow, they have already regarded this place as their own house.

Hopefully it won't be as ruined as their first home.

Venetian profiteers will not sell good things so easily. If the owners of the 13 palaces do not want their investment to sink to the bottom of the sea, they must find a way to keep Venice from sinking.

Their Moses plan didn't work, and they doubted how much money was invested, but they built a new Venice on Elena Island. After all, the group's name was "New Venice".

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